Wednesday, December 21, 2005

All I want for Christmas - Leann Rimes

Michelle announced the other day that she was going into town and asked around what we want for Christmas.

She turned to Alberto and asked him. Alberto, in his usual charming Italian way nonchalantly answered (almost wif a shrug of the shoulders), "Me? All I want is.... love!"

We burst out laughing and I pointed out that he sure wasn't demanding!!!!

Christmas - the time when people frantically go shop to shop buying stuffs for people whom they love - and even for those whom they dun!!!!

I used to love Christmas shopping. I'd make a list (and checked it twice) and usually spend a lot of time thinking about it. I am a firm believer of giving thoughtful gifts - not just any old crap mug or pen holder!!!! Then when the list is drawn up, I would "survey" the stores in town, comparing prices and choosing carefully. Finally, I would actually take a day off from work and spend the whole day shopping - and breaking the limit of me credit card!!!!

We all love gifts, dun we? Gifts are one of the means of how we show and express our love. Love has always been accompanied wif giving - the giving of our trust, our time, our care and concern, our valued possessions. For God so loved the world that he gave.

As I thought about it this year - and thought about the many poor and unfortunate kids in the world who not only won't be getting a gift, but they may not be getting a meal at all - I was touched by how blessed I've been. Every year without fail, I would get loads of gifts. In fact, I would almost certainly get wat I wanted. The bottom of the Christmas tree at home would be covered wif nicely wrapped gifts - most of them would be for me.

Now, as I'm older - and have worked hard for many years - I begin to appreciate more the gifts I received back then. My father and mother had to work so hard to earn money and they would spend it on stupid things like games and toys because that was wat I wanted, that was what would made me happy.

I have never lacked anything physically all my life. My parents worked hard and sacrificed their all to provide for me. And I am reminded again how much I've been loved - and how much I am still loved.

And as Christmas draws closer, I am reminded again of the greatest gift of all - the gift of Jesus.

What do I want for Christmas this year? Nothing. I oredi have so much love showered on me - wat else could I ask for???

p/s - but if some of you still insist on buying me something, let me know and I'll e-mail you my list!!!! ;-P

i got ur xmas card today
but Kenny passed it to me, so i was blur for a moment...
thankfully u didnt sign it the same horrible one that u did in my post card...
where's mine? ;-P
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