Tuesday, July 25, 2006

It's a sin - Pet Shop Boys

"The Bishop of London has declared it sinful for people to contribute to climate change by flying on holiday..."

No joke. Read the report here!

Should AirAsia change its tagline now to "Now Everyone Can Sin"????

I was incredulous when i read it! He surely can't be serious, can he? Hello? Wake up and smell the 21st century roses!

Imagine the response it would get from those who are not Christians - as some of you reading this probably are. They (or you) would think that Christianity is outdated, totally irrelevant to today's society! Fanatics! Why, even the pope flies when he visits faraway countries!

But as i thought about it further...

Well, see, they do have a point!!!! Wait! Hear me out. Or rather hear them:-

Sin is not just a restricted list of moral mistakes. It is living a life turned in on itself where people ignore the consequences of their actions.

Sin after all is falling short of God's standards (Rom 3v23) - which we all know are pretty high. That's why God had to provide a way of forgiveness for sins - cuz he knew we could not live free from sin.

Isn't it true that we make a lot of decisions without thinking of the consequences? Like flying. I for one am guilty. We chose to fly to Paris a couple of months ago cuz it was cheaper and faster. Flying is a way of life. I used to fly all over Malaysia for trials and hearings. But i never once stop to think of the consequences.

Would flying actually cause damage to the environment in the long run?

Would God be unhappy wif us if we chose to fly?

How would missionaries travel from faraway countries to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth?

You know wat? i dun have the answers. Not even for meself! But i am starting to understand a little from where the Church of England is coming from. As leaders, they have to make a stand. Sometimes, the stand may be difficult. It usually is unpopular. It has consequences - like which Church of England leader can now take a flight without being branded as a hypocrite or a rebel?

But they have done their study on the matter and they have decided to make a stand. At the end of the day, they will have to give an account to God as leaders. At least their conscience will be clear.

Agree or not with them, you have to respect them for making a stand.

p/s - on a connected note, i'm planning to travel back to Malaysia (when i finally do) over land! Hopefully KC will be wif me. It's been a dream of mine for over 10 years. I did travel over land (and river and mountains and sea) from Kuching to KK last year - but's like the tip of the iceberg when compared to the plan i have now! That would make an interesting blog, wouldn't it? It'd definately produce loads of pics!

i hope your dream comes true. it will be suuch and adventure man! do everything u can to make it happen yar =)
cheers, mate.

how bout giving me a loan??? ;-P
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