Saturday, July 29, 2006
Imagine - John Lennon
I was wandering in the British Museum when i came across this exhibit:-
It was entitled "The Tree of Life". Truth be told, upon closer inspection, my initial reaction was one of disgust!
You see, it was sculpture of a tree made out of metal gun parts (see pic on the right)!!!!
That was so wrong - so i thought! A tree is a symbol of life - a beautiful thing! Guns are symbols of destruction. How can you put those 2 together?
But there it was - instead of beautiful green leaves, rusted metal gun magazines covers were used. Instead of wood and bark, parts of weapons which were used to shed blood were in place.
Then i read the description of it - and me perspective of it changed 180 degrees.
Read for it yerself (sori for shaky pics. Do not adjust your screens!!!):-
Suddenly the sculpture changed into a work of beauty, of hope. What a brilliant idea, trading farming tools for weapons - tools to help growth for tools which cause destruction.
I have no doubt that Bishop Dom Dimis had these verses in mind:-
He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.
In today's world with much violence and war, we can only hope for more "Trees of Life" - that the people will exchange their guns for farming implements. Let us continue to pray for peace - especially in the Middle East.
For more of me pics on the Tree of Life, go here.
Check out more about the Tree of Life here (including much better pics of the tree)!

You see, it was sculpture of a tree made out of metal gun parts (see pic on the right)!!!!
That was so wrong - so i thought! A tree is a symbol of life - a beautiful thing! Guns are symbols of destruction. How can you put those 2 together?
But there it was - instead of beautiful green leaves, rusted metal gun magazines covers were used. Instead of wood and bark, parts of weapons which were used to shed blood were in place.
Then i read the description of it - and me perspective of it changed 180 degrees.
Read for it yerself (sori for shaky pics. Do not adjust your screens!!!):-
Suddenly the sculpture changed into a work of beauty, of hope. What a brilliant idea, trading farming tools for weapons - tools to help growth for tools which cause destruction.
I have no doubt that Bishop Dom Dimis had these verses in mind:-
He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.
Isaiah 2v4
In today's world with much violence and war, we can only hope for more "Trees of Life" - that the people will exchange their guns for farming implements. Let us continue to pray for peace - especially in the Middle East.
For more of me pics on the Tree of Life, go here.
Check out more about the Tree of Life here (including much better pics of the tree)!