Thursday, July 20, 2006

Gangsta's Paradise - Coolio

I came across some pretty disturbing reports - supported by an equally nauseous video supporting it.

Basically, it was an incident which took place at Univeristy Putra Malaysia. A group of Chinese students set up a stall for the Students' Progressive Front on campus. The members of the Univeristy Student Council led by the President came over and told them to pack up their stall as they were not a registered group in the Uni.

Fair enough. So far, so good.

Unfortunately, it was the manner that the Student Council leaders and gang (yes, gang is the right word to describe them) behaved that left a bad taste in the mouth and a grave concern over the kind of undergraduates we have in our local Unis and possibly, our future leaders! *shudder*

They basically acted like gangsters and behaved like a mob. They assaulted the SPF students - verbally and physically. As someone commented, they acted like a bunch of animals.

You can read about it at Lim Kit Siang's blog here.

I was so disgusted by the video that i won't put it up on me blog. But you watch the video clip at someone's blog here. Be warned and watch at own discretion.

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