Saturday, May 27, 2006
Emotion - Destiny's Child
It is a morning of mixed feelings. In the middle of the nite, i received a text message which was... good, to say the least! And it left me wif a smile on me face which i found hard to wipe out.
I'll prolly tell y'all about it - but not now, not yet.
When i jumped out of bed this morning - wif the smile still on me face - i did wat i do every morning since i've been here. I turned on me laptop to check mail and news. Almost immediately, the smile was wiped off. I saw the headlines on BBC News Online.
Then when outlook express received me mails, the smile came back - the person who texted me also mailed me! :-) Yes, let's keep it mysterious for now!
Back to the news, tho. It seems like there's nothing but bad news each day. Or maybe bad news sells? Just wanna point out 2 reports which really sanked me heart this morning.
The first of course is Hundreds die in Indonesian Quake. When i read that, what came to mind immediately was "Oh no, not again!!!!!".
And the headline was inaccurate. Reports at this point of time estimated loss of lives to be in the thousands. :-( The quake hit a densely populated area.
My fears of it affectting me mates and families back home and in S'pore were put to rest when i realised the quake hit the southern part of Java island.
Say a prayer for them. I remember seeing scenes from Aceh on CNN 2 Christmases ago and reading accounts from aid workers. It was trully horrible.
May God have mercy on them and comfort them*.
The next disheartening piece of news is Burma extends Suu Kyi's detention. After spending 10 out of the last 16 years in detention, many hoped that she will finally be able to taste freedom again when her detention period expires today. No such thing. Her detention has been extended - indefinately! (For those who want to know more about her, read the links in the news report).
This further strenghtened my determination to give me best for me dissertation - i'll be doing an essay on Arbitrary Administrative Detention - when the government without good reason deprives individuals of personal liberty.
Sigh... i almost feel guilty for feeling so happy earlier - still do actually, when i think of the text and the mail. I feel like a schizophrenic!
* I can't help but comment further on how certain people tend to judge in situations like these. When the hurricanes hit the States, certain religious groups said that it was the price to pay for waging war against Iraq. When the tsunami hit the predominantly Muslim nation of Indonesia 2 Christmases ago, certain other religious groups allege it was God's punishment on them.
Well, let's get one thing straight - the wages of sin is death. And all of us - guilty of sin - will die soner or later. Just because something bad happens to another, that does not necessarily mean that they are worse sinners than others. As Jesus himself said, "Do you suppose that these Galileans (who were tortured and murdered by Pilate) were worse sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered such things? I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish" (Luke 13v2-3).
Remember, God loved the world (John 3v16), not just Christians - and Jesus died so that anyone who believes - no matter male or female, young or old, of watever nationality - will have eternal life.
I'll prolly tell y'all about it - but not now, not yet.
When i jumped out of bed this morning - wif the smile still on me face - i did wat i do every morning since i've been here. I turned on me laptop to check mail and news. Almost immediately, the smile was wiped off. I saw the headlines on BBC News Online.
Then when outlook express received me mails, the smile came back - the person who texted me also mailed me! :-) Yes, let's keep it mysterious for now!
Back to the news, tho. It seems like there's nothing but bad news each day. Or maybe bad news sells? Just wanna point out 2 reports which really sanked me heart this morning.

And the headline was inaccurate. Reports at this point of time estimated loss of lives to be in the thousands. :-( The quake hit a densely populated area.
My fears of it affectting me mates and families back home and in S'pore were put to rest when i realised the quake hit the southern part of Java island.
Say a prayer for them. I remember seeing scenes from Aceh on CNN 2 Christmases ago and reading accounts from aid workers. It was trully horrible.
May God have mercy on them and comfort them*.

This further strenghtened my determination to give me best for me dissertation - i'll be doing an essay on Arbitrary Administrative Detention - when the government without good reason deprives individuals of personal liberty.
Sigh... i almost feel guilty for feeling so happy earlier - still do actually, when i think of the text and the mail. I feel like a schizophrenic!
* I can't help but comment further on how certain people tend to judge in situations like these. When the hurricanes hit the States, certain religious groups said that it was the price to pay for waging war against Iraq. When the tsunami hit the predominantly Muslim nation of Indonesia 2 Christmases ago, certain other religious groups allege it was God's punishment on them.
Well, let's get one thing straight - the wages of sin is death. And all of us - guilty of sin - will die soner or later. Just because something bad happens to another, that does not necessarily mean that they are worse sinners than others. As Jesus himself said, "Do you suppose that these Galileans (who were tortured and murdered by Pilate) were worse sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered such things? I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish" (Luke 13v2-3).
Remember, God loved the world (John 3v16), not just Christians - and Jesus died so that anyone who believes - no matter male or female, young or old, of watever nationality - will have eternal life.
All pics taken from BBC News Online