Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Take a bow - Madonna

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances

William Shakespeare (From "As you like it")

We had our farewell dinner for Flat 11, Rayleigh Tower 2006 last weekend. Aptly, we had it at this place called "The Playhouse". It used to be a real Playhouse but is now converted into a bar cum restaurant.

Our table was set up right in the middle of wat used to be the stage. The dress circle of the old Playhouse was retained and was decorated with mannequins, watching us on the stage. I was telling the rest that we should all take a bow before we took our seats.

It was a wonderful night. It was the night to remember our "entrances" into each other's lives, and to sombrely look towards the impending "exits" that we'll make. Each person seated around that table had played a significant part in the story of my life here in Rayleigh Tower.

Cheers, guys. You all deserve a standing ovation.

p/s - go here to see the pics of all the brilliant actors and actresses

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