Saturday, June 17, 2006
What's new? - Silje Nergaard
I was surfing when i came to Paul Tan's blog and found out that the Satria replacement model is finally out back home! It's called "Satria Neo", literally, the New Satria(?)!!! Check out Paul's review on it plus loads of pics including some nice interior ones here.
Not bad looking-eh? The pic on the right (taken from Paul's blog) is the "Twillight Blue" colour - something like me old car. It looks like black but under the light, you can see the blueish tint (of course me old one was green).
The brilliant red looks good too.
Well, this could be me car when me get back - after all, what can a poor fella like me afford?
Sigh... it's less than a year after selling off me WGM 510 and i'm oredi looking at other models!
The review by Paul sounds good, tho. Well, it remains to be seen.
WS - when u test drive it wif Mikes, lemme know wat u think!
p/s - who wants to start making a donation to the BMOAC (Buy Mun Onn a car) trust fund? If there are enuf generous donors, i may get this other car instead:-

The brilliant red looks good too.
Well, this could be me car when me get back - after all, what can a poor fella like me afford?
Sigh... it's less than a year after selling off me WGM 510 and i'm oredi looking at other models!
The review by Paul sounds good, tho. Well, it remains to be seen.
WS - when u test drive it wif Mikes, lemme know wat u think!
p/s - who wants to start making a donation to the BMOAC (Buy Mun Onn a car) trust fund? If there are enuf generous donors, i may get this other car instead:-