Saturday, August 12, 2006
Mood Swing - Debbie Gibson

When the skies did not pour, it was grey.
It was strange to wake up from me nap to find the room in darkness.
The sun never graced us wif her presence - not directly, anyways.
The stars - the lovely stars which keep me company on long nights - are nowhere to be seen tonite.
The distant thunder growls softly now as the cloudy skies gives out a strange orangie colour.
I was listening to Jewel's Goodbye Alice in Wonderland* - and it made me feel worse... as if that was possible.
I tried playing the guitar - why is it that i only know moody songs???
It's times like these when i get down...
I like this following song - the video is quite cool but the lyrics are brilliant. The video maker tried to give a translation - not that accurate but you get the idea. Can't remember if i posted this up before - but if i did, it merits a second time!
Kau Ilham Ku (You're my inspiration)
This song is to those whom i miss now. The irony is that the person i am missing the most prolly doesn't have any idea of how i am feeling now...
*which is prolly gonna be the title of me final post here in this blog next month, when i say farewell to this wonderful place - wonderful cuz of the people and memories.