Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Mona Lisa - Nat King Cole
I've resisted mentioning the "book" on me blog for fear of inadvertantly promoting it. After all, while i admit it was a page-turner for the first few chapters - and as a fan of anagrams, it was quite a treat - there's really nothing to shout about regarding the book. If you wanna read a good novel, read Grisham. Or Archer.
So why am i talking about that book here? Well, to prove a point. The movie opened really well last week. Here is wat IMDB reported on it's website:-
"In some cases, the film performed better in predominantly Catholic countries, like Italy and Spain, where the opposition to it was most strident, than it did in countries where opposition was negligible."
Ironic? Well, more like "inevitable" to me. When will people realise when it comes to things like these, there is no such thing as "bad" publicity. Publicity is publicity!
I know that there are a lot of well meaning people around. I get e-mails from them when they are genuinely concerned over some matters. But sometimes, the very act of voicing out against something may only serve to promote the very same thing! You have to admit that the book would not have been so succesful had the Church not made such a big deal about it.
I was telling me sis last weekend - a couple of months ago, some people took D.Brown to court for allegedly stealing ideas from their book. they lost the case and had to pay millions in cost - but they still end up winning as the court case generated so much publicity that their book sold ike hot cakes!
I know the counter argument - that our silence may be interpreted as agreement! Maybe. Most probably not, methinks. We need wisdom.
In any event, since we are on this topic, allow me to say a few things on the lady herself! Yes, i visited her at her residence last month - the Lourve, Paris (pic on the right).
No, it wasn't our first meeting - it was the second. But the first one was such a rush that i never had the chance to get to know her properly.
This time round, i waited patiently behind the crowd - gnashing me teeth in frustration!!!!
There are basically 3 kinds of people there - first, the ones that take up the best spaces but are not interested in looking at the painting!!! Really! Perhaps they just wanna savour the moment of being able to stand at the coveted space. They were not even looking at the painting - i know cuz i was glaring at them!!!!
The second are those who for some reason or another have to take a photo of Mona Lisa!!!! The signs are all up prohibiting photo taking. Guards are stationed there - and they literally have to call out every few seconds to stop someone from taking a photo! Why must they take a photo???? The painting can be viewed on-line. You can buy its replica. Your photo won't look good in any event - if you use flash, the mirror will reflect it. if you dun, the lighting is not bright enuf and you won't get a photo!!!!!! But noooooo. They'll hide behind people, surreptiously take out their camera and in the split second when the guard looks away, they'd quickly snap a pic.
The 3rd are people like me! We just wanna see her. Finally, all my patience paid off. I managed to secure the best spot and i stood there and made acquaintance with the lovely lady herself. For long periods of time, our eyes locked on each other. It was a surreal moment for me. You really have to be there and see her for yourself. She would suddenly smile at me - and then the smile vanishes. If i was patient enuf - and i was, to the frustration of those behind me - i would see her smile again.
How in the world did Michael paint her like that? It would seem a little eerie but for the fact that her smile looked too sweet to be scary.
Yes, all the hype about the painting is true. It truly is a remarkable piece of art. It's sad that she will now be associated with some average novel which only counted on controversy to be famous.
So why am i talking about that book here? Well, to prove a point. The movie opened really well last week. Here is wat IMDB reported on it's website:-
"In some cases, the film performed better in predominantly Catholic countries, like Italy and Spain, where the opposition to it was most strident, than it did in countries where opposition was negligible."
Ironic? Well, more like "inevitable" to me. When will people realise when it comes to things like these, there is no such thing as "bad" publicity. Publicity is publicity!
I know that there are a lot of well meaning people around. I get e-mails from them when they are genuinely concerned over some matters. But sometimes, the very act of voicing out against something may only serve to promote the very same thing! You have to admit that the book would not have been so succesful had the Church not made such a big deal about it.
I was telling me sis last weekend - a couple of months ago, some people took D.Brown to court for allegedly stealing ideas from their book. they lost the case and had to pay millions in cost - but they still end up winning as the court case generated so much publicity that their book sold ike hot cakes!
I know the counter argument - that our silence may be interpreted as agreement! Maybe. Most probably not, methinks. We need wisdom.

No, it wasn't our first meeting - it was the second. But the first one was such a rush that i never had the chance to get to know her properly.
This time round, i waited patiently behind the crowd - gnashing me teeth in frustration!!!!
There are basically 3 kinds of people there - first, the ones that take up the best spaces but are not interested in looking at the painting!!! Really! Perhaps they just wanna savour the moment of being able to stand at the coveted space. They were not even looking at the painting - i know cuz i was glaring at them!!!!
The second are those who for some reason or another have to take a photo of Mona Lisa!!!! The signs are all up prohibiting photo taking. Guards are stationed there - and they literally have to call out every few seconds to stop someone from taking a photo! Why must they take a photo???? The painting can be viewed on-line. You can buy its replica. Your photo won't look good in any event - if you use flash, the mirror will reflect it. if you dun, the lighting is not bright enuf and you won't get a photo!!!!!! But noooooo. They'll hide behind people, surreptiously take out their camera and in the split second when the guard looks away, they'd quickly snap a pic.
The 3rd are people like me! We just wanna see her. Finally, all my patience paid off. I managed to secure the best spot and i stood there and made acquaintance with the lovely lady herself. For long periods of time, our eyes locked on each other. It was a surreal moment for me. You really have to be there and see her for yourself. She would suddenly smile at me - and then the smile vanishes. If i was patient enuf - and i was, to the frustration of those behind me - i would see her smile again.
How in the world did Michael paint her like that? It would seem a little eerie but for the fact that her smile looked too sweet to be scary.
Yes, all the hype about the painting is true. It truly is a remarkable piece of art. It's sad that she will now be associated with some average novel which only counted on controversy to be famous.
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Eh? Wasn't it Leo who painted her and not Michael?
Do they not allow her to photographed anymore? During my visit in 2003, it was just no flash photography. Change in policy?
Do they not allow her to photographed anymore? During my visit in 2003, it was just no flash photography. Change in policy?
*slaps meself on the forehead*
there goes my effort to appear cultured!
*sheepish grin*
Yeah, the sign says no photography - even tho its the flash that causes damage. too difficult to enforce if just no flash photography?
there goes my effort to appear cultured!
*sheepish grin*
Yeah, the sign says no photography - even tho its the flash that causes damage. too difficult to enforce if just no flash photography?
Do you know that episode of The Simpsons where Homer got the hair transplant from the baddie (can't remember his name. isit Snake). Tom Hanks' hair looks like Homer's hair. IMHO.:P
sori, mate. me fan of futurama but not simpsons.
i actually tried to google it to find a pic online and for the first time, google failed me. or maybe here are really no such pic online...
in any event, i can just imagine it!!!! :-)
i actually tried to google it to find a pic online and for the first time, google failed me. or maybe here are really no such pic online...
in any event, i can just imagine it!!!! :-)
Hi, some interesting blogs you got there, I've just finished working part time at Uni cleaning under Barclays bank. Hope you're enjoying colchester
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