Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Let me let go - Faith Hill
Fakta-fakta yang terkandung dalam surat ini perlu saya hebahkan dengan cara ini kerana pada akhir-akhir ini tidak banyak lagi kenyataan saya yang disiarkan, sama ada oleh media massa elektronik atau cetak, walaupun mereka menghantar wakil untuk menghadiri sidang akhbar saya.
Translation: The facts contained in this letter had to be broadcasted in this manner because lately, a lot of my statements have not been reported, be it by the print or electronic media, even though they had sent their representatives to the press conferences that i have held.
I read the aforesaid paragraph with some amount of amusement. It is a letter sent to the press - and it reeks of a man who is desperate of attention - and who failed to admit that his time is over. Suddenly, no one seem to be interested in what he has to say - well, not as much as they used to when he was in power.
It just show that power is addictive - and people who have tasted it just find it hard to "kick the habit" and let go.
My amusement turned to sadness as i realise that this problem is so prevalent in the church where i used to worship in.
When i was preparing this post, i put in a lot of examples - but in the end, i decided against publishing it. It won't achieve anything. Suffice for to say for now that leaders must realise their "expiry date" - and when the time comes, they will have to let go. It will be hard, and those who come after them will never seem to be as good as they were - but if they cared for the work and the leaders, they will have to let go. For that is the only way the new leaders will develope and learn.
While the intentions of those who cling on to their power may not be faulted, yet they will have to realise that they may end up doing more damage than good. Why do you think that after each generation of "heroes" will be followed by mediocrity? Could it be that the heroes took it upon themselves to do too much so that the next generation never learn nor had the chance to grow?
p/s - if you want to know who wrote the letter referred to at the beginning of this post, go here.
Translation: The facts contained in this letter had to be broadcasted in this manner because lately, a lot of my statements have not been reported, be it by the print or electronic media, even though they had sent their representatives to the press conferences that i have held.
I read the aforesaid paragraph with some amount of amusement. It is a letter sent to the press - and it reeks of a man who is desperate of attention - and who failed to admit that his time is over. Suddenly, no one seem to be interested in what he has to say - well, not as much as they used to when he was in power.
It just show that power is addictive - and people who have tasted it just find it hard to "kick the habit" and let go.
My amusement turned to sadness as i realise that this problem is so prevalent in the church where i used to worship in.

While the intentions of those who cling on to their power may not be faulted, yet they will have to realise that they may end up doing more damage than good. Why do you think that after each generation of "heroes" will be followed by mediocrity? Could it be that the heroes took it upon themselves to do too much so that the next generation never learn nor had the chance to grow?
p/s - if you want to know who wrote the letter referred to at the beginning of this post, go here.