Sunday, November 20, 2005

A whole new world - Peabo Bryson & Regina Belle

It's all J's fault. She got back from London all excited. She told me all about the musicals, showed me the pics and the souvenir programme books, played the music for me to listen and loaned me the cassettes (yeah, audio cassettes. This was long, long ago).

I still remember that nite when I first listened to my first musical. It was in my old house in section 14. It was late and I sat in the darkened hall and placed the cassette into me walkman. It was Miss Saigon.

I sat in the hall for the next hour or so - but while my body sat there, my soul was trasported into a whole new world! I was transported to Vietnam, then to the US. But more than that, I was transported into the world of musicals!!!! And I fell madly in love!

I went crazy over musicals. In fact, I must confess that part of the reason why I chose to do my bachelor's degree in London was so that I can go watch musicals!!!! Only part...

And watched musicals, I did! Les Mis, Grease (wif Debbie Gibson in Sandy's role), Phantom of the Opera, Cats, Aspects of Love, Starlight Express, Buddy, Crazy for you, Miss Saigon, Sunset Boulevard...

I loved every aspect of it. The music, the singing and the acting, the dancing, the live orchestra in the pit below, the emotions it can evoke - it can cause you to cry, to laugh, to scream in fear, to gasp in amazement, to dance along the aisle!

I've had so many wonderful memories of going to watch the musicals too - either wif frens or alone (and eventually making frens wif people around me), of queueing up in the cold winter for hours to get the tickets, of going home on the tube after the performances, still humming the tune of the songs wif a silly satisfied smile on me face!

Unfortunately, my love affair ended when I got back home. Sure, they did have some musicals in M'sia once in a while (a long, long while) but somehow it was just not the same.

So it's no wonder that now I'm back here, I've rekindled the affair! :-)

It was last Sturday when I caught my first musical in London this year.

I guess it was only right that my first musical this time round was the one showing at the Palace theatre - since my very first musical ever was also at this very same venue. It was for Les Miserables. the main difference is that this time round, instead of being right up on the balcony having an "aerial" view, I was down at the stalls where I could even see the colours of the actor's eyes!

For a review of the musical, read the following post entitled "As if we never said goodbye".

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