Saturday, February 04, 2006

Baby one more time - Britney Spears

Those of you who come here expecting some thought provoking writings will be (and should have been) disappointed. Well, i can't blame you. After all, I am here studying human rights. To give up a lot just to come here to do that would mean that human rights are pretty important to me. Being important to me, I would talk about it all the time rite?

Well, no.

Hey, I spend most of my waking hours listening, reading, thinking and writing human rights. Blogging is an avenue of leisure and relaxation. if you want heavy stuffs go to Jeff Ooi's blog (to be honest, i hardly read his blog but people in M'sia seem to think it is so good!). If you wan stuffs like what i ate for dinner, Futurama, the movie we watched today etc, you've come to the right place! :-)

Of course, if you scroll thru the archives, you'd notice that i do ramble a bit on human rights once in a while - mainly on the pathetic conditions of the police and the legal fraternity back in Malaysia. Well, the thing about it is that for the former, they can't seem to stop getting themselves in a mess!!!!!

Which is really good - in a weird way. The more they do so, the more people complain about it, the more the public realise the power they have to stop all the abuse and stupid things the police does. Trust me - it's not that it is only in recent times that the cops in M'sia have been misbehaving. But it is in recent times when people are beginning to step out and speak out - the "name and shame" tactic!

Anyway, they did it again - even before the dust had settled over the "nude-squat" incident. On the 2nd day of Chinese New Year, 10 senior citizens were arrested by the police and kept in the lock-up for around 18 hours. Their offence? Allegedly, they were gambling illegally!

OK. Dun get me started on the gambling offence. I won't, tho, cuz wat caused an uproar was the fact that these 10 elderly men had all their hair on their head shaved off while kept in detention!!!!!

Kajang OCPD Asst Comm Mohd Noor Hakim was reported to have said “Under Section 9a of the Lock Up Rules, we can shave a detainee’s head bald, so we are just exercising whatever the law required us to do.”!!!!

(Read it here)

Duh?? All together now - What the...???

OK. I'm just gonna raise 2 things.

Just looking at the sentence without any knowledge of the law would tell anyone that there's sumthing not right!!!!! "We can..." he alleges. But then the very next sentence he alleged that it was what the law "...required..." them to do!

Hello? Just because one can do sumthing, it does not necessary mean that one is required to do so! Any primary school kid with a good knowledge of the language will tell you that!

Secondly, the aforesaid Rule 9(a) states as follows: “All detainees, with the exception of Sikhs who keep their hair long for religious reasons, will have their hair cut short when taken in.

(See here)

Read it again.

Yup, you are right. No where does it say anything about shaving their heads bald!!!!!


We are not talking about your run of the mill small time cop wif the education level of PMR or SPM. We are talking of the OCPD!!!!!!!!! Isn't it scary when people in power within the police force misquotes the law? Or they contradict themselves? Or they believe that just because they can do somethings, it means that they are "required by law" to do so?????

Even if they were legally right in doing so, many have commented that they should have showed some respect and common sense and used their discretion not to do it. After all, what did the shaving of the heads achieve? They should have looked not only to the letter of the law but the spirit of it. Was it entirely necessary to do so? Bearing in mind that the last I checked, every one in Malaysia is considered innocent until proven guilty (I know, I know it is not practiced but should't it start some time soon? Like now???)

Isn't it about time the police stop making a fool of themselves - cuz when they do so, they make a fool of us Malaysians. Perhaps Tony Blair should go to M'sia and start a "Respect" campaign there among the police.

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