Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Never can say goodbye, boy - Gloria Gaynor

OK - so i've moved from Jewel's songs, to songs from Buffy's "Once more with feelings" and now to songs from Ally McBeal!

Who doesn't like Ally? As someone commented - funny but tragic. And as young lawyers in the past, all of us - male or female - can emphatise wif her. After all, dun all us lawyers experience the same things? Stress of litigation, crazy clients, unisex toilets, working in the same place with someone you used to have a crush on, quirky bosses, temperamental judges, office romance, going for drinks at the place downstairs after work, singing and dancing during work.... ;-)

Here's one brilliant scene from Season 3!

Ally McBeal Never can Say Good Bye Boy

Speaking of goodbyes, the beginning of the end has come. Natsuki, one of me coursemates is the first of many frens to leave Colchester for good. Really nice guy - the other day, i bumped into him at our flat entrance and i'm sure we pretty much stood there (in the cold wind, mind you) for an hour just chatting. Brilliant! :-)

All the best, mate!

i wouldn't say it's tragic, it's..more like moody. hilarious and yet moody. not everyone can emphatise with her though..some people simply couldn't understand why she couldn't be happy when she should be..blessed people who can't understand what chronic depression can do to a person
Coincidently I have been listening to the same song- communards did a version of the same. N today, I was reflecting on the content of this very same song. And was gonna post it up on me blog. How freaky.. ;)
ye e-e: u've got mail!

lor3tta: reflecting on the content? well, it's kind of a paradox, actually. if you dun say goodbye to one thing, u are basically saying goodbye to another. so it is inevitable - this life is filled with goodbyes! :-( sori - *makes note to meself* never post comment when feeling depressed!
eh? where's my comment...
I posted it last night.
Tak syiok now.i said,

Oh no, you've started your YouTube thing again.
I hear you. Sometimes the heart and mind are conflicted. Romans 7:18-25
a.orange: this is me blog so i can put watever i want! ;-P

sseriously, u've gotta admit the clips i put are really good, aren't they? and i do it so that ppl like u can enjoy it! the things i do for you! aren't i nice?

lor3tta: life is filled wif difficult decisions. not all are black and white. bite the bullet and make the decision, watever it is.
And its my comment, i can comment what i like! =p

Takes forever to upload la...i'm lazy to wait.

Decisions...we take for granted that we have the right to so many choices. When perhaps, we actually dont.
yeah, i know wat u mean. life is complicated... but if otherwise, it'd be so boring, won't it? ;-)
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