Monday, December 05, 2005

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas - Johnny Mathis

As I walked back to me halls after lecture, I was pleasantly surprised to see a large tall Christmas tree on Square 3 of the campus! :-)

Wait a minute - that wasn't there when I was going for the lectures, was it?

They have put up the deco in the library too - a huge tree, tinsel and mini trees on each PC monitor at the main desk. Nice.

I was planning to get a wreath to put on me door. The choices are plentiful (they even have wreaths made out of REAL holly!!!!). But as I was browsing for it - and debating whether I shud get silver bells instead - I saw the Christmas tree on display! And I got it without any hessitation!!!!

Silver... er... maroon bells!!! Close-up of the X'mas tree in me room!
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Check out pics of it in me sunny room here.

i've started to put up my tree edi...
but had to stop halfway cause the stupid lights are busted
sigh... i used to love putting up the tree when i was young!

the law office is all decked wif tinsel too - and they are giving out free chocs at the counter. must think of more reasons to go to the office...
how about for the mistletoe? ;)

dont bluff, i know you're sure gonna scan the room to see if there's any in the doorways...
nope. no mistletoe, nor are there any T.O.W. missiles!

hehehe. sori. couldn't resist that - private joke wif kc, jt, weng soon - and whoever who watched futurama x'mas episode (which i jus watched again yesterday!).
eh. no updates for so long. u changed ur blog again? :P
no, he's too busy putting up the mistletoe hoping to get lucky...
*swoons* people actually read my blog!!!

i'll be back!
awww MAN!
so perasaan, see la kc what you did
made his ego and head swell up like a baloon

trust me, its the mistletoe thats keeping him...
wow, more comments than postings in the past one week. that's gotta be a record! :p

p.s. akaka, for 'word verification', the word was 'yusak'!!
so the trick is not to post too often in order to get more comments!!!

p/s - shel, the mistletoes here are REAL, not the fake ones u get at home! btw, why the sudden obsession wif mistletoes? i'm sure u r thinking of turkey a lot these days, rite? and not the poultry kind... ;-P
hmmm so it wasn't the mistleoe.

p/s : thats was a really fowl joke...
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