Saturday, May 20, 2006
Unwell - Matchbox 20
I've been unwell for more than a week now - it started last Wednesday nite and despite all me efforts which includes vitamins, water, staying off coffee & oily stuffs etc., it was all in vain. As Agent Smith said, "It is inevitable".
I wondered if it is inevitable that i had to fall sick during the week before and on the day of my final exams. Now i use the word "final" literally - it will most prolly be the last academic exams that i would take for the rest of me life! Even if i continue my studies after this ("Dr. Lai"? Hhhmm....), it would be pure research based i.e. no exams!!!!!!!
But looking back, i can just praise God for everything which has happenned in the past 10 days or so.
In the first place, i wasn't bitter or angry throughout the time i was unwell. No, i'm not boasting of meself. I know meself - i would - and should have - been pretty bitter about the whole thing. I admit that it did cross mind why this must happen now instead of any other week that i've been here!
But yet, i din get angry nor bitter - and i knew it was only because of God who helped me remained in pretty good spirits and kept on reminding me of things to be thankful about.
And now, on hindsight, i could see clearly how God worked for my good in these past few days. Well, for one thing, when i was "out" for a couple of days, i had to make a difficult decision to skip a few topics. That worked out well cause wat i studied was sufficient - and i din have to remember that many stuffs.
Further, on the eve of me exam, i felt really tired of studying oredi. I just wanted to get it over and done with. And i thought that if i had been well and been studying all the time, i would have been tired long ago and wouldn't have been at me peak during the exams.
But the most important thing was that it made me depend fully on Him. It reminded me of Gideon - God told him his army was too big and he should cut down the numbers so that when Gideon wins the battle, they'd know it was not due to their own ability but that it was given by God. It also made the people rely fully on God.
Of course he did not fail me (and i hope me lecturers won't fail me either!!).
I dun think i did exceptionally well - but all i was hoping for was that there were 2 questions from Part B which i could do. In fact, there were 3! And the Part A question was in my view, not as tough as last year's. That's not to say it wasn't difficult so dun be expecting great marks from me!
Maybe if i was well, i would have done better. Maybe not. But i would not have relied as much on God. And i would have missed out the wonderful blessing of feeling him close to me.
On the day of the exam, i was listening to an old favourite from a Hillsongs album - and when it reached the bridge, the refrain went "Lord, you're more than enough for me" over and over again. At that point, i felt those words. Truly he is all that we ever need.
No matter what happens, all things work for good of those who love him. And he will always carry us through.

But looking back, i can just praise God for everything which has happenned in the past 10 days or so.
In the first place, i wasn't bitter or angry throughout the time i was unwell. No, i'm not boasting of meself. I know meself - i would - and should have - been pretty bitter about the whole thing. I admit that it did cross mind why this must happen now instead of any other week that i've been here!
But yet, i din get angry nor bitter - and i knew it was only because of God who helped me remained in pretty good spirits and kept on reminding me of things to be thankful about.
And now, on hindsight, i could see clearly how God worked for my good in these past few days. Well, for one thing, when i was "out" for a couple of days, i had to make a difficult decision to skip a few topics. That worked out well cause wat i studied was sufficient - and i din have to remember that many stuffs.
Further, on the eve of me exam, i felt really tired of studying oredi. I just wanted to get it over and done with. And i thought that if i had been well and been studying all the time, i would have been tired long ago and wouldn't have been at me peak during the exams.
But the most important thing was that it made me depend fully on Him. It reminded me of Gideon - God told him his army was too big and he should cut down the numbers so that when Gideon wins the battle, they'd know it was not due to their own ability but that it was given by God. It also made the people rely fully on God.
Of course he did not fail me (and i hope me lecturers won't fail me either!!).
I dun think i did exceptionally well - but all i was hoping for was that there were 2 questions from Part B which i could do. In fact, there were 3! And the Part A question was in my view, not as tough as last year's. That's not to say it wasn't difficult so dun be expecting great marks from me!
Maybe if i was well, i would have done better. Maybe not. But i would not have relied as much on God. And i would have missed out the wonderful blessing of feeling him close to me.
On the day of the exam, i was listening to an old favourite from a Hillsongs album - and when it reached the bridge, the refrain went "Lord, you're more than enough for me" over and over again. At that point, i felt those words. Truly he is all that we ever need.
No matter what happens, all things work for good of those who love him. And he will always carry us through.
My precious, precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.