Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Free bird - Lynyrd Skynyrd

But for now, it's back to blogging, watching episodes of "24", surf the net, read Grisham sleeping in late and replying e-mails.
Hey - that sounds like what i've been doing these past 2 weeks! ;-P Well, i'll be doing em now wif greater intensity! Muahahaha!!!!
Too bad me camera is not fixed yet (there was a brilliant sunset yesterday!).
For tonite, I'm organising a movie at me flat - The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Rings!!!! For now, I'm going back to watching "24".
The feeling of walking out of the exam room knowing it was the last one is simply super! :-)
p/s - cheers to y'all who sent me your wishes and remembered me in your prayers. God has been really good to me. More about it another time!
p/p/s - And for those who din remember me? Well, you know i still love you! :-P

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WAT?!? U ONLY HAVE ONE PAPER TO SIT FOR?!? it sure didnt feel that way seeing that u blogged everyday...
man, ur life is good!!
man, ur life is good!!
dun u mean "it sure felt that way..." or am i missing sumthing here?
yeah - just one paper. and i did tell you that we were given the questions like 1 month ago. and we were allowed to take in certain books!!!!!
but believe you me, i found this to be one of the toughest exam i've eva sat for!
and i handed in 2 essays on monday too - dun 4get that!
still, yeah, i must say that life is good! :-)
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yeah - just one paper. and i did tell you that we were given the questions like 1 month ago. and we were allowed to take in certain books!!!!!
but believe you me, i found this to be one of the toughest exam i've eva sat for!
and i handed in 2 essays on monday too - dun 4get that!
still, yeah, i must say that life is good! :-)
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