Saturday, July 22, 2006

Dreams - The Cranberries

I was reading someone's blog and she was saying that she would love to meet her soulmate in a library.

I had to smile - now that would be a nice place (read about my "love affair" with libraries here)! Or perhaps in an art gallery or a museum! Yeah, one of those options for me!

Well, the other day, i finally found the ideal place to meet me soulmate! No, it wasn't a library, nor was it a museum... Well, actually i was! Lemme explain - i was in a Museum Library!!!!! It was super-uber-coolness!

OK - tt's where the story ends. Nope, din meet anyone there...

But it was still like a dream come true for me. Check it out, the Paul Hamlyn Library in the magnificent Reading Room at the Great Court in the British Museum:-

The building was a huge circle - and lined up ALL ALONG its wall are 3 FLOORS OF BOOKS!!!!!!! My jaw fell...

Me mate Jon blogged not too long ago about wat he'll buy for his family and mates if he struck it rich (but he conveniently left me out! *boo-hoo*). Anyways, i'm not as generous as he is. If i strike it rich - and i mean filthy rich - i'll get stuffs for me, myself and I!!! ;-P

And one of the things i'd get for meself is a huge library (in me huge house) - with books stacked-up to the ceiling! Of course there'll be rooms for me action figure collection, a private THX Cinema, a music studio wif musical instruments and recording facilities... but the library is on top of the list!

Ahhh... dreams!

For more pics of the library and the British Museum, go here.

Hey... why does that first sentence sound familiar?

Omigosh... a museum library??? That's like the combination of two of my favourite places to hang out in. *faints in sheer disbelief*
Sounds familiar? maybe we read the same blog???


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