Friday, February 03, 2006
Cartoon Heroes - Aqua
Who's your fav cartoon hero?
Well, forget bout Batman and Superman. Thundercats and Transformers are no match. Smurfs and Southpark? Dun make me laugh!
My fav cartoon heroes are none other than....
*drum roll*
...the heroes in the 30th century!!!!! Yup, the ex-pizza delivery boy, a robot and a cyclops (actually, she's really a mutant - but I'm not gonna spoil it for you who haven't watched yet! ....*oops*)
I simply love watching Futurama. It is brilliant! It's funny, it's lame (yeah, when I do sumthing funny, people say it's lame. When Bender does the same thing, it's genius! o well...), and lately, I've discovered that it is also touching!
Yeah, it has heart! Some episodes which I have watched recently left me wif tears in me eyes! Really!!!! And initially, I thought it must be because I'm in an emotional state - you know, missing home during CNY. But I found out today that I'm not the only one! Check out this site - Tear Jerkiest Episode
The first ever tear-jerker episode I watched was "The Luck of the Fryish" Season 3, Episode 10. It was oso the best ever! I never expected it to be like that. So when the twist at the end took place, it caught me completely off guard!!!!! And I was left staring on me blank laptop screen for a couple of minutes wif tears in me eyes after the episode ended! I was like "wow"!
I won't spoil the twist at the end for those who have not seen it yet. Basically, it reveals a lot more about Fry's family - his parents and his older brother. The episode oso used one of the oldest tricks - but still effective - in visual entertainment (one of my fav tricks too) - the flash-backs. Here's a spoil-free montage of scenes from that episode.
The next tear-jerker episode was when Leela's parents were revealed ("Leela's Homeworld" - Season 4, Episode 5). It depicted the love of any parents really well. The end scenes wif music was simply excellent - and tear-jerking, of course!
No. 3 on me list - Jurassic Bark (Season 5, Episode 2). It was about Fry's dog - how apt for the Chinese New Year!!!! And being a cat-lover, the fact that the episode moved me speaks a lot about it!!!
OK. Enuf of tear-jerkers. I know that most of you dun wanna watch tear-jerking cartoons!!!!! But dun get me wrong. All the Futurama episodes are simply hilarious!!!! Me neighbours must be wondering what's wrong wif me lately as I'm sure they can hear me lauging like an idiot alone in me room at weird hours of the day!!!! It's just that for the aforementioned epidoes, the ending was really touching.
Anyways, here are some of the other brilliantly funny episodes:-
The first X'mas special (Season 2 Episode 4)!!!!! Pure genius! Evil Santa, TOW missiles, 500 lizards or a parrot, the cast singing together by the piano at end. We used to gather together before X'mas just to watch it again!

(Top to bottom, left to right:- The Evil Santa; The Gender Bender; Fry and the Mermaid (Classic line: "Why does it feel warm all of the sudden?"); The mutants in the sever; The Star Trek spoof; The HypnoToad!!!!!!!; How fry became his own grandfather; Nibbler and his mates; Fry's first trip to the moon ("Can I do the countdown?")
Well, forget bout Batman and Superman. Thundercats and Transformers are no match. Smurfs and Southpark? Dun make me laugh!
My fav cartoon heroes are none other than....
*drum roll*
...the heroes in the 30th century!!!!! Yup, the ex-pizza delivery boy, a robot and a cyclops (actually, she's really a mutant - but I'm not gonna spoil it for you who haven't watched yet! ....*oops*)
I simply love watching Futurama. It is brilliant! It's funny, it's lame (yeah, when I do sumthing funny, people say it's lame. When Bender does the same thing, it's genius! o well...), and lately, I've discovered that it is also touching!
Yeah, it has heart! Some episodes which I have watched recently left me wif tears in me eyes! Really!!!! And initially, I thought it must be because I'm in an emotional state - you know, missing home during CNY. But I found out today that I'm not the only one! Check out this site - Tear Jerkiest Episode
The first ever tear-jerker episode I watched was "The Luck of the Fryish" Season 3, Episode 10. It was oso the best ever! I never expected it to be like that. So when the twist at the end took place, it caught me completely off guard!!!!! And I was left staring on me blank laptop screen for a couple of minutes wif tears in me eyes after the episode ended! I was like "wow"!
I won't spoil the twist at the end for those who have not seen it yet. Basically, it reveals a lot more about Fry's family - his parents and his older brother. The episode oso used one of the oldest tricks - but still effective - in visual entertainment (one of my fav tricks too) - the flash-backs. Here's a spoil-free montage of scenes from that episode.
The next tear-jerker episode was when Leela's parents were revealed ("Leela's Homeworld" - Season 4, Episode 5). It depicted the love of any parents really well. The end scenes wif music was simply excellent - and tear-jerking, of course!
Leela when she was still a wee baby. No prizes for guessing which are her parents
(Clue: Not the one which has more than one eye)
(Clue: Not the one which has more than one eye)
No. 3 on me list - Jurassic Bark (Season 5, Episode 2). It was about Fry's dog - how apt for the Chinese New Year!!!! And being a cat-lover, the fact that the episode moved me speaks a lot about it!!!
Seymour barking to his owner
OK. Enuf of tear-jerkers. I know that most of you dun wanna watch tear-jerking cartoons!!!!! But dun get me wrong. All the Futurama episodes are simply hilarious!!!! Me neighbours must be wondering what's wrong wif me lately as I'm sure they can hear me lauging like an idiot alone in me room at weird hours of the day!!!! It's just that for the aforementioned epidoes, the ending was really touching.
Anyways, here are some of the other brilliantly funny episodes:-
The first X'mas special (Season 2 Episode 4)!!!!! Pure genius! Evil Santa, TOW missiles, 500 lizards or a parrot, the cast singing together by the piano at end. We used to gather together before X'mas just to watch it again!
Hide from Santa!!!!!!
The next Episode is simply brilliant! Excellent! I'm out of superlatives to describe it. The final episode of the series "The Devil's hands are idle playthings" (Season 5 Episode 16). I guess the creators really know how to go out wif a bang! Of course, it was really touching at the end too. But the entire episode was so good - especially when they all started to break out into song! It was a musical!!!! :-)
Fry could only count until 6 wif his new hands...
Well, to every saga, there's a beginning! I talked of the final ever episode - and now I refer to the Pilot episode - when we were introduced to all the cast members (For Futurama fans, note that the DVD version had been edited to add another character present along wif Fry just before he got trapped in the cyrogenic thingy!!!). The door closing in on Fry never fails to crack me up!
Suicide booth! This is not the "Quick and painless" option!!!!
OK. I can go on and on. Here's a montage of some of the excellent episodes that i could find pics of:-

(Top to bottom, left to right:- The Evil Santa; The Gender Bender; Fry and the Mermaid (Classic line: "Why does it feel warm all of the sudden?"); The mutants in the sever; The Star Trek spoof; The HypnoToad!!!!!!!; How fry became his own grandfather; Nibbler and his mates; Fry's first trip to the moon ("Can I do the countdown?")
I guess part of the reason why I love this series has to be the fact that it brings back memories of the time spent wif me mates - we used to love it! We'd watch it together or we'd just talk and laugh over it! I guess watching it now brings back memories of those times. Now, I'm in Colchester, another is in Sheffield, one is across the Atlantic while the final one is in S'pore. But when we were together, we had a good time! :-)
A true fan:-

Part of me collection - can you spot Bender, Fry, Leela, Nibbler, the Planet Express Starship, the Suicide Booth and the Cyrogenic chamber?
A true fan:-

Part of me collection - can you spot Bender, Fry, Leela, Nibbler, the Planet Express Starship, the Suicide Booth and the Cyrogenic chamber?

p/s - Save for the last photo, all other pics were obtained from various fans' websites. Cheers to them all!
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What "Awwwww..."??? This is not like your Maggi Mee post!!!!
Anyways, u really shud watch the "Jurassic Bark" episode, you dog lover!
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Anyways, u really shud watch the "Jurassic Bark" episode, you dog lover!
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