Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Disappointment - Cranberries

To be honest, disappointment does not even begin to describe how i feel about the Prime Minister of Malaysia directing that the Article 11 forums* to stop immediately.

He was reported to say "If the discussions are not kept in check or contained, they are bound to raise tension in our multi-religious society". Read it

My question to the learned PM is why should a respectful forum and discussion on the provisions and guarantees of the Supreme law of the land be stopped? Because some people are unhappy? Fearful (out of selfish reasons?)? Which is more important - truth and justice - or the feelings of these insecure people?

And while I know that the PM was making those statements as the head of the Malay political party, let him not forget that as the PM, he is to serve Malaysians, not just the Malays. He speaks of the tension - no doubt referring to the feelings of the Malays. But what about the feelings of those who are not Malays? What about the tension among them when their basic human right to express themselves legally and seek protection from the Constitution (read: Supreme law of the land) is arbitrarily taken away????? Does the learned PM not care about this tension???

Some may say to me - No, no, let's not rock the boat! We have it good. Keep it that way. You are bordering on racism.

But no. I am not. We are in the 21st century. It has been almost half a century after we obtained independance as a country. Why can't we talk about thse matters openly, fearlessly, truthfully? The Rukun Negara itself states that the Constitution must be upheld ("Keluhuran Perlembagaan")! Whether we like it or not, we are of many races - why can't we accept it and talk about it - as long as we do not incite hatred and discrimination?

Instead of stating reasons of why the forums are wrong or illegal or pointless (obviously cuz they are not), our learned PM only gave one reason - it will raise tension. And then conveniently tries to sweep it under the carpet.

If the forums are disrespectful, stop them. If they are illegal, arrest those involved. If it advocates national, racial or religious hatred, condemn them and put them away. If it propogates war, they must not continue. If it is harmful to the health and morals of the people, it must come to an end.

But if it is not any of those reasons, but instead to discuss the provisions of the Constitution and the rights of the peoples, why can't they carry on.

No, Prime Minister. With respect, on the long run, your decision will not benefit the country.

Did i say i am disappointed?

*Article 11 forums basically discusses inter-faith issues based on Article 11 of the Malaysian Constitution.

Well said. The PM should not throw the baby together with the bath water.
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