Friday, January 27, 2006

I'm so excited - The Pointer Sisters

It's snowing at this point of time! :-) Quite heavily, I must add (rubbing it in esp for those down under in the "inferno"... err... "down under" meaning Australia, not.... nvm). The snow was falling almost horizontally - we could see it clearly from our 11th floor. We were in the kitchen armed wif our cameras - except me! Yeah, camera still wif Nikon. It'd be weird if I carried me laptop and webcam into the kitchen!!!!!

Hopefully, if it keeps up, there'll be a blanket of snow greeting us tomorrow morn. And who knows? We might have a White Chinese New Year! :-)

There's something magical about seeing snow!

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The very first time back in 1993! :-)

Aliz, me Hungarian flatmate, was just as excited as we Asians were. We commented that she should be used to seeing snow by now. She agreed but yet, she said that no matter how many times she sees snow, it never fails to make her excited!

I'm sure there are many locals here who prolly had no feelings seeing the snow - or worse, felt unhappy (Oh no, snow??? Everything will get wet. It'll turn to slush. The roads will be icy when snow melts. Etc.). I guess as humans, when we see something too often, we take it for granted and dun appreciate it. We see our family everyday and dun tell them how special they are. Nasi lemak is easily available almost anywhere at any point of time - til we get tired of it. Evergreen trees look boring after a while. Going to worship the King of kings and the Lord of lords on Sundays turn into a routine.

But these things are special - and we should feel excited about it. Being away from home - yeah, its a cliche but it's so true - makes me appreciate all the things I took for granted back home.

I only hope that my attitude towards these special things will always be like Aliz's attitude each time she sees the snow - no matter how often it happens, it never fails to get her excited.

i think u've posted this pic several times edi...
Can you pls stop living in the past

hey, tt's my "shawshank redemption" pose - before "shawshank redemption" was released!!!!

patience. i'll get a nicer pic one of these days. it'll prolly snow next month!
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