Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Gone - N'Sync

I miss not seeing you the first thing every morning.
I miss the feeling that i know u'll be with me every where i go.
I miss the way you caress the back of me neck.
I miss the way how you lightly stroke my cheeks to remind me that u're there.
I miss how you keep me warm in those cold nites.
I miss you...
But all good things have to come to an end - and i had to leave me hair on the floor of a hair salon in Chinatown on Monday. Yes, in case some of you are wondering, me hair knew i was going for a haircut - and after the weekend of nightmare bad hair, i was having a super good hair day again!!!!! But i stood firm this time.
So here's the result:-
It was quite a nostalgic experience as the lady cutting me hair was a Malaysian and recognised me accent immediately! We were chatting away - the usual small talk they make wif you when u get a haircut. I was also surprised at how calm i was thruout the whole episode - altho i realised later that i was gripping rather tightly on the seat's arm.
I kinda like it, tho. Nice change. It was like an Ally McBeal experience as i walked out of the salon, everything turned slo-mo, the gentle breeze lightly caressing me short locks, people walking by all turned to look at me - girls in admiration and guys in envy, of course... hehehe. Of course that din happen but if i did have an Ally experience, a car would prolly speed by and splash water all over me and i stood posing there!
Some of you may also have been thinking that i've become a narcissist lately, wif all the pics of me posted. No... well, yes... i mean, i always liked having long hair and i know that i'll prolly never have hair like this anymore. So i've been chronicle-ling (is there such a word?) it's growth! But be thankful cuz now wif me hair looking like every other chinese guy around, you'll be spared from pics of me!
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gee, thanks. good to know that i no longer look like an indecent man... or a decent woman, whichever... ;-P
tell liyee that not everyone is blessed wif decent looks like her.
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tell liyee that not everyone is blessed wif decent looks like her.
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