Thursday, September 21, 2006

Why do fools fall in love? - Diana Ross

The following incidents are based on stories circulating the campus. Names have been changed, of coure, but if any of the characters sounds like you, it probably is! ;-P

Story #1

Fletch liked Jenny a lot. He pursued her relentlessly. No doubt she was flattered. She finally gave in to his charms - and his... erm... demands.

No sooner than that happenned, Fletch turned cold towards her. He soon set his sights on another girl. Jenny was devastated. More than that, actually - she had a mental breakdown. She couldn't continue her stuides and had to return to her home country.

Story #2

David was smitten over Suzie. If anyone had ever fallen for a girl, it was not as close as how David fell. Heads over heels doesn't even begin to describe his feelings for her.

His flatmates all know about it. Everyone knew about it. Everyone but Suzie...

But David was too scared to "make a move". He kept getting mixed signals from her. He procrastinated.

Now it's too late. Suzie has left - and David will just have to get on life knowing he'll never see her again - and wonder "What if...".

Story #3

Cassie broke up wif her boyfren of many years. Apparently, since being here, the guy started seeing someone else.

Cassie thought to herself - if he can do that why can't i?

Now, Kevin is in her life - he's like a sweet little puppy dog! He follows her wherever she goes, he jumps when she tells him to.

"Kevin's just a fren".

Riiiiiight..... frens sleep together...

Story #4

Shelly has been going out with Ritchie like for so long. And just like Cassie, she claims that he's just a fren. She recently met Jude and they hit off really well. Until Jude found out bout Ritchie.

Shelly insists that Ritchie is just a fren - but she cant stop seeing him, nor tell him about Jude.

I can go on...

Really depressing stories, aren't they? But each time i am confronted with such stories, i think of Wei and Linda (real names!!!!). To some of us, they are the perfect couple! :-)

It's such a joy to see them together - two wonderful people, in love wif each other.

Wei is the nicest guy in me flat. Altho he doesnt say much, he doesn't have to. The look on his face, his dimpled smile, his easy-going manner, his responsilbility won us all over and over again! In fact, there was only one incident when Wei actually got angry - and we still laugh over it! Mind you, Wei's anger is really really mild!!! It was more of a shrug, a shake of his head and a sigh!

Linda on the other hand makes up for Wei's quiet ways. No, she is not not noisy - but she is certainly chatty. There is never a moment's silence wif her around - and i mean that in a nice way. She is so frenly and open - and always ready with a nice hearty laugh. She is just so full of life.

Put them together and you get a couple that dreams are made of!

I've been blessed just being their fren and seeing them together - and no matter how many horror stories i hear of relationships which caused so much heartache, Wei and Linda reminds me always that there is still hope for real love!

Let me end wif one story Linda told us the other day - i'm always a sucker for love stories and i was pressing her for some juicy details! She told us of one incident when she was returning to her hometown via train. The train makes a short stop at Wei's town - just a couple of minutes or so. But Wei was there, waiting for her. It may have been 2 or 3 minutes, and she prolly couldn't get off the train but it must have been special - and she still remembers that incident.

Come on, altogether now - "Aww.... so sweet".

Miss you guys! Take care.

story #1 - Stupid guy thing..the unachievable is always the best, male egoism and lust, hardly a love story..sorry for the gal, but not worth mourning over a pig.
story #2, well it might or might not have been love, but if David is too coward to find out the answer, it's noboby but his own fault.
story#3 & #4 - spare tire theory, it's better to keep a spare before Mr Right turns up. But sometimes one get so used to the mr-not-so-right they couldn't bear to let it go and have to resort to two or even multiple-timing...pathetic & selfish. It's not wrong for two lonely souls to seek mutual company..but it's pure selfish if one party purposely mislead or give out false signal.
eh u always tell stories about other ppl.. i wanna hear your story ;)
ye: cheers for your input. i'm sure you voiced out wat a lot of us are thinking silently!

markus: my story? maybe i'm one of the characters in these stories... or better yet, maybe i'm part of each story... ;-P
pls la
mun onn's too boring to have a story. He just lives for BUffy...and Star Wars...and Jewel and...
...and Smallville. Dun forget that!
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to "anonymous" who left the comment above (yeah, i know who u r...), the reason why yr comment was deleted is cuz you mentioned names!!!!!!!! those people u mentioned could be reading me blog - or at the very least, people who know them do read this blog!!!!!

no offence taken but try not to mention people by name when u r commenting in the context u were in!


btw, wat stories have u heard about me? ok, ok - dun reply here! ;-P
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