Sunday, February 05, 2006

Wake up and smell the coffee - Cranberries

Our sense of smell never fails to amaze me. At times, it really can function like a time machine - or a transportation device!!!!

I blogged previously in one of my other blog about my fav smells! you can read bout it here.

Just want to add another 2 more smells to that list - the first is the smell of roasted meat. It's actually the smell that'll greet you (or to some people, assault you) when you approach Chinatown in London! I love it cuz it brings back memories of countless wonderful visits I have had there wif so many different people. Oso, for some reason, I feel safest whenever I'm in Chinatown. It feels very much close to home.

The second smell is the smell of oranges. Mandarin oranges, to be precise!

I actually kept some of the orange peels in me room to act like some sort of air-refreshener. It was placed on the little set of drawers next to me bed. When I wake up in the morning, the first smell to greet me is the smell of oranges. And the smell of oranges reminds me of CNY at home - wif the crates of mandarin oranges!!!!

In fact, when I woke up this morning - you know, the point in between sleep and being awake - for that brief moment, I thought I was back home in Malaysia. :-)

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