Saturday, March 04, 2006

Empty - Cranberries

Sometimes, you can't really blame us if we think that footballers have nothing "upstairs" - yeah, just as empty as a football is!!!!

Here are some quotes from the captain of the England team:-

On his early days: "My parents have been there for me, ever since I was about seven."

On his mentor: "Alex Ferguson is the best manager I've ever had at this level. Well, he's the only manager I've actually had at this level."

And, lastly, on the lad whose homework is now the responsibility of Victoria: "I definitely want Brooklyn to be christened, but I don't know into what religion yet."

One of my favourites was when he was asked if he considered himself a "volatile" player - to which he answered that since he can play on the right and the left, as well as in the centre, yes, he thinks he is!!!!

Or how about the classic when he got himself a yellow card on purpose to disqualify himself from an unimportant next game and return the following with a clean slate? Not too bad... except he had to boast to the whole world about it and promptly received world-wide criticism for his lack of sportsmanship!

Why suddenly take a swipe at the poor guy, you may ask. Well, nothing personal. I was just reading an article by John Dykes! Yup, that John Dykes - no, no, no, not the John Dykes who composed the tune to "Holy Holy Holy" - I'm referring to the football pundit on ESPN Asia.

I used to love watching him and listening to his views. I've always been impressed by his wide knowledge, thought-provoking views, speak well and control the panel discussion. I kinda miss that. IMHO, he is even better than Richard Keys of Sky Sport!

Anyways, i came across this article of his - well worth a read for a laugh or two. Check it out here:- Gift of the Gaffe

Anyways, speaking of empty vessels, I came across some very "interesting" information on the carton of eggs that I bought:-

See the part circled in green? Posted by Picasa

Just in case you can't read it clearly, I've enlarged it here for you:-

Riiiiiiiiigggghhhhtttt!!!!! Who would have guessed? Posted by Picasa

What the....????? As a lawyer, I know they have to legally cover themselves with disclaimers and warnings but this is just...???

Still, when you consider that there possibly are many other Englishmen who may have the IQ that is similar to their football team captain, then maybe these kinda warnings might make sense... ;-P

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