Saturday, October 22, 2005

Wind beneath my wings - Bette Midler

It has been really windy lately. Being on the 11th floor, it can get a lil noisy!

Anyways, I was out just now in the wind and cold and was walking pass some girls - obviously dressed to go to the "happening" places on campus. It is after all Friday nite. Me? I was walking the other direction...

Anyways, they were dressed like how girls back in M'sia would dress for a party - very short skirts and spaghetti strap top! It really shudn't surprise me - after all, back in 1994, when we were in Hull during winter, the girls were dressed like that while queuing to enter the disco! Here in Essex, it's much warmer than Hull and tonite the temp is only bout 11 degrees, methinks!!!

Anyways, as I walked pass them, a strong gust of wind blew and one of the girls shierked loudly as her short flare skirt got... urm... u know, the Marilyn Monroe treatment!!!! As I walked on, she shouted "Sorry for showing you my ARSE!!!!!"

The other girls laughed and I walked on smiling.

Were YOU sorry to see her a***?

HaHa I didn't think so.

Miss you muchness Munster!
honestly, like a true gentleman, i looked away. really!!!!!

Btw I was in Megamall yesterday, when I was going down the ramp to the parking...this girl standing next to the ramp was wearing a skirt SO SHORT when I looked up I saw her innerwear.

Auntie ones, with red, blue and green stripes.

jEsMiN: thanks for sharing that wif us and wif the rest of cyberspace, and hence enriching our lives in ways unimaginable. wat would we do without you? (why does your comment suddenly remind me of a place in Perak called Pusing???)

girl who wears short skirt and "auntie innerwears": methinks it's time to change yr wardrobe. either its the "auntie" look all the way or short skirts wif sumthing that would do it justice. oh, do be careful of pervs when standing on a ramp!
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