Friday, May 19, 2006
Reflection - Christina Aguilera

The pic on the left is me in the kitchen early this morning studying for me exam.
More about the exams in other posts - just wanna acknowledge that God has been good. As usual, as always. He truly is all that we ever need!
Anyways, i've started a new photoblog - yeah, purely on reflections pics!!! It's from my collection - so it's pics from Scotland, London, Paris, here in Essex of course, and from my travels back home in Malaysia. You can access it here. Hope you enjoy the pics.
Oh, if you have any nice reflection pics, send them to me and i'll post them up too (WS? KC? Counting on you guys, esp!).
Kindly note that unless stated otherwise, all pics are taken using my Nikon Coolpix 2100. Oh, obviously you can't use any of my pics unless you pay a really amount of money to me! ;-P