Tuesday, May 02, 2006
I'm so excited - Pointer Sisters

It's here! And has it been almost 3 years oredi?
Jewel is back! Wif her latest album. And i just feel like walking all the way to town now and get it from HMV! But it's OK. I can wait til tomorrow! Let me enjoy and savour the anticipation for now!
Yeah, for those who dun know, me a huge fan of Jewel. Got all her CDs, have one of her DVD, got her books, attended her brilliant concert!
The review on Amazon.com (where i got the pic on the right from) said that this album has "...the expected rock edge, but Jewel hasn't changed her spots. If anything, she sounds more like, well, Jewel than she did on dance-oriented departure 0304".
While many criticised her for her last acoustic guitar-less techno album, i still stood by her firmly. The sounds may have changed then and the trademark guitar was missing, but the lyrics were still so.... Jewel!
Nevertheless, it is a relief to hear that she is going back to her roots but wif an added rock edge. This should be good!
p/s - i'm working 2 hours on Thursday so that should cover the expense of the CD! :-)