Friday, June 09, 2006
Running on faith - Eric Clapton
It's funny how in one moment, you can feel like you are on top of the world...
...and in the next, you are in the deepest darkest caves!

...and in the next, you are in the deepest darkest caves!

A couple of weeks ago, i blogged about one of me favourite accounts in the Bible - the story of Esther. I oso mentioned that other than that, i oso love the account of the story of the dreamer - Joseph.
I had always enjoyed reading that portion in the Bible. Here is someone who has been on top of the world - the favourite son, the trusted servant, the model prisoner and the Prime Minister. Yet, he has been "down" there before too - despised by his brothers, sold as a slave, convicted for a crime he did not commit, forgotten, and wept alone in secret.
The only thing that was constant in his life was God's faithfulness to him. And no matter wat happenned to Joseph, he trusted in God and glorified him.
So much so that at the end of the story, he harboured no bitterness at all - not one iota - against his brothers for selling him off as a slave. After all, in Jospeh's own words, God meant it for good to save many people. Little did he know at that time that God was also preserving the line of Israel because it is from this line that the saviour of the world would be born.
It is always easy with the benefit of hindsight to see that God has been at work all this time. It is during times when we wonder why is this happening, why didn't that happen instead, if only i did not do that, if only i had met you earlier, etc. that we have to have faith - to trust in God, that he is working out a plan in everything. And that one day, we'd look back and see the amazing way of how the great God works.
For God is love and in all things, he work for the good of those who love him. I have to constantly remind meself of that - whether i'm soaring high in the skies or i'm down in the dumps.
I had always enjoyed reading that portion in the Bible. Here is someone who has been on top of the world - the favourite son, the trusted servant, the model prisoner and the Prime Minister. Yet, he has been "down" there before too - despised by his brothers, sold as a slave, convicted for a crime he did not commit, forgotten, and wept alone in secret.
The only thing that was constant in his life was God's faithfulness to him. And no matter wat happenned to Joseph, he trusted in God and glorified him.
So much so that at the end of the story, he harboured no bitterness at all - not one iota - against his brothers for selling him off as a slave. After all, in Jospeh's own words, God meant it for good to save many people. Little did he know at that time that God was also preserving the line of Israel because it is from this line that the saviour of the world would be born.
It is always easy with the benefit of hindsight to see that God has been at work all this time. It is during times when we wonder why is this happening, why didn't that happen instead, if only i did not do that, if only i had met you earlier, etc. that we have to have faith - to trust in God, that he is working out a plan in everything. And that one day, we'd look back and see the amazing way of how the great God works.
For God is love and in all things, he work for the good of those who love him. I have to constantly remind meself of that - whether i'm soaring high in the skies or i'm down in the dumps.
Lately I've been running on faith
What else can a poor boy do?
But my world will be right
When love comes over you
Jerry Lynn Williams
What else can a poor boy do?
But my world will be right
When love comes over you
Jerry Lynn Williams
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Hebrews 11v1
Hebrews 11v1
Note: Pics above taken in East Malaysia - top of Mount Kinabalu and inside the Niah Caves