Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The long December - Counting Crows

The first thing I read when I woke up this morning was a mail from a mate regarding me previous post Everything Changes.

She said:-

Weird isn't it, you spend a magical 3/4 years studying in UK. You think it's a bliss, the memories are great, it's all unforgettable, it changes your life. You come back home, you love life here, but you've always missed UK, and everything associated with it. You long to go back.

And one day, you do.

Except it's not the same anymore, UK has changed, the people have changed, surroundings have changed. It's not like what you remembered. You discover that you've changed, you don't see things the same way anymore. You don't enjoy the same things, the memories, however wonderful, cannot be recreated.

Isn't it weird? I wonder if it applies to other things in your life as well....

Give new beginnings a chance :)

I had a sneaky feeling that she's not the only one who feel that way after reading me post - heck, even I felt that way after re-reading the post!!!!!

Here was me bleary-eyed reply (or at least, most of it anyways):-

memories have a weird way of making things seem better than it used to be!!! i remember longing so much for fried kway teow and chcken rice but when i had my first CR and CKT when i got back, it was not so good - not like how i remembered it to be!

seriously, i think the biggest change is me! i have learnt to appreciate home more. i have one nephew and one neice. i actualy enjoy being wif me famiy - unlike when i was younger and i just wanna get my "wings" and fly away.

but i really miss them now. my nephew and neice are growing up so fast and my parents are getting so much older.

and then, there are frens back home too.

maybe it's sign of old age (or maturity?? ;-P) when u start appreciating family and frens more than adventure and experience.

just like me mates whom i studied wif in 1994 - i feel that compared to back then, my relationship wif most of them has grown deeper.


dun get me wrong - this place is wonderful. i'm having a brilliant time here. it's just that i miss me frens and family - a lot. and no matter how wonderful the place is here, it can never replace them. and i rather have them in *sigh* malaysia than to have excellent UK without them!

i think this has all to do wif the winter - the long December, and the being away from home, the empty halls.

i'll snap outta it when me mates come back to the halls, when the routine starts again and when spring comes. ...

and come autumn, i wouldnt wanna go home anymore!

who knows????

heavy thoughts for someone who just jumped out of bed (ok, ok, rolled out is a more accurate word). where's me coffee???

So to you out there (esp me family) who had been misled (by me poor writing) to envisage me here filled wif regret, not enjoying life, wishing i never came, hating this place and the people here, get that outta your minds! It has been brilliant (I went to London again yesterday to see off a fren - and had the most excellent roast duck and roast pork noodles!!!! And the pople I met wif yesterday were all so nice! Yup, even the waiters at Wong Kei were frenly!!!!!!!!! *gasp*) and i'm enjoying meself here - how else can i explain the tonnes of outstanding work i have on me desk now???

It was just that being all alone at 1 am on Christmas morning in the streets of Edinburgh, i felt so far away from all me family and frens.

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