Monday, May 29, 2006
Penny Lover - Lionel Ritchie
I have been accused in the past of being "penny wise, pound foolish"!
We were in court waiting (like every other time!!!! as one lawyer said, he's more of a waiter than a lawyer) and we were talking about parking our cars outside, how we would hunt for a parking space wif a parking metre where there is still credit in them!!!! All the trouble just to save a few sens.
I dun deny it! I'm guilty as charged! I'd spent a long time at Tesco checking out the prices of different brands (sumtimes i wonder why i bother cuz the Tesco Value stuffs will be far cheaper than the rest!) and sometimes i even go to town to check the prices at Iceland or Wilkinsons or Sainsbury!!! All so that i'd save perhaps 10 pence or 15!
But at the same time, i had spent a fortune on other things like me guitar and me boots! Sigh...
Back home, there was a point of time when i used to pack food to office to save money. And then i'd go and spent like crazy at me action figure store!!!!
Anyways, the weather is lovely today - sun shining brightly and all. It's Spring Bank Holiday - and i'm here in me room. Was planning to go to London today. I had plans to go to London last Wednesday, Saturday and also today! In the end, i decided against going at all! Yup, since me exams ended, i haven't been to London yet! Surprise, surprise (which explains why my Loitering in London photoblog has not been updated for a while!).
I'm going to London on Friday to meet up wif a mate - and i'll be going quite often cuz i need to use LSE's law library for research. So i thought that if i could cut down "frivolous" trips, it would save me a lot of money.
So there - at least 20 quid saved today! So proud of meself! ;-)
Instead, i'll spend the whole day indoors blogging! So get your coffee, settle in a comfy chair and wipe your glasses!
Oh trust me, the money i saved - i'll soon splurge it on watching a musical, or buying a jersey (Liverpool has THREE new jerseys coming out this year - home, away, and Europe. And it's sponsored by Adidas - no more Reebok), or something like that.
p/s - i still haven't bought Jewel's new album yet! I've heard some songs and it's brilliant! but 15 quid for a music CD???? That's steep, man...

I dun deny it! I'm guilty as charged! I'd spent a long time at Tesco checking out the prices of different brands (sumtimes i wonder why i bother cuz the Tesco Value stuffs will be far cheaper than the rest!) and sometimes i even go to town to check the prices at Iceland or Wilkinsons or Sainsbury!!! All so that i'd save perhaps 10 pence or 15!
But at the same time, i had spent a fortune on other things like me guitar and me boots! Sigh...
Back home, there was a point of time when i used to pack food to office to save money. And then i'd go and spent like crazy at me action figure store!!!!
Anyways, the weather is lovely today - sun shining brightly and all. It's Spring Bank Holiday - and i'm here in me room. Was planning to go to London today. I had plans to go to London last Wednesday, Saturday and also today! In the end, i decided against going at all! Yup, since me exams ended, i haven't been to London yet! Surprise, surprise (which explains why my Loitering in London photoblog has not been updated for a while!).
I'm going to London on Friday to meet up wif a mate - and i'll be going quite often cuz i need to use LSE's law library for research. So i thought that if i could cut down "frivolous" trips, it would save me a lot of money.
So there - at least 20 quid saved today! So proud of meself! ;-)
Instead, i'll spend the whole day indoors blogging! So get your coffee, settle in a comfy chair and wipe your glasses!
Oh trust me, the money i saved - i'll soon splurge it on watching a musical, or buying a jersey (Liverpool has THREE new jerseys coming out this year - home, away, and Europe. And it's sponsored by Adidas - no more Reebok), or something like that.
p/s - i still haven't bought Jewel's new album yet! I've heard some songs and it's brilliant! but 15 quid for a music CD???? That's steep, man...