Thursday, December 22, 2005

Have yourself a merry little Christmas - The Pretenders*

* the Pretenders have a brilliant version of this Christmas song!!!!

Alrite folks. This will be me last posting for the year! I'll be leaving for London later. After a couple of days there (may make a day trip up to Bath), I'll be travelling up to Scotland and around Scotland - Edinburgh, Perth, Stirling, Loch Ness, Ullapool, Durness, Loch Ness, Glasgow (and if time permits, Cumnock?). Thereafter, I'll be down at Manchester and at Sheffield for the New Year. Godwilling, I'll be back on the 2nd day of 2006 (which gives me just 2 weeks to complete 2 essays and prepare for a test on the 18th!). So this place here may be quite quiet for some time.

I still haven't finished packing yet - technically, I've started (chucking things that I wanna bring into one corner of the floor in me room can be considered as started packing oredi, rite?) but it's gonna take a while.

So little time...

I guess Christmas in some ways is the same here and back home. Everyone rushing from one place to another, trying to do dozens of stuffs at one time etc.

Anyways, my wish to you all (and to meself) is that we take some time away from the hustle bustle and hectic schedules, from the merry-making and partying and boozing, from the Christmas trees and mistletoes and tinsel and turtle-doves decorations, and remember that the reason for the season is none other than our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.

Then, I assure you that you'll really have a merry and most blessed little Christmas!


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