Sunday, April 30, 2006
The heat is on - Glenn Frey
I watched "Heat" this weekend. Finally! It's a 1995 movie and i've been procrastinating - yeah for more than 10 years!!!!!! Beat that! ;-P
Excellent movie! The main selling point of the movie is the fact that it's the first - and so far, only movie where 2 heavyweight actors shared the screen together:-
Arguably, 2 of the best actors around, Al Pacino and Robert De Nero appear together in this movie (note: both were in Godfather 2 but never shared any screen time together).
Both of their performances were simply brilliant! I'm surprised neither received any nomination for any award!!!!
Al Pacino is a top cop - De Nero is the top thief. Yet, they share so many similarities - their passion for their work, their inability to hold on to a relationship, the loyalty they have from their subordinates.
The scene in the picture above is one of the best scenes in any movie ever for me. Pacino's character decided to have a chat wif De Nero's character. And so they do. They treat each other wif utmost respect. They are brutally honest. And it even come to apoint when they shared their deepest feelings wif each other - it was almost like they had a connection - and you can see this connection again at the very last scene of the movie (but i won't say wat it is). It was uber cool!
But it doesn't stop there. There is a star studded cast - Val Kilmer, Tom Sizemore, Wes Studi, Jon Voight, Ashley Judd, Hank Azaria, Dennis Haysbert, a very young Natalie Portman and many more!
There is this one major action scene which just took my breath away! It bordered on madness - a shoot-out with automatic rifles in the streets of LA. It was uber cool (that word again! Word of the day for me!). And when i went on IMDB to read about it, i understood why it was sogood - their advisor was none other than Andy McNab, the former SAS guy.
Sigh... they dun make cops and robbers movies like this any more! But then, Michael Mann, the writer and director for Heat is also the writer and director of Miami Vice The Movie coming out this year! With Academy Award Winner Jamie Foxx, Colin Farrel and Gong Li, it is hard to keep my expectations low!
Excellent movie! The main selling point of the movie is the fact that it's the first - and so far, only movie where 2 heavyweight actors shared the screen together:-
(Pic obtained from
Arguably, 2 of the best actors around, Al Pacino and Robert De Nero appear together in this movie (note: both were in Godfather 2 but never shared any screen time together).
Both of their performances were simply brilliant! I'm surprised neither received any nomination for any award!!!!
Al Pacino is a top cop - De Nero is the top thief. Yet, they share so many similarities - their passion for their work, their inability to hold on to a relationship, the loyalty they have from their subordinates.
The scene in the picture above is one of the best scenes in any movie ever for me. Pacino's character decided to have a chat wif De Nero's character. And so they do. They treat each other wif utmost respect. They are brutally honest. And it even come to apoint when they shared their deepest feelings wif each other - it was almost like they had a connection - and you can see this connection again at the very last scene of the movie (but i won't say wat it is). It was uber cool!
But it doesn't stop there. There is a star studded cast - Val Kilmer, Tom Sizemore, Wes Studi, Jon Voight, Ashley Judd, Hank Azaria, Dennis Haysbert, a very young Natalie Portman and many more!
There is this one major action scene which just took my breath away! It bordered on madness - a shoot-out with automatic rifles in the streets of LA. It was uber cool (that word again! Word of the day for me!). And when i went on IMDB to read about it, i understood why it was sogood - their advisor was none other than Andy McNab, the former SAS guy.
Sigh... they dun make cops and robbers movies like this any more! But then, Michael Mann, the writer and director for Heat is also the writer and director of Miami Vice The Movie coming out this year! With Academy Award Winner Jamie Foxx, Colin Farrel and Gong Li, it is hard to keep my expectations low!
Please forgive me - Brian Adams
In the past few posts (including the comments), i've been hitting out at different people - those who verbally abuse others, those who are inconsiderate, those who bully the old and weak, those who are "close-minded", those who cling on to power etc.
Well, i'm not taking anything i say back.
It's just that today i'm reminded from God's words that i may be no better than them. Just as bad, i guess.
I remember once when i took some of me youths to the highest point in the church building back in PJ (and i'm glad some of them still remember it). I asked them if i threw down my Doc Marts boots (8-eyelet, US size 9) and my small bunch of keys at the same time, which would hit the ground first? Most assumed the heavier boot will. Both flew off the roof at the same time - and both hit the ground at the same time!!! (To be honest, i knew the theory but for a split second, i almost doubted. It was wif great relief that the theory was proven in practice!).
The lesson behind that is that when it comes to our salvation, all sin is just as bad in God's eyes. It doesn't matter if our sins are "big" or "small" - we all need forgiveness.
If i had appeared self-righteous in some of my previous views and thoughts, lemme just say that i know i am in need of forgiveness - for i am oso a sinner.
And i'm thankful that God will always be ready to forgive and give me another chance.
Thank you, Lord.
Well, i'm not taking anything i say back.
It's just that today i'm reminded from God's words that i may be no better than them. Just as bad, i guess.
I remember once when i took some of me youths to the highest point in the church building back in PJ (and i'm glad some of them still remember it). I asked them if i threw down my Doc Marts boots (8-eyelet, US size 9) and my small bunch of keys at the same time, which would hit the ground first? Most assumed the heavier boot will. Both flew off the roof at the same time - and both hit the ground at the same time!!! (To be honest, i knew the theory but for a split second, i almost doubted. It was wif great relief that the theory was proven in practice!).
The lesson behind that is that when it comes to our salvation, all sin is just as bad in God's eyes. It doesn't matter if our sins are "big" or "small" - we all need forgiveness.
If i had appeared self-righteous in some of my previous views and thoughts, lemme just say that i know i am in need of forgiveness - for i am oso a sinner.
And i'm thankful that God will always be ready to forgive and give me another chance.
Thank you, Lord.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1:9
1 John 1:9
Free your mind - En Vogue
It is surprising how narrow minded some people can be. Actually, it is more than surprising - it is truly sad.
I was reading a mate's blog and she was indignant about the treatment received by a Filipino boy in a school in Canada. You see, he was punished for eating his lunch using a spoon and a fork!!!!
It appears that that is the common and accepted way to eat in the Phillipines - you eat from a plate using a spoon and a fork. The food is pushed onto the spoon using the fork.
This method of eating is very common in Malaysia also. Of course, being a multi-cultural society, we are accustomed to many different ways to eat. Most of the time, i eat my meals at home using a plate, a spoon and a fork in the manner described above. Other times, i eat using chopsticks. When i go to an Indian restaurant, i sometimes use my hands to eat. I eat steak using a knife and a fork!
These are just different methods of eating by different cultures. Who is to say that one culture is superior than the other and hence the practices of another culture is wrong?
Well, unfortunately, some Westerners think that way.
When the mother of the child above complained to the school Principle regarding the punishment meted out on the child, the response was "Madame, you are in Canada. Here in Canada you should eat the way Canadians eat". When she questioned him further about punishing students for their table habits, she said he replied that, "If your son eats like a pig he has to go to another table because this is the way we do it and how we’re going to do it every time."!!!!!
You can read all about it here.
It is so pitiful - no, not the poor boy only but the children in the school having teachers with that kind of mentality!!!!!
Even here, i have a flatmate - and he just refuses to accept practices and preferences which are different from his! For example, i like to travel down to London on me own. To him, he would never do such a thing. So fine. I respect him for that. But unfortunately, he can't do the same for me. He constantly mocks me and laughs at me for doing that.
And another thing - he simply can't accept the fact that i'm Chinese! I have Chinese parents - whose parents are Chinese. I speak a Chinese dialect. I have a Chinese name. I follow most Chinese cultural practices. But to him, i cannot be a Chinese guy cuz i'm from Malaysia.
There are many people like that. They have formed an opinion on how people should be and how they should behave - basically, like how they themselves are and how they themselves behave. If anyone does not fall into such a category, they are either weird, stupid or wrong. Or all of the above.
It is indeed very sad.
I'm just glad that so far, these people are in the minority. And many locals here do make an effort to learn and appreciate the culture of people who come from different lands - and to respect such cultural practices and beliefs, even tho they may not necessary agree with it.
I was reading a mate's blog and she was indignant about the treatment received by a Filipino boy in a school in Canada. You see, he was punished for eating his lunch using a spoon and a fork!!!!
It appears that that is the common and accepted way to eat in the Phillipines - you eat from a plate using a spoon and a fork. The food is pushed onto the spoon using the fork.
This method of eating is very common in Malaysia also. Of course, being a multi-cultural society, we are accustomed to many different ways to eat. Most of the time, i eat my meals at home using a plate, a spoon and a fork in the manner described above. Other times, i eat using chopsticks. When i go to an Indian restaurant, i sometimes use my hands to eat. I eat steak using a knife and a fork!
These are just different methods of eating by different cultures. Who is to say that one culture is superior than the other and hence the practices of another culture is wrong?
Well, unfortunately, some Westerners think that way.
When the mother of the child above complained to the school Principle regarding the punishment meted out on the child, the response was "Madame, you are in Canada. Here in Canada you should eat the way Canadians eat". When she questioned him further about punishing students for their table habits, she said he replied that, "If your son eats like a pig he has to go to another table because this is the way we do it and how we’re going to do it every time."!!!!!
You can read all about it here.
It is so pitiful - no, not the poor boy only but the children in the school having teachers with that kind of mentality!!!!!
Even here, i have a flatmate - and he just refuses to accept practices and preferences which are different from his! For example, i like to travel down to London on me own. To him, he would never do such a thing. So fine. I respect him for that. But unfortunately, he can't do the same for me. He constantly mocks me and laughs at me for doing that.
And another thing - he simply can't accept the fact that i'm Chinese! I have Chinese parents - whose parents are Chinese. I speak a Chinese dialect. I have a Chinese name. I follow most Chinese cultural practices. But to him, i cannot be a Chinese guy cuz i'm from Malaysia.
There are many people like that. They have formed an opinion on how people should be and how they should behave - basically, like how they themselves are and how they themselves behave. If anyone does not fall into such a category, they are either weird, stupid or wrong. Or all of the above.
It is indeed very sad.
I'm just glad that so far, these people are in the minority. And many locals here do make an effort to learn and appreciate the culture of people who come from different lands - and to respect such cultural practices and beliefs, even tho they may not necessary agree with it.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Not me - Boyz II Men
"Not for me", that's what Scolari is reported to say regarding the position as England's new football manager (see here for the report).
The official reason given is that he felt that since the news of the offer to him came out, his privacy has been invaded - and this was not the kind of life he wants. Rumour has it that he has received death threats!!!!
I've been folowing the reports with some level of amusement and curiosity. First, the bumbling FA - whom fomer coach Graham Taylor called "amatuerish" and Howard Wilkinson said that the way they handled the situation is Monty Python-esque! What an insult to the Monty Python shows...
The timing is all wrong! Scolari is current coach of Portugal. If Portugal and England wins all their games, theyd meet each other in the Quarter-finals! Imagine wat would happen if England wins. Come to think about it, imagine if England loses. Whichever the case, Scolari loses if he accepts the England job now! Din anyone in the FA had the brains and foresight to predict this would happen?
The reaction of the people here amuses me too. When the offer made to Scolari was first revealed, many criticised it - based solely on the fact that he's not English!!!!! They want a local. Someone from home. Call it patriotism or plain racism but i just can't believe the reaction. Should it not be based on ability?
The most hilarious one i read was from Steve Bruce who complained about Scolari not being British and how we... opps, they should get a British coach. In supporting his views, he blurted out "You have to ask would an Englishman get the Brazilian job"!!! (see here).
But, but, Bruce - that's exactly the point! No Englishman would be good enuf for Brazil (arguably the best team in the world) - so why would an Englishman be good enuf for England?????
Me? Well, i think Scolari would have been a good choice - style aside, football is football and he has proven his credentials. And who would complain if England start playing like Brazil???? Unfortunately, due to the brilliance of the FA's timing, methinks that Scolari will never reconsider after the World - unless England dun meet Portugal at all.
The official reason given is that he felt that since the news of the offer to him came out, his privacy has been invaded - and this was not the kind of life he wants. Rumour has it that he has received death threats!!!!
I've been folowing the reports with some level of amusement and curiosity. First, the bumbling FA - whom fomer coach Graham Taylor called "amatuerish" and Howard Wilkinson said that the way they handled the situation is Monty Python-esque! What an insult to the Monty Python shows...
The timing is all wrong! Scolari is current coach of Portugal. If Portugal and England wins all their games, theyd meet each other in the Quarter-finals! Imagine wat would happen if England wins. Come to think about it, imagine if England loses. Whichever the case, Scolari loses if he accepts the England job now! Din anyone in the FA had the brains and foresight to predict this would happen?
The reaction of the people here amuses me too. When the offer made to Scolari was first revealed, many criticised it - based solely on the fact that he's not English!!!!! They want a local. Someone from home. Call it patriotism or plain racism but i just can't believe the reaction. Should it not be based on ability?
The most hilarious one i read was from Steve Bruce who complained about Scolari not being British and how we... opps, they should get a British coach. In supporting his views, he blurted out "You have to ask would an Englishman get the Brazilian job"!!! (see here).
But, but, Bruce - that's exactly the point! No Englishman would be good enuf for Brazil (arguably the best team in the world) - so why would an Englishman be good enuf for England?????
Me? Well, i think Scolari would have been a good choice - style aside, football is football and he has proven his credentials. And who would complain if England start playing like Brazil???? Unfortunately, due to the brilliance of the FA's timing, methinks that Scolari will never reconsider after the World - unless England dun meet Portugal at all.
Keep the faith - Bon Jovi
One of the things i really liked about the stressful days doing me essays is that my devotion time improves!
Some of you call it "Quiet Time" (QT), others "Devotion". Basically, what i am referring to is the time set aside each to read the Bible - and let God's words speak to you (altho i confess that i sometimes rush thru the former and neglect the latter). For ease of reference, i'll refer to it as QT here even tho i personally dun like that description.
There's always this talk about whether doing it in the morning or at nite is better. I used to prefer the nite - being a nocturnal person. But for a long time, i've tried doing it twice - in the morning and at nite.
"Tried" is the important word there.
But each time i'm bogged down with essays (and the one exam i had so far), my QT improves. I guess i'm forced into being discipline with me time. Normally, i'd wake up whenever i want to and sleep when i'm just about to drop off. But wif essays looming, i settle into a proper routine - and that includes time for QT.
Anyways, jus wanna share some thoughts. I'm reading about the Kings of Judah and Israel in 2 Chronicles.
Chapters 24 - 26 chronicles the lives of 3 kings of Judah - Joash, his son, Amaziah and Uzziah. The common trait bout these 3 kings was that they did wat was right in the sight of the Lord (24v2, 25v2, 26v4).
There was another common factor - just before they died, they were no longer pleasing to God.
Joash was prolly remembered most as the King who repaired the temple of God. Unfortunately, when he became older, he forsook God (24v20). He was then severely injured in a war and then he was killed in a conspiracy by his own people.
After Amaziah turned away from God, his own people also conspired against him. Learning from the experince of his father(?), he fled the country. However, he was caught and mudered.
Uzziah was one of the great Kings of Judah who had a brilliant reign. The people prospered. Unfortunately, his successes went to his head - and he tried to take over the function of the priests (only one person is King and Priest - our Lord Jesus). He was thus struck with leprosy and he died a leper.
Sad-eh? I was. Very. Great men who did great things for God. But yet, in the end, they turned away from God. Just like Solomon - the wisest man on earth turned out to be quite foolish (imagine how about the rest of us average ones!!!!).
There were many times in my life when i felt like giving it all up. Reading about the Judaen kings reminded me of the importance to persevere in my walk. Not to look back at my 'achievements' but always to look forward and to look to my author and perfector of my faith. For only then, only by his grace and strength can i keep the faith.
And of course, i know there are you out there praying for me. i truly appreciate it. I thank God for all you.
Some of you call it "Quiet Time" (QT), others "Devotion". Basically, what i am referring to is the time set aside each to read the Bible - and let God's words speak to you (altho i confess that i sometimes rush thru the former and neglect the latter). For ease of reference, i'll refer to it as QT here even tho i personally dun like that description.
There's always this talk about whether doing it in the morning or at nite is better. I used to prefer the nite - being a nocturnal person. But for a long time, i've tried doing it twice - in the morning and at nite.
"Tried" is the important word there.
But each time i'm bogged down with essays (and the one exam i had so far), my QT improves. I guess i'm forced into being discipline with me time. Normally, i'd wake up whenever i want to and sleep when i'm just about to drop off. But wif essays looming, i settle into a proper routine - and that includes time for QT.
Anyways, jus wanna share some thoughts. I'm reading about the Kings of Judah and Israel in 2 Chronicles.
Chapters 24 - 26 chronicles the lives of 3 kings of Judah - Joash, his son, Amaziah and Uzziah. The common trait bout these 3 kings was that they did wat was right in the sight of the Lord (24v2, 25v2, 26v4).
There was another common factor - just before they died, they were no longer pleasing to God.
Joash was prolly remembered most as the King who repaired the temple of God. Unfortunately, when he became older, he forsook God (24v20). He was then severely injured in a war and then he was killed in a conspiracy by his own people.
After Amaziah turned away from God, his own people also conspired against him. Learning from the experince of his father(?), he fled the country. However, he was caught and mudered.
Uzziah was one of the great Kings of Judah who had a brilliant reign. The people prospered. Unfortunately, his successes went to his head - and he tried to take over the function of the priests (only one person is King and Priest - our Lord Jesus). He was thus struck with leprosy and he died a leper.
Sad-eh? I was. Very. Great men who did great things for God. But yet, in the end, they turned away from God. Just like Solomon - the wisest man on earth turned out to be quite foolish (imagine how about the rest of us average ones!!!!).
There were many times in my life when i felt like giving it all up. Reading about the Judaen kings reminded me of the importance to persevere in my walk. Not to look back at my 'achievements' but always to look forward and to look to my author and perfector of my faith. For only then, only by his grace and strength can i keep the faith.
The journey is long - but with God's help, we'll keep on track!
And of course, i know there are you out there praying for me. i truly appreciate it. I thank God for all you.
Streets of London - Ralph McTell
I wondered aroung the strrets of London yesterday and i did the complete London experience yesterday - visited a museum, watched a play, listened to a jazz concert, ate at Chinatown, did some shopping (only the "window" type) and hung out in a park! And to top it all off, the train that was to take me home was delayed - and i ended up walking for over an hour to get back here!!!!!!
1. Imperial War Museum
The Imperial War Museum is a must for all was enthusiast. And no, it does not glorify war. But it contains a whole wealth of info about the wars. They even have a brand new section dealing with Crimes Against Humanity - which i decided against going since i just handed in an assignment on that and i thought i needed a break from it!!!! But visit that section i will the next time.
This time round, it was a whirlwind visit - i was going for a concert at the Royal Festival Hall and since i had an hour or so, i decided to drop by the IWM.
The last time i was there was in February 1994. I went wif Stephan and we took a lot of pics - the one here on the right is one of me favourites. It's me posing with a part of the Berlin Wall outside the IWM. I looked for it and it was still there in the same exact spot, except the wall now looked more weathered. This time round, i realised how thin the wall was!
I guess the last time round was more fun, being with Stephan and having someone to take pics of you! I kinda miss that - dun get me wrong, me flatmates are nice and fun, but they just dun seem too keen to go down and hang out in London! Like i was reading the other day about the open air theatre resuming at Regent's Park in late spring, i remember how the whole gang of us went for it, despite the fact that there were prolly only 2 real Shakespeare fans. But the rest went along for the experience. Ah.... those were the days!
For more pics of th IWM (including pics of the P-51D Mustang, the Spitfire, the Sherman tank etc.) go here.
2. Royal Festival Hall
Thereafter, i rushed off to the Royal Festival Hall to catch a free lunchtime jazz concert - the John Williams Trio! No, no, no, not the John Williams. Another lessor known one.
He is a saxaphonist (he even played a baritone sax - mehtinks it's the first time i heard a baritone sax live) and he was accopanied by a bassist and a guitarist - both as old as he is!!!!
I took the pic on the right not only to show the trio but if you in the foreground, u'd see many heads wif white hair - if there are any left! So many senior citizens there!
But it was cool. They played mainstream jazz - early 20th century stuffs and at one point, a senior couple even got up and danced, much to the amusement of a lttle 2 or 3 year kid standing near me.
I used to hang around at the RFH a lot cuz it used to be the home to the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - the best orchestra i have ever heard! Flawless stuffs. RPO has since had their performances at the Royal Albert Hall.
3. One flew over the cuckoo's nest
OK. I have to admit that the main draw was Christian Slater! Since being here, i have missed Kevin Spacey, Patrick Stewart and Ewan McGregor - and i told meself that i'm not gonna miss another big star!
And you have to admit he does look a little "Nicholson" in the poster, doesn't he?
For those who dun know, it's about this sane guy sent into a mental institution and faces-off with an evil domineering head nurse.
The verdict? Well, it was alrite. The story is good. I wasn't impressed with the acting, tho. I mean, acting as mental patients does not take much talent - and unfortunately, it showed. Nothing outstanding at all.
But the performances of the 2 leads made up for it. Maybe it's because the 2 leads were so good that it made the rest look bad! Slater was good - he made the role his. Alex Kingston (of ER fame) was equally up to her task as Nurse Ratched.
The really stupid thing happenned at the end when the performers came out to take their bows. Certain section of the crowd actually boo-ed Alex Kingston!!!!!!! How dumb can you get???
I guess in some ways, she can(and she should) take it as a compliment - she made her role so real and so evil that some of the weak-minded people in the audience couldn't make the distinction between acting and real life.
(pic of the Garrick theatre obtained from Christian Slater's Video Diary)
4. Spring time at Kensington Gardens
I spent quite some time at Kensington Park, just enjoying spring in all its glory. It was lovely - flowers in all colours - red, pink, orange, blue, yellow, green, white, purple!
And there were so many squirrels running all over the place. They were quite tame but cautious. One even followed me for a while hoping to get a free meal.
I kept on thinking how wonderful it would be if me mom, me nephew and me niece were wif me. Me mom would love the flowers while me nephew and niece would be simply thrilled wif the squirrels.
For more spring pics - including some taken at the Kensington Palace Gardens - see here and here.
Yup, spring has truly sprung. The weather was lovely and the days are getting longer. When it did turned dark, i found some stores were opened! Even Borders closes at 11 daily except for Sundays. A lot of sports jackets were going for really cheap - 70 -80% discount while England's away jersy (the new one) is going for 50% of - and money back if England wins the World Cup!!!! Am so tempted to buy it - is this considered as gambling???
After that, as there was still time to kill before the last train back, i just sat at Leicester Square and watched life pass by, enjoying the lovely cool spring nite.
The day din end on a high note, tho. There i was, seated comfortably on the 10 pm train. let me explain. The train goes all the way from London to North Station, Colchester. From there, i take another train to Hythe which is 20 mins walk away from me Uni. Alternatively, i can take a bus. The last train to Hythe from Colchester North is around 10:50 pm while the last bus is at 11. So any train that i take from London later than 10 pm will mean i have 2 alternatives - take a cab (can come up to about 9 quid) or walk - for an hour or so!!!!
At literally the last minute (9:59 pm - i saw the clock in the station), they announced that the 10 pm train will not be leaving and it will instead now be the 10:18 train!!!! There was nothing i could do but just moan!!!
What made things worse was this bunch of people in the same carriage who were making lots of noises, screaming and shouting each time the train driver makes an announcement, laughing and being a pain. At one point of time, they offended a lady sitting nearby who got up and moved over closer to where i sat. This prompted one of them to start verbally abusing her. Then, they found it so amusing when one of them started farting loudly. The laughs only encouraged him to do that more.
What is really depressing was that this is not a bunch of loud-mouth teenagers. This was a group of adults in their forties or late thirties. By the way they were dressed, they looked like professionals - shirts, suits etc. I got the impression that they got off work, had dinner and a drink together and were going back home.
Look, i dun have anything against people having a good time together - but there is a line that has to be drawn - and last nite, that line was crossed many times. It din help that many of us were tired, exhausted - some like me were trying to sleep, and a little angry over the initial delay.
So when the verbal abuse started along wif the farting, some of the men sitting where i was couldn't take it any longer and gave them a piece of their mind. A shouting match ensued - and at one point of time, i was fearful that it might turn into a fistfight.
But it din.
So that was it. I walked back to Uni - it was cold! And when i reached home, i realised how hungry i was a midnite feast was started! Soon, the unpleasantness of the train journey back was forgotten and i dropped into bed - bone tired, soles hurting but feeling all good inside!
1. Imperial War Museum

The last time i was there was in February 1994. I went wif Stephan and we took a lot of pics - the one here on the right is one of me favourites. It's me posing with a part of the Berlin Wall outside the IWM. I looked for it and it was still there in the same exact spot, except the wall now looked more weathered. This time round, i realised how thin the wall was!
I guess the last time round was more fun, being with Stephan and having someone to take pics of you! I kinda miss that - dun get me wrong, me flatmates are nice and fun, but they just dun seem too keen to go down and hang out in London! Like i was reading the other day about the open air theatre resuming at Regent's Park in late spring, i remember how the whole gang of us went for it, despite the fact that there were prolly only 2 real Shakespeare fans. But the rest went along for the experience. Ah.... those were the days!
For more pics of th IWM (including pics of the P-51D Mustang, the Spitfire, the Sherman tank etc.) go here.
2. Royal Festival Hall

He is a saxaphonist (he even played a baritone sax - mehtinks it's the first time i heard a baritone sax live) and he was accopanied by a bassist and a guitarist - both as old as he is!!!!
I took the pic on the right not only to show the trio but if you in the foreground, u'd see many heads wif white hair - if there are any left! So many senior citizens there!
But it was cool. They played mainstream jazz - early 20th century stuffs and at one point, a senior couple even got up and danced, much to the amusement of a lttle 2 or 3 year kid standing near me.
I used to hang around at the RFH a lot cuz it used to be the home to the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - the best orchestra i have ever heard! Flawless stuffs. RPO has since had their performances at the Royal Albert Hall.
3. One flew over the cuckoo's nest

And you have to admit he does look a little "Nicholson" in the poster, doesn't he?
For those who dun know, it's about this sane guy sent into a mental institution and faces-off with an evil domineering head nurse.
The verdict? Well, it was alrite. The story is good. I wasn't impressed with the acting, tho. I mean, acting as mental patients does not take much talent - and unfortunately, it showed. Nothing outstanding at all.
But the performances of the 2 leads made up for it. Maybe it's because the 2 leads were so good that it made the rest look bad! Slater was good - he made the role his. Alex Kingston (of ER fame) was equally up to her task as Nurse Ratched.
The really stupid thing happenned at the end when the performers came out to take their bows. Certain section of the crowd actually boo-ed Alex Kingston!!!!!!! How dumb can you get???
I guess in some ways, she can(and she should) take it as a compliment - she made her role so real and so evil that some of the weak-minded people in the audience couldn't make the distinction between acting and real life.
(pic of the Garrick theatre obtained from Christian Slater's Video Diary)
4. Spring time at Kensington Gardens

And there were so many squirrels running all over the place. They were quite tame but cautious. One even followed me for a while hoping to get a free meal.
I kept on thinking how wonderful it would be if me mom, me nephew and me niece were wif me. Me mom would love the flowers while me nephew and niece would be simply thrilled wif the squirrels.
For more spring pics - including some taken at the Kensington Palace Gardens - see here and here.
Yup, spring has truly sprung. The weather was lovely and the days are getting longer. When it did turned dark, i found some stores were opened! Even Borders closes at 11 daily except for Sundays. A lot of sports jackets were going for really cheap - 70 -80% discount while England's away jersy (the new one) is going for 50% of - and money back if England wins the World Cup!!!! Am so tempted to buy it - is this considered as gambling???
After that, as there was still time to kill before the last train back, i just sat at Leicester Square and watched life pass by, enjoying the lovely cool spring nite.
The day din end on a high note, tho. There i was, seated comfortably on the 10 pm train. let me explain. The train goes all the way from London to North Station, Colchester. From there, i take another train to Hythe which is 20 mins walk away from me Uni. Alternatively, i can take a bus. The last train to Hythe from Colchester North is around 10:50 pm while the last bus is at 11. So any train that i take from London later than 10 pm will mean i have 2 alternatives - take a cab (can come up to about 9 quid) or walk - for an hour or so!!!!
At literally the last minute (9:59 pm - i saw the clock in the station), they announced that the 10 pm train will not be leaving and it will instead now be the 10:18 train!!!! There was nothing i could do but just moan!!!
What made things worse was this bunch of people in the same carriage who were making lots of noises, screaming and shouting each time the train driver makes an announcement, laughing and being a pain. At one point of time, they offended a lady sitting nearby who got up and moved over closer to where i sat. This prompted one of them to start verbally abusing her. Then, they found it so amusing when one of them started farting loudly. The laughs only encouraged him to do that more.
What is really depressing was that this is not a bunch of loud-mouth teenagers. This was a group of adults in their forties or late thirties. By the way they were dressed, they looked like professionals - shirts, suits etc. I got the impression that they got off work, had dinner and a drink together and were going back home.
Look, i dun have anything against people having a good time together - but there is a line that has to be drawn - and last nite, that line was crossed many times. It din help that many of us were tired, exhausted - some like me were trying to sleep, and a little angry over the initial delay.
So when the verbal abuse started along wif the farting, some of the men sitting where i was couldn't take it any longer and gave them a piece of their mind. A shouting match ensued - and at one point of time, i was fearful that it might turn into a fistfight.
But it din.
So that was it. I walked back to Uni - it was cold! And when i reached home, i realised how hungry i was a midnite feast was started! Soon, the unpleasantness of the train journey back was forgotten and i dropped into bed - bone tired, soles hurting but feeling all good inside!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
It's my life - Bon Jovi
Just in case some of you might wonder what is it that i actually do here in Colchester, let me just clear the air and say that i'm a student! :-) (No, i dun spend all my time watching movies, TV programmes and blog - altho it may seem like that!!)
I are currently doing my Masters in Laws (LLM), specifically, in the area of International Human Rights. I won't bore you with any self-indulging narrative on why i chose to study Human Rights.
However, i would like to share some of my work with those who may be interested.
In the side-bar, there is a section entitled "Rambler's studies". At this point of time, there are 3 blogs listed in that category.
The first is entitled "Their stories". This blog chronicles true events of the lives of people whose human rights have been violated. I have to confess that i've sort of neglected this blog for a while but i will resume posting stories on them soon! Just check the "Last update" column to see if i add any new posts.
The other 2 blogs are essays that i have done. The first had a word limit of 2,500 while the second was my research essay which came up to around 8,000 words. Just a word of warning - these essays contain some pretty technical legal stuffs. I am after all in a Law course. But you can choose from the contents on the side-bar in the blogs to skip the technical stuffs.
Happy reading. I hope you enjoy the essays as much as i have enjoyed doing them!

However, i would like to share some of my work with those who may be interested.
In the side-bar, there is a section entitled "Rambler's studies". At this point of time, there are 3 blogs listed in that category.
The first is entitled "Their stories". This blog chronicles true events of the lives of people whose human rights have been violated. I have to confess that i've sort of neglected this blog for a while but i will resume posting stories on them soon! Just check the "Last update" column to see if i add any new posts.
The other 2 blogs are essays that i have done. The first had a word limit of 2,500 while the second was my research essay which came up to around 8,000 words. Just a word of warning - these essays contain some pretty technical legal stuffs. I am after all in a Law course. But you can choose from the contents on the side-bar in the blogs to skip the technical stuffs.
Happy reading. I hope you enjoy the essays as much as i have enjoyed doing them!
Let me let go - Faith Hill
Fakta-fakta yang terkandung dalam surat ini perlu saya hebahkan dengan cara ini kerana pada akhir-akhir ini tidak banyak lagi kenyataan saya yang disiarkan, sama ada oleh media massa elektronik atau cetak, walaupun mereka menghantar wakil untuk menghadiri sidang akhbar saya.
Translation: The facts contained in this letter had to be broadcasted in this manner because lately, a lot of my statements have not been reported, be it by the print or electronic media, even though they had sent their representatives to the press conferences that i have held.
I read the aforesaid paragraph with some amount of amusement. It is a letter sent to the press - and it reeks of a man who is desperate of attention - and who failed to admit that his time is over. Suddenly, no one seem to be interested in what he has to say - well, not as much as they used to when he was in power.
It just show that power is addictive - and people who have tasted it just find it hard to "kick the habit" and let go.
My amusement turned to sadness as i realise that this problem is so prevalent in the church where i used to worship in.
When i was preparing this post, i put in a lot of examples - but in the end, i decided against publishing it. It won't achieve anything. Suffice for to say for now that leaders must realise their "expiry date" - and when the time comes, they will have to let go. It will be hard, and those who come after them will never seem to be as good as they were - but if they cared for the work and the leaders, they will have to let go. For that is the only way the new leaders will develope and learn.
While the intentions of those who cling on to their power may not be faulted, yet they will have to realise that they may end up doing more damage than good. Why do you think that after each generation of "heroes" will be followed by mediocrity? Could it be that the heroes took it upon themselves to do too much so that the next generation never learn nor had the chance to grow?
p/s - if you want to know who wrote the letter referred to at the beginning of this post, go here.
Translation: The facts contained in this letter had to be broadcasted in this manner because lately, a lot of my statements have not been reported, be it by the print or electronic media, even though they had sent their representatives to the press conferences that i have held.
I read the aforesaid paragraph with some amount of amusement. It is a letter sent to the press - and it reeks of a man who is desperate of attention - and who failed to admit that his time is over. Suddenly, no one seem to be interested in what he has to say - well, not as much as they used to when he was in power.
It just show that power is addictive - and people who have tasted it just find it hard to "kick the habit" and let go.
My amusement turned to sadness as i realise that this problem is so prevalent in the church where i used to worship in.

While the intentions of those who cling on to their power may not be faulted, yet they will have to realise that they may end up doing more damage than good. Why do you think that after each generation of "heroes" will be followed by mediocrity? Could it be that the heroes took it upon themselves to do too much so that the next generation never learn nor had the chance to grow?
p/s - if you want to know who wrote the letter referred to at the beginning of this post, go here.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Hard habit to break - Chicago
For as long as i can remember, i've procrastinated. And when it comes to exams, I've always put aside studying until the "last minute".
For my SPM (O-Levels equivalent), i left until too late. But looking back, i managed to do pretty well - because of the floods!!!! Yeah, the SPm exams that year was postponed due to the flood in the east coast of M'sia. It was prolly the longest postponement ever (which prompted the Edu Ministry to make drastic changes the year after - which din work out too) - it lasted for a month. It was a horrible time. It came to a point that the exams were postponed indefinately - and we'd be given only like a couple of days notice of when it'd resume. That meant that we had to on our toes and be ready to sit for the exam at the drop of a hat - or at very short notice.
But it oso meant that i suddenly had an extra 4 weeks of revision! :-)
So u'd think i would have learnt me lesson, rite? Nope! For the STPM (A-levels equivalent), i was still studying right up to the moment i entered the exam room. I'll never forget that day. As i sat down behind Ming Wei, my mind just blanked out! I whispered loudly to her, "Ming, help me. My mind's blank. Help!!!! I can't remember a thing...". Ming was oredi receiving the exam scripts and all she could do was whispered back "Pray, Mun Onn, just pray...".
I prayed.
After that, as i read the exam questions, the things come flooding back into me tired brain - and with a sense of relief - and gratefulness to God - i started to answer the questions.
When it came to my undergraduate days, the unforgettable exam for the essay i had to do for Legal Theory. The problem was that back then, there was only one laptop which was shared among all of us - i can't even remember how many of us were sharing!!! Knowing myself, i volunteered to take the "last shift".
To be honest, i finished my work pretty early. I knew wat i wanted to write. I just needed the laptop. But i paid the price being the last one. Each person took a little longer than was allocated - the biggest culprit was the girl before me (yeah, you remember that, dun u? hehehe. no worries, i dun hold that against you!). So when i finally got the laptop, time was running out. Martin - the laptop owner was apologetic when he passed it to me - but it wasn't his fault, and he was in fact doing us all a big favour!
It was another mad rush and i just made it on time!
And now, it's deja vu all over again. At the beginning of last term, it was a mad dash to the law office to hand in me essay. There were some anxious moments as we queued for the printer in the lab - yeah, i wasn't the only one. I told meself that that would be the last time i do that.
Well, i almost kept my word! I finished everything at about 7 am yesterday! The essays were due at 4 pm! Woohoo! 8 hours to spare!!!! Guess wat? i slept! hey, i was up all nite! and the nite before that. And before that...
No worries. Got up at bout 2:30. Still plenty of time. Read the Bible, checked my e-mail and the latest news on BBC Online. At quarter past 3, i walked calmly to the law office to hand up me essays. Haylee looked at my answer sheet and asked, "Do you have a cover sheet?" Blank faced, i replied, "Huh? Err... no."
"You need one for each essay".
"But... but i checked my last term's exam and i din put in one!!!".
"Well, you need to. It's on the notice board outside."
"Ah... er.... "
I decided against arguing - and to be fair, she was being nice and patient. i looked at me watch. 20 past. I can make it!
"OK. I'll get it done."
Ran back to halls. Typed out the cover page for both the essays and saved it in me pendrive. Another dash to the computer lab. Must find one that does not have many people in it - no need to queue for printer. Found it at the lowest floor (Lab K). Got it printed. Dash back to the law office. Handed it up.
Officially, i handed it in at 3:51 pm. Phew... Thank God.
The funny thing is that i was not alone. the law office was crowded wif people like me, trying to meet the 4 pm dateline. It was prolly the same for other courses too - i kept seeing people either carrying answer scripts, dashing around madly like me or falling asleep in the lift!!!!! Ah, student life...
O well... thank God for helping me thru the mad past couple of days. I guess some things dun change. I am who i am...
But, all hope is not lost! By 9 am this morning, i had done my Bible reading, checked mail, read the latest news online, was oredi on my 3rd cup of coffee, had breakfast - and made enuf tuna mayo for the next 3 or 4 days, and blogged (this is my second post of the morning and it's not even 10)!!!!
Yeah, surprise, surprise. I was awake by 6 am! I'm trying to change my biological clock again - as i found out that me exam next month will be held in the morning - 10 am, to be exact. So no more late dinners and sleeping only when the sun is up (it felt so weird last nite as i went to sleep - it was the first time in days that it was actually dark outside when i got onto me bed!!!!).
See, i can change! By God's grace, of course!
For my SPM (O-Levels equivalent), i left until too late. But looking back, i managed to do pretty well - because of the floods!!!! Yeah, the SPm exams that year was postponed due to the flood in the east coast of M'sia. It was prolly the longest postponement ever (which prompted the Edu Ministry to make drastic changes the year after - which din work out too) - it lasted for a month. It was a horrible time. It came to a point that the exams were postponed indefinately - and we'd be given only like a couple of days notice of when it'd resume. That meant that we had to on our toes and be ready to sit for the exam at the drop of a hat - or at very short notice.
But it oso meant that i suddenly had an extra 4 weeks of revision! :-)
So u'd think i would have learnt me lesson, rite? Nope! For the STPM (A-levels equivalent), i was still studying right up to the moment i entered the exam room. I'll never forget that day. As i sat down behind Ming Wei, my mind just blanked out! I whispered loudly to her, "Ming, help me. My mind's blank. Help!!!! I can't remember a thing...". Ming was oredi receiving the exam scripts and all she could do was whispered back "Pray, Mun Onn, just pray...".
I prayed.
After that, as i read the exam questions, the things come flooding back into me tired brain - and with a sense of relief - and gratefulness to God - i started to answer the questions.
When it came to my undergraduate days, the unforgettable exam for the essay i had to do for Legal Theory. The problem was that back then, there was only one laptop which was shared among all of us - i can't even remember how many of us were sharing!!! Knowing myself, i volunteered to take the "last shift".
To be honest, i finished my work pretty early. I knew wat i wanted to write. I just needed the laptop. But i paid the price being the last one. Each person took a little longer than was allocated - the biggest culprit was the girl before me (yeah, you remember that, dun u? hehehe. no worries, i dun hold that against you!). So when i finally got the laptop, time was running out. Martin - the laptop owner was apologetic when he passed it to me - but it wasn't his fault, and he was in fact doing us all a big favour!
It was another mad rush and i just made it on time!
And now, it's deja vu all over again. At the beginning of last term, it was a mad dash to the law office to hand in me essay. There were some anxious moments as we queued for the printer in the lab - yeah, i wasn't the only one. I told meself that that would be the last time i do that.
Well, i almost kept my word! I finished everything at about 7 am yesterday! The essays were due at 4 pm! Woohoo! 8 hours to spare!!!! Guess wat? i slept! hey, i was up all nite! and the nite before that. And before that...
No worries. Got up at bout 2:30. Still plenty of time. Read the Bible, checked my e-mail and the latest news on BBC Online. At quarter past 3, i walked calmly to the law office to hand up me essays. Haylee looked at my answer sheet and asked, "Do you have a cover sheet?" Blank faced, i replied, "Huh? Err... no."
"You need one for each essay".
"But... but i checked my last term's exam and i din put in one!!!".
"Well, you need to. It's on the notice board outside."
"Ah... er.... "
I decided against arguing - and to be fair, she was being nice and patient. i looked at me watch. 20 past. I can make it!
"OK. I'll get it done."
Ran back to halls. Typed out the cover page for both the essays and saved it in me pendrive. Another dash to the computer lab. Must find one that does not have many people in it - no need to queue for printer. Found it at the lowest floor (Lab K). Got it printed. Dash back to the law office. Handed it up.
Officially, i handed it in at 3:51 pm. Phew... Thank God.
The funny thing is that i was not alone. the law office was crowded wif people like me, trying to meet the 4 pm dateline. It was prolly the same for other courses too - i kept seeing people either carrying answer scripts, dashing around madly like me or falling asleep in the lift!!!!! Ah, student life...
O well... thank God for helping me thru the mad past couple of days. I guess some things dun change. I am who i am...
But, all hope is not lost! By 9 am this morning, i had done my Bible reading, checked mail, read the latest news online, was oredi on my 3rd cup of coffee, had breakfast - and made enuf tuna mayo for the next 3 or 4 days, and blogged (this is my second post of the morning and it's not even 10)!!!!
Yeah, surprise, surprise. I was awake by 6 am! I'm trying to change my biological clock again - as i found out that me exam next month will be held in the morning - 10 am, to be exact. So no more late dinners and sleeping only when the sun is up (it felt so weird last nite as i went to sleep - it was the first time in days that it was actually dark outside when i got onto me bed!!!!).
See, i can change! By God's grace, of course!
The Handy Man - James Taylor
Pete Thornton: His name is MacGyver. He can fix anything. He could fix a computer with a hairpin and a piece of duct tape.
After preparing my sandwich, i rumaged thru my bag and fished out my duck tape. I used it to seal back the pack of ham i bought. Michael was incredulous! He exclaimed "You actually brought that all the way here (Paris)????"
I smiled.
Old habits die hard. Everywhere i went, i'd have my swiss army knife and some sticky tape, be it duct tape or masking tape. Yeah, it's the thing that happens to you when you grow up watching MacGyver!
A couple weeks ago, i couldn't believe it when i found out someone on campus had the complete MacGyver Season 1!!!!! Woohoo! Everything else was put aside as i sat down immediately after i got me grubby hands on the pilot and i started watching.
It was excellent! :-)
OK - the quality left a lot to be desired - but hey, this was the 80s and methinks the people who came out wif the DVD din really do a good job in transferring it.
But it was MacGyver!!!
Wold you believe it that after watching the brilliant opening gambit of the pilot episode (you know, the one where he rescues the pilot - pun intended, hehehe. Interesting trivia - this was the ONLY episode in all 7 seasons that Mac actually fires a gun!), when the credits started and the familiar theme song came on, i found tears welling in my eyes! Really!
I was totally transported back in time, so long ago, when MacGyver was the highlight of the week and we would gather together to watch it. I was a kid all over again! Man, i was so young back then - that explains how easily influenced i was!
But Mac has always been a good influence. One of the reasons why the show lasted so long was because of him! Even when the storyline of each episode became quite lame at times, yet you'd still watch it cuz mac is such a likeable fella.
When faced with a difficult situation, he calmly uses his brains - and perhaps, some chocs, or a discarded can, or piece of cloth. He is selfless and most important of all, he's witty! ;-P
In today's world, he won't last. People want to see a "flawed" hero, one who wrestles wif his demons, preferably one who knows 3 kinds of martial arts, handles the state of the art weapons and shots first before asking questions, impulsive and emotional. Sigh...
Mac was why people wanted to watch TV last time. It's entertaining, it's educational, it's fun (clean fun, mind you) - pure escapism!
And everybody wanted to be MacGyver. Everyone started carrying swiss army knives. and when we left school, everyone let their hair grow into a "mullet" like Mac. I confess that i even tried to dress like him before!!!!
Well, i've gotten over that phase. But MacGyver has left a much deeper impact in my life. Whether or not it helped shaped my values i dun know for sure - altho i would like to think that i share the values that Mac would be pleased wif. But one thing i know is that MacGyver will always have that part in my life history that i'll never forget. Watching it brough back memories of the frens i had back, the things we used to do, the girl who i had a crush on...
Rumour has it that they are coming out wif a movie version of MacGyver soon. I hope not. It just won't work. And either it will be some young pretty boy punk as MacGyver - or a really old Richard Dean Anderson!
After preparing my sandwich, i rumaged thru my bag and fished out my duck tape. I used it to seal back the pack of ham i bought. Michael was incredulous! He exclaimed "You actually brought that all the way here (Paris)????"
I smiled.
Old habits die hard. Everywhere i went, i'd have my swiss army knife and some sticky tape, be it duct tape or masking tape. Yeah, it's the thing that happens to you when you grow up watching MacGyver!
A couple weeks ago, i couldn't believe it when i found out someone on campus had the complete MacGyver Season 1!!!!! Woohoo! Everything else was put aside as i sat down immediately after i got me grubby hands on the pilot and i started watching.
It was excellent! :-)
OK - the quality left a lot to be desired - but hey, this was the 80s and methinks the people who came out wif the DVD din really do a good job in transferring it.
But it was MacGyver!!!
Wold you believe it that after watching the brilliant opening gambit of the pilot episode (you know, the one where he rescues the pilot - pun intended, hehehe. Interesting trivia - this was the ONLY episode in all 7 seasons that Mac actually fires a gun!), when the credits started and the familiar theme song came on, i found tears welling in my eyes! Really!
I was totally transported back in time, so long ago, when MacGyver was the highlight of the week and we would gather together to watch it. I was a kid all over again! Man, i was so young back then - that explains how easily influenced i was!
But Mac has always been a good influence. One of the reasons why the show lasted so long was because of him! Even when the storyline of each episode became quite lame at times, yet you'd still watch it cuz mac is such a likeable fella.
When faced with a difficult situation, he calmly uses his brains - and perhaps, some chocs, or a discarded can, or piece of cloth. He is selfless and most important of all, he's witty! ;-P
In today's world, he won't last. People want to see a "flawed" hero, one who wrestles wif his demons, preferably one who knows 3 kinds of martial arts, handles the state of the art weapons and shots first before asking questions, impulsive and emotional. Sigh...
Mac was why people wanted to watch TV last time. It's entertaining, it's educational, it's fun (clean fun, mind you) - pure escapism!
And everybody wanted to be MacGyver. Everyone started carrying swiss army knives. and when we left school, everyone let their hair grow into a "mullet" like Mac. I confess that i even tried to dress like him before!!!!
Well, i've gotten over that phase. But MacGyver has left a much deeper impact in my life. Whether or not it helped shaped my values i dun know for sure - altho i would like to think that i share the values that Mac would be pleased wif. But one thing i know is that MacGyver will always have that part in my life history that i'll never forget. Watching it brough back memories of the frens i had back, the things we used to do, the girl who i had a crush on...
Rumour has it that they are coming out wif a movie version of MacGyver soon. I hope not. It just won't work. And either it will be some young pretty boy punk as MacGyver - or a really old Richard Dean Anderson!
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Redeemer - Nicole Mullen
A couple of me flatmates from the Orthodox Church celebrated Easter today. I joined in their celebration, although only in spirit. After all, should we not celebrate Easter every Sunday? Or every day of our lives? Our Lord - who was dead and burried - is risen! Hallelujah!
Who taught the sun where to stand in the morning?
and Who told the ocean you can only come this far?
and Who showed the moon where to hide 'til evening?
Whose words alone can catch a falling star?
Well I know my Redeemer lives
I know my Redeemer lives
All of creation testifies
This life within me cries
I know my Redeemer lives yeah
The very same God that spins things in orbit
runs to the weary, the worn and the weak
And the same gentle hands that hold me when I'm broken
They conquered death to bring me victory
Now I know my Redeemer lives
I know my Redeemer lives
Let all creation testify
Let this life within me cry
I know my Redeemer, He lives
To take away my shame
And He lives forever, I'll proclaim
That the payment for my sin
Was the precious life He gave
But now He's alive and
There's an empty grave
And I know my Redeemer lives
I know my Redeemer lives
Let all creation testify
Let this life within me cry
I know my Redeemer,
I know my Redeemer
I know my Redeemer lives
I know my redeemer lives
I know that I know that I know that I know that I know my redeemer lives
Because He lives I can face tomorrow
I Know I know
He lives he lives yeah yeah I spoke with him this morning
He lives he lives, the tomb is empty,
He lives I gotta tell everybody
and Who told the ocean you can only come this far?
and Who showed the moon where to hide 'til evening?
Whose words alone can catch a falling star?
Well I know my Redeemer lives
I know my Redeemer lives
All of creation testifies
This life within me cries
I know my Redeemer lives yeah
The very same God that spins things in orbit
runs to the weary, the worn and the weak
And the same gentle hands that hold me when I'm broken
They conquered death to bring me victory
Now I know my Redeemer lives
I know my Redeemer lives
Let all creation testify
Let this life within me cry
I know my Redeemer, He lives
To take away my shame
And He lives forever, I'll proclaim
That the payment for my sin
Was the precious life He gave
But now He's alive and
There's an empty grave
And I know my Redeemer lives
I know my Redeemer lives
Let all creation testify
Let this life within me cry
I know my Redeemer,
I know my Redeemer
I know my Redeemer lives
I know my redeemer lives
I know that I know that I know that I know that I know my redeemer lives
Because He lives I can face tomorrow
I Know I know
He lives he lives yeah yeah I spoke with him this morning
He lives he lives, the tomb is empty,
He lives I gotta tell everybody
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
The first time I ever saw your face - George Michael
Here's an excerpt from a mail i sent yesterday:-
"As some of u who actually read my blog would know, 2 of me flatmates left b4 the easter hols. we are expecting new fellas to come cuz another one has left too.
There i was, taking a break from me studies, watching an episode of prison break (which is not too bad - not brilliant but not far from that), eating a sandwich when heard a noise (i was wearing ear phones) and i noticed from the corner of me eye me door handle turning. i sat there, feet up, mouth full of food when the door swung open and i prepared to launch a tirade of abuse on me greek flatmate for coming in unannounced.
then i saw her... and our eyes met...
ok, ok, no dramatic stuffs, time din stop, nor did emotional classical music started playing.
my surprised eyes met her terrified eyes. she apologised and hurried off.
all i could think of was thank goodness i wasnt caught in a "compromising" position - like finger up my nose or pants down... yeah, i'll lock the door when i change from now on.
I met her today - officially. she's from japan and she said to call her jackie."
When i start rehashing contents of e-mails as blogs post, u'd know that i'm really drowning under work! I was telling Sachin the other day that i was gonna die cuz i wont be able to finish me essays on time! He said "That's the worst kind of death!"
Well anyways, since then, 2 essays down, 2 more to go, 5 days left. Not good but not hopeless either.
So why even bother rehashing e-mails for posts? Well, i can't sleep and i can't study. Would you believe it - 2 false fire alarms in 2 weeks! I dun really mind the walk down 10 stories and the wait in the cold wind outside each time it happens. But if they wanna play a prank, why dun they do it at a more acceptable hour????? Like anytime from 2 pm to 5 am? I slept at 7 this morning. The fire alarm went off at 12. 5 hours of sleep leaves you "neither here nor there". The construction taking place outside me window is not helping either...
So silence from me - for the next five days. But you can amuse yourselves wif me pics of Paris until you hear from me! Go here.
"As some of u who actually read my blog would know, 2 of me flatmates left b4 the easter hols. we are expecting new fellas to come cuz another one has left too.
There i was, taking a break from me studies, watching an episode of prison break (which is not too bad - not brilliant but not far from that), eating a sandwich when heard a noise (i was wearing ear phones) and i noticed from the corner of me eye me door handle turning. i sat there, feet up, mouth full of food when the door swung open and i prepared to launch a tirade of abuse on me greek flatmate for coming in unannounced.
then i saw her... and our eyes met...
ok, ok, no dramatic stuffs, time din stop, nor did emotional classical music started playing.
my surprised eyes met her terrified eyes. she apologised and hurried off.
all i could think of was thank goodness i wasnt caught in a "compromising" position - like finger up my nose or pants down... yeah, i'll lock the door when i change from now on.
I met her today - officially. she's from japan and she said to call her jackie."
When i start rehashing contents of e-mails as blogs post, u'd know that i'm really drowning under work! I was telling Sachin the other day that i was gonna die cuz i wont be able to finish me essays on time! He said "That's the worst kind of death!"
Well anyways, since then, 2 essays down, 2 more to go, 5 days left. Not good but not hopeless either.
So why even bother rehashing e-mails for posts? Well, i can't sleep and i can't study. Would you believe it - 2 false fire alarms in 2 weeks! I dun really mind the walk down 10 stories and the wait in the cold wind outside each time it happens. But if they wanna play a prank, why dun they do it at a more acceptable hour????? Like anytime from 2 pm to 5 am? I slept at 7 this morning. The fire alarm went off at 12. 5 hours of sleep leaves you "neither here nor there". The construction taking place outside me window is not helping either...
So silence from me - for the next five days. But you can amuse yourselves wif me pics of Paris until you hear from me! Go here.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Complicated - Avril Lavigne
Scenario A
"Don't call me, ok!!!!"
Few days later...
"Why didn't you call!!??!!"
Scenario B
"Sure, you can go out wif your mates. I'm cool wif that!"
The next day...
"How could you have gone out wif them instead of being wif me??!!!"
Scenario C
"I don't want your e-mail anymore!"
Days later...
"I'm still waiting for your e-mail!" (?)
The above scenarios are based on real life events. Only the names, places and events have been changed. ;-P
No prizes for guessing which quotes are made by the female species...
I'll prolly get killed for this post! :-)
"Don't call me, ok!!!!"
Few days later...
"Why didn't you call!!??!!"
Scenario B
"Sure, you can go out wif your mates. I'm cool wif that!"
The next day...
"How could you have gone out wif them instead of being wif me??!!!"
Scenario C
"I don't want your e-mail anymore!"
Days later...
"I'm still waiting for your e-mail!" (?)
The above scenarios are based on real life events. Only the names, places and events have been changed. ;-P
No prizes for guessing which quotes are made by the female species...
I'll prolly get killed for this post! :-)
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Sunrise - Norah Jones
Scene #4 Act#1: Sunday Morning*
Someone knocks at the door...
Susanna? Phil? It’s me, Cleo.
The men wake themselves and open the door to let Cleo in.
Hi, Cleo. What’s up?
Susanna asked me to meet her here. We’re going up to Emmaus.
Emmaus? That’s seven miles away.
Yes. That’s why I’m here early. Where’s Susanna?
The rest turn to look for her but find both Susanna and Mary missing.
Where did these women go to? And so early in the morning?
Let’s not get excited. Perhaps they went to the tomb of... .
Everyone falls silent as the grim reminder of the loss of Jesus comes over them again.
I hear they put Jesus in a tomb belonging to a council member.
Of Arimathea?
Yes. That Joseph.
Suddenly they hear the cries of the ladies from afar.
Johnnie! Phil!
Jim! Matt!
What has gotten into them?
The ladies rush in.
O, Johnnie! Pete!
It’s... o, hi, Cleo. When did you come?
Just. Not too long ago. What is happening?
It’s Jesus. Jesus is alive, he’s alive! Really, he is...
Now, woman. Calm down. What are you jabbering about?
It’s true Pete. We were at the tomb this morning but when we reached there, the stone was rolled away...!
What? Rolled away? The Roman guards?
We don’t know what happened to them.
We were a little scared at first.
O yes we were. But slowly, we plucked up enough courage to go into the tomb.
And what did you find?
Nothing? So?
No, Andy. We didn’t even find our Lord in there!
But that could mean they took his body away!
Yes, but after that...
There’s more?
Listen! After that, we saw two men, in shinning clothes.
Angels, Cleo, Angels!
Yes, yes, Angels who told us that “He”, Jesus, “is not here!”
That he is risen...
All together
...just as he said!
They break up in excited murmuring and chattering among themselves. Pete takes his coat and John follows suit and they both run off. The rest surround the ladies asking them for more details.
And thanks to those 2 ladies (actually 3, but we din have enuf actresses back then), we now have this tradition of conducting sunrise services every Easter morning. Being here in the UK where the sun rises earlier during spring, our service was held at 6 am (unlike the 7 am services back home).
So there we were, standing by the lake, facing east, standing on mud and duck droppings, shivering in the cold - but hearts all warmed as we sang out heartily "Christ is risen from the dead"! At one point, even the ducks in the lake seemed to wanna join in our choruses!
The cynical part of me always questioned the practicality and the sensibleness of having a sunrise service. But yet, each time i attend it, i was glad that i did - there's sumthing special about rising up when it's still dark, gathering together and placing ourselves in the shoes (or sandals) of the ladies who ran excitedly and declared to the rest that the Lord is risen! He is risen indeed, hallelujah!
* taken from "The Upper Room" - used with permission!
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Come together - The Beatles
2 weeks ago, i received a call one Saturday afternoon. It was KC. "Get on-line", he said. I did.
And that was the beginning of wat i hope to be a regular Saturday feature for us. us - the four of us (as seen in the pic below!) - KC, WS, JT and me.
Yeah, the 4 of us go back a long time. We used to be the loudest and the lamest people around. We'd meet once a week in Puchong for Bible Study at another mate's house (not one of the 4) - and had some pretty unforgettable times together, before, during and after the study.
Guys, remember the "susu kambing" guy? And "Mamak-trix"?
Each time JT comes back, we'd meet up - and have times of uncontrollable laughter and fun.
Now, years after the last time we met up, it seemed that those glorious days are in the past, wif the 2 of us in the UK, one in the States and one back home.
But thanks to modern technology, we could have our "mamak" session again - only this time, we'd make our own coffee and play online games.
That's wat been happening for the past 3 Saturdays (today included) and really, it was the good times all over again - the loud comments, the lame jokes, speaking in cantonese, the teasing, KC's infectious laughter, being "evil", "yee ha!", the works.
Althought our plan to play chor tai ti today failed, we managed to find this rather cool version of "Hearts" at MSN. We even had a few "guests" who joined us. It was really almost like the old times again. Absolutely unimaginable years back - for me, at least - but to be able to chat, laugh and have a game of cards together while being on 3 separate continents is something really special for me.
We even managed to conspire to cheat a total stranger in a game of cards!!!!! Altho in the end, we gave up and played each other out instead! ;-P
Thank God for modern technology. Thank God for frens! :-)
Dun forget the phrase of the day today - "Lulled into a false sense of security! Muahahaha!"
See you guys next Saturday!
And that was the beginning of wat i hope to be a regular Saturday feature for us. us - the four of us (as seen in the pic below!) - KC, WS, JT and me.
Yeah, the 4 of us go back a long time. We used to be the loudest and the lamest people around. We'd meet once a week in Puchong for Bible Study at another mate's house (not one of the 4) - and had some pretty unforgettable times together, before, during and after the study.
Guys, remember the "susu kambing" guy? And "Mamak-trix"?
Each time JT comes back, we'd meet up - and have times of uncontrollable laughter and fun.
Now, years after the last time we met up, it seemed that those glorious days are in the past, wif the 2 of us in the UK, one in the States and one back home.
But thanks to modern technology, we could have our "mamak" session again - only this time, we'd make our own coffee and play online games.
That's wat been happening for the past 3 Saturdays (today included) and really, it was the good times all over again - the loud comments, the lame jokes, speaking in cantonese, the teasing, KC's infectious laughter, being "evil", "yee ha!", the works.
Althought our plan to play chor tai ti today failed, we managed to find this rather cool version of "Hearts" at MSN. We even had a few "guests" who joined us. It was really almost like the old times again. Absolutely unimaginable years back - for me, at least - but to be able to chat, laugh and have a game of cards together while being on 3 separate continents is something really special for me.
We even managed to conspire to cheat a total stranger in a game of cards!!!!! Altho in the end, we gave up and played each other out instead! ;-P
Thank God for modern technology. Thank God for frens! :-)
Dun forget the phrase of the day today - "Lulled into a false sense of security! Muahahaha!"
See you guys next Saturday!
Friday, April 14, 2006
We are the reason - David Meece

See from his head, his hands, his feet
Sorrow and blood flow mingled down
Did e'er such love and sorrow meet
Or thorns composed so rich a crown?
Isaac Watts
Postscript: Painting is Dali's "Christ of Saint John of the Cross" 1951 currently housed in St. Mungo Museum of Religious Life & Art in Glasgow. You have to see the original!!!! This pic is obtained from
Can you feel the love tonight? - Elton John
It's Good Friday.
Well, i think it is. It should be. I checked the calender. I confirmed with my flatmates. I note the special activities.
But it just doesn't feel like it! And i've been wondering why...
Why does it seem like any ordinary week? Why dun i feel all overcome wif emotion? Why am i so numb over the whole thing?
And that led me thinking of why do we need this... this weekend in the first place? Our Lord instituted the breaking of bread feast for us to remember him til he comes. And we Christians (esp the brethren) have been doing that on a regular basis. So why do we need this Easter weekend for? It sure wasn't commanded - nor even suggested - by our Lord!
It would be really sad for us Christians if we only feel his love and get touched by his sacrifice at this one time in the whole year! Out of all the over 300 hundred days, it'll be truly pathetic if we only remember our Lord and his sufferings over one weekend.
So why bother?
And why was i so excited in the past at this point of time? Funnily, the answer came to me as i was typing out this post.
Easter is and has always been a good opportunity to tell others about what our Lord has done for us - and for them! It's not meant for us - at least, personally, it's not meant for some selfish feel-good inward looking thingy. It's an excellent chance for us to bring the message to others - to start talking to them about the true meaning of Easter. To explain why did Jesus had to come and die on the cross.
"Would you like to come to my church this weekend to watch a perfromance and listen to a sermon?"
"Nah... not really..."
"Hey, it's Easter and we're having a special Easter meeting for everyone. You wanna come?"
"Easter? Oh yeah. Well... hhmmm... why not?"
"Do you wanna know why Jesus came to...?"
"No. Nothing about this Jesus, ok?"
"Hey, it's Easter. Do you know the real reason why we celebrate Easter?"
"The birth of the Easter Bunny??? I dun know. You tell me!"
I'm not saying that Easter can be a trick that we use - but i guess people generally will be more open at this time - just like during Christmas when everyone suddenly wants to attend a Christmas service. And welcome them we will! Share with them we should too!
Wow - what started out as an instropective look at meself turned out to be rather preachy...
I guess wat i wanna say is that as we celebrate Good Friday and Easter, let us as recipients of the wonderful gift of grace not keep it to ourselves as that is not what we're meant to do. Let us be touched afresh with his love and spread it to others. I'm telling meself this too!
This morning, we were all awoken by the fire alarm. In my half awaken state, i willed it to be Tuesday - the day when they test the alarm for a couple of seconds. After a long period of time, i knew it wasn't the normal "Tuesday-testing" alarm. Took me another few more seconds before i remembered it's Good Friday - and then made the conclusion that today was Friday! So the alarm was real! Aarrgghh.... I slowly got up, put on me shoes, hoping that it (the alarm, not the shoe) would go off and i'd dive right back into bed. It din.
When we got down and out, i noticed one of me flatmate is not down there. Prolly ignored it.
And that is a good illustration of wat we have to do - sound the alarm. It's up to the others if they wanna take heed of it or not.
* Pic at the top of post is of a flag flying at half-mast above the library building yesterday. Wonder what was that all about but thought it was kinda appropriate as we remember the Lord's crucifixion.
Well, i think it is. It should be. I checked the calender. I confirmed with my flatmates. I note the special activities.

Why does it seem like any ordinary week? Why dun i feel all overcome wif emotion? Why am i so numb over the whole thing?
And that led me thinking of why do we need this... this weekend in the first place? Our Lord instituted the breaking of bread feast for us to remember him til he comes. And we Christians (esp the brethren) have been doing that on a regular basis. So why do we need this Easter weekend for? It sure wasn't commanded - nor even suggested - by our Lord!
It would be really sad for us Christians if we only feel his love and get touched by his sacrifice at this one time in the whole year! Out of all the over 300 hundred days, it'll be truly pathetic if we only remember our Lord and his sufferings over one weekend.
So why bother?
And why was i so excited in the past at this point of time? Funnily, the answer came to me as i was typing out this post.
Easter is and has always been a good opportunity to tell others about what our Lord has done for us - and for them! It's not meant for us - at least, personally, it's not meant for some selfish feel-good inward looking thingy. It's an excellent chance for us to bring the message to others - to start talking to them about the true meaning of Easter. To explain why did Jesus had to come and die on the cross.
"Would you like to come to my church this weekend to watch a perfromance and listen to a sermon?"
"Nah... not really..."
"Hey, it's Easter and we're having a special Easter meeting for everyone. You wanna come?"
"Easter? Oh yeah. Well... hhmmm... why not?"
"Do you wanna know why Jesus came to...?"
"No. Nothing about this Jesus, ok?"
"Hey, it's Easter. Do you know the real reason why we celebrate Easter?"
"The birth of the Easter Bunny??? I dun know. You tell me!"
I'm not saying that Easter can be a trick that we use - but i guess people generally will be more open at this time - just like during Christmas when everyone suddenly wants to attend a Christmas service. And welcome them we will! Share with them we should too!
Wow - what started out as an instropective look at meself turned out to be rather preachy...
I guess wat i wanna say is that as we celebrate Good Friday and Easter, let us as recipients of the wonderful gift of grace not keep it to ourselves as that is not what we're meant to do. Let us be touched afresh with his love and spread it to others. I'm telling meself this too!
This morning, we were all awoken by the fire alarm. In my half awaken state, i willed it to be Tuesday - the day when they test the alarm for a couple of seconds. After a long period of time, i knew it wasn't the normal "Tuesday-testing" alarm. Took me another few more seconds before i remembered it's Good Friday - and then made the conclusion that today was Friday! So the alarm was real! Aarrgghh.... I slowly got up, put on me shoes, hoping that it (the alarm, not the shoe) would go off and i'd dive right back into bed. It din.
When we got down and out, i noticed one of me flatmate is not down there. Prolly ignored it.
And that is a good illustration of wat we have to do - sound the alarm. It's up to the others if they wanna take heed of it or not.
* Pic at the top of post is of a flag flying at half-mast above the library building yesterday. Wonder what was that all about but thought it was kinda appropriate as we remember the Lord's crucifixion.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Dreams - The Cranberries
Do you remember your dreams? I seldom do. I can tell if it was exciting or sad but the details usually escape me. There are exceptional times, tho. This week has been one of those.
It started earlier this week when i dreamt that i was going to study in another University - at Penang!!! It was truly weird. I din question anything at all and just went along with it. It felt good, tho, to be back in M'sia and so close to home.
Then there was another dream where i was having this discussion wif a mate, WS over another mate, KC. It appears that KC was being deceived by some cultish church and we were brainstorming at great lenghts on how to approach him on the matter and help him.
2 nites ago, i dreamt that when i entered the kitchen, me mate from Rugely - who happenned to be a very close fren from home - was there! She came over to visit me! :-)
Last nite was no exception - i was back home! But it was the eve of the day when i would leave to come back here. It was saying goodbyes all over again - and i hated it. I din wanna leave - not yet, anyway.
It may seem "ordinary" to most of you - but it felt so real (i dun know if u had ever experienced a dream when you know u r dreaming). I've never had this kinda dreams so many nites in a row.
The only connection i can make between the dreams is that it all has to do wif people back home. A case of really missing home badly? I dun know... i mean, i miss home but hey, it's the "normal" missing home thing.
It din help at all that for the pass few nites, i kept on waking up wif a bad headache. Last nite was horrible. It was the headache plus sinus pains - the front and the back of me head!
Yeah, the headaches are back - but thankfully, it disappears when it's time to wake up. Altho it - plus the dreams - leaves me at times truly exhausted when i awake.
I was thinking that perhaps it's the "stress"? What stress, some of u may ask? I'm a student!!!! Maybe a better word is "uncertainty". There's the usual stress of essays due on the 24th, exams next month. I spent the whole of Tuesday reading up on a topic and finally deciding at the end of teh day that i won't be doing that for me essay! But no worries - no knowledge is ever "wasted".
Then, there's the uncertainty regarding me dissertation topic, the internship opportunities, possible employment after me course...
Perhaps wif all these things going on in me head (plus a few others which i'm not at liberty to state here), the mind subconsciously brings me back to the place where i feel the safest - home.
So all you Josephs and Daniels out there - any views?
It esp din help that when i received a mail scolding me first thing this morning. Now i really feel like going back to bed.
It started earlier this week when i dreamt that i was going to study in another University - at Penang!!! It was truly weird. I din question anything at all and just went along with it. It felt good, tho, to be back in M'sia and so close to home.
Then there was another dream where i was having this discussion wif a mate, WS over another mate, KC. It appears that KC was being deceived by some cultish church and we were brainstorming at great lenghts on how to approach him on the matter and help him.
2 nites ago, i dreamt that when i entered the kitchen, me mate from Rugely - who happenned to be a very close fren from home - was there! She came over to visit me! :-)
Last nite was no exception - i was back home! But it was the eve of the day when i would leave to come back here. It was saying goodbyes all over again - and i hated it. I din wanna leave - not yet, anyway.
It may seem "ordinary" to most of you - but it felt so real (i dun know if u had ever experienced a dream when you know u r dreaming). I've never had this kinda dreams so many nites in a row.
The only connection i can make between the dreams is that it all has to do wif people back home. A case of really missing home badly? I dun know... i mean, i miss home but hey, it's the "normal" missing home thing.
It din help at all that for the pass few nites, i kept on waking up wif a bad headache. Last nite was horrible. It was the headache plus sinus pains - the front and the back of me head!
Yeah, the headaches are back - but thankfully, it disappears when it's time to wake up. Altho it - plus the dreams - leaves me at times truly exhausted when i awake.
I was thinking that perhaps it's the "stress"? What stress, some of u may ask? I'm a student!!!! Maybe a better word is "uncertainty". There's the usual stress of essays due on the 24th, exams next month. I spent the whole of Tuesday reading up on a topic and finally deciding at the end of teh day that i won't be doing that for me essay! But no worries - no knowledge is ever "wasted".
Then, there's the uncertainty regarding me dissertation topic, the internship opportunities, possible employment after me course...
Perhaps wif all these things going on in me head (plus a few others which i'm not at liberty to state here), the mind subconsciously brings me back to the place where i feel the safest - home.
So all you Josephs and Daniels out there - any views?
It esp din help that when i received a mail scolding me first thing this morning. Now i really feel like going back to bed.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
The Sound of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel
If i had to list down my favourite places - generally, not specific - the library will have to be on it!
I just love being in a library. I guess the sensation of being surrounded by volumes of knowledge and hours of entertainment really thrills me.
One thing that i really appreciate regarding my childhood was the fact that i've had lots of books around me! Being the youngest, i inherited all the books of my bro and my sis as well as had many of me own too. Thank God i was not born in this generation where kids seem to be more interested in computer games, PS2 (or the X-Box now), cable TV, DVDs etc.
So it was no surprise that i loved to hang out in me school library. And that carried on to me tertiary education years. I spent so much time in those places - the BB school library (even after i left school, i went back there and worked as a librarian on a temp basis), the miserably small law library of Stanford College (they did renovate it and enlarged it... not by much, tho), my church library, the UEL library (wif cubicles in dark corners), the UM Law library (where we'd camp til it closes late at nite). There were many other libraries too - the National Library in KL, the spanking brand new public library in Miri, the Bar Council library... ah... the memories! If there were libraries, then a good bookshop would do - MPH at Mid-Valley, Kinokuniya at Suria KLCC, Borders at BTS!
Do u recall the scene in Beauty and the Beast (the Disney cartoon version) where the Beast took Belle to his library? I loved that scene and i felt almost like how Belle felt! The closest i felt to that in real life was when one of me mates took me to his brother's law firm's library - rows and rows, shelves and shelves - floor to ceiling - of brand new mint conditioned law books! :-)~
There was this episode in Buffy (1st season - i'm still there!) where Giles explained why he prefers a good old book instead of the computer - books are knowledge in a tangible form. You get to hold it, feel it - and most importantly, smell it! Yeah, smell it! I loved the smell of me school library - it reeked of books, old books. And the smell registers in my brain as the smell of knowledge!
My love affair wif the library here started late, tho. It was quite a change for me when i got here as 90% or more of the reading material is obtained on-line. Initially, i was pretty thrilled about it! Having internet connection in me room, all the reading materials are available to me at the click of the mouse. No more going up and down the library, hunting for the elusive book, "fighting" with your coursemates oer who gets to borrow it, making photocopies of the relevant pages etc.
But i hate it now. Studying is holding a book and reading it - not sitting in front of the laptop and reading til yr eyes hurt!
Yeah, i'm old fashioned.
So anyways, the distractions in me room grew to be too unbearable and i've returned to the solitude of the library - and loving it!
For more pics of the library, go here.
Sure, there are other distractions in the library - but nice ones! One is the view from my seat! Lovely. Today, a little bird landed just outside the window and we looked at each other for some brief moments. Poor fella - he only had one eye. He prolly lost the other one in a fight - but as if to say "Don't feel sorry for me", he turned away and flew away into the bright blue sky!
I can now see the yellow daffodils growing around the lake. Adults are bringing their kids to the lakeside to feed the various kinds of feathered frens there - the geese, the ducks, the gulls. No fear of the bird-flu here yet.
And one of the wonderful things i can see is the wind! Yeah, i can literally see it! I see it on the surface of the lake.
Still, take that all away and it still does not make the library any less special - for it is the books in it that makes it what it is.

One thing that i really appreciate regarding my childhood was the fact that i've had lots of books around me! Being the youngest, i inherited all the books of my bro and my sis as well as had many of me own too. Thank God i was not born in this generation where kids seem to be more interested in computer games, PS2 (or the X-Box now), cable TV, DVDs etc.
So it was no surprise that i loved to hang out in me school library. And that carried on to me tertiary education years. I spent so much time in those places - the BB school library (even after i left school, i went back there and worked as a librarian on a temp basis), the miserably small law library of Stanford College (they did renovate it and enlarged it... not by much, tho), my church library, the UEL library (wif cubicles in dark corners), the UM Law library (where we'd camp til it closes late at nite). There were many other libraries too - the National Library in KL, the spanking brand new public library in Miri, the Bar Council library... ah... the memories! If there were libraries, then a good bookshop would do - MPH at Mid-Valley, Kinokuniya at Suria KLCC, Borders at BTS!
Do u recall the scene in Beauty and the Beast (the Disney cartoon version) where the Beast took Belle to his library? I loved that scene and i felt almost like how Belle felt! The closest i felt to that in real life was when one of me mates took me to his brother's law firm's library - rows and rows, shelves and shelves - floor to ceiling - of brand new mint conditioned law books! :-)~
There was this episode in Buffy (1st season - i'm still there!) where Giles explained why he prefers a good old book instead of the computer - books are knowledge in a tangible form. You get to hold it, feel it - and most importantly, smell it! Yeah, smell it! I loved the smell of me school library - it reeked of books, old books. And the smell registers in my brain as the smell of knowledge!
My love affair wif the library here started late, tho. It was quite a change for me when i got here as 90% or more of the reading material is obtained on-line. Initially, i was pretty thrilled about it! Having internet connection in me room, all the reading materials are available to me at the click of the mouse. No more going up and down the library, hunting for the elusive book, "fighting" with your coursemates oer who gets to borrow it, making photocopies of the relevant pages etc.
But i hate it now. Studying is holding a book and reading it - not sitting in front of the laptop and reading til yr eyes hurt!
Yeah, i'm old fashioned.
So anyways, the distractions in me room grew to be too unbearable and i've returned to the solitude of the library - and loving it!
For more pics of the library, go here.
Sure, there are other distractions in the library - but nice ones! One is the view from my seat! Lovely. Today, a little bird landed just outside the window and we looked at each other for some brief moments. Poor fella - he only had one eye. He prolly lost the other one in a fight - but as if to say "Don't feel sorry for me", he turned away and flew away into the bright blue sky!
I can now see the yellow daffodils growing around the lake. Adults are bringing their kids to the lakeside to feed the various kinds of feathered frens there - the geese, the ducks, the gulls. No fear of the bird-flu here yet.
And one of the wonderful things i can see is the wind! Yeah, i can literally see it! I see it on the surface of the lake.
Still, take that all away and it still does not make the library any less special - for it is the books in it that makes it what it is.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
One, two, three - Len Barry
I tried me best - but i could not complete the sexilogy (see previous post)!!!! I only managed a trilogy - the prequel trilogy. The main reason is cuz i din wanna have any interuptions and i finally only started after 9 pm! It all ended at bout 5 am.

Here are some random thoughts:-

Here are some random thoughts:-
- It was much more enjoyable than i expected. Prolly cuz i expected it to be really bad from my memory.
- The plot is just too confusing - the original Star Wars was simple and fun. George tried now to put in twists and consipracies - and it all just fell flat. After all, he is not known for deep, thoughtful stories.
- I still can't get over how lame the way Obi-Wan defeated Anakin in Episode 3. After a tediously long fight, Obi-Wan goes "I've got the higher ground...". *hum* *Slash* and 2 feet and a hand gets sliced off.
- Watching it from Episode 1 to 3, i could see how the CG effects became better and better. It was truly brilliant in Episode 3.
- Each time the score starts and the words Star Wars comes on screen, followed by the "scroll", it sends shivers down my spine!
- A lot of Padme's scenes were deleted from Episodes 2 and 3 - which was a shame cuz Natalie Portman was pretty good in those scenes.
- Shaak Ti was killed by Grevious in one of the deleted scenes of Episode 3. Apparently, when Grevious kidnapped Palpatine, Shaak Ti was also taken. But this is not consistent with the Clone Wars series where Shaak Ti fought bravely and was not taken by Grevious.
- I still can't make sense of the "prophecy". Anakin was the chosen one? If not for him, the jedi - dumb and blind as they were in Episodes 1 and 2 - would have still overcome Sidious. Kinda a stupid prophecy, dun u think? He will bring balance to the force - when he is the one who caused all the problems. All Qui Gon Jinn's fault...
- The light-sabre duel in Episode 1 is the best of all!
- Only George Lucas can direct a truly accomplished cast of talented and multiple award nominees or winners (Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Samuel Jackson, Keisha Castle Hughes, Keira Knightly, Christopher Lee) and make them look like a bunch of amatuer actors! Great job, George!
- Yoda looked awful in Episode 1 but really good in Episode 3.
- Why can't R2 fly anymore in Episodes 4 - 6???
Friday, April 07, 2006
Star Wars - The Saga Begins - Weird Al Yankovic

I found out about it even as we waited to be checked in on the first day - and made up me mind to go for it.
It cost me 8,50 Euros but i din mind at all. Hey, it's Star Wars, ok? I've been a fan since forever! And i have to thank me father for that. Pa was the one who got me all excited about it when it was first released in Malaysia. He bought me wonderful posters and exclusive Star Wars cards - which would cost a fortune now if me mom hadn't thrown it all away!!! Yeah, all gone along wif the hundreds of pictures i cut out from newspapers, magazines, and watever else.
Unlike this generation which only had to wait for one year for each subsequent instalment of the LOTR trilogy, or even shorter (The Matrix trilogy), we had to endure years of waiting!!! The worst was after the Empire Strikes Back - which was basically left hanging!
To understand how fanatical us Star Wars fans are, picture this - after more than 20 years, we are still crazy about it. Yes, i would still have tears in me eyes when i watch it, laugh out loud at Han Solo's snide remarks and shudder at the appearance of the Emperor.
Of course the prequel trilogy was crap. Yeah, really bad. George lost the plot in my view. Bu it was still Star Wars!
Anyways, the L'expo was alright. Not great, tho. I guess i din really learn many new things and naturally, we weren't allowed to handle the exhibits. On top of that, there were this buch of teenage girls who obviously weren't fans. But there was one section which really made their day - the "blue screen" section. We could stand in front of the blue screen and see ourselves projected on the other side of the wall - in Star Wars scenes, of course. But these girls got so excited at seeing themselves on screen that they remained there forever, dancing, posing, and basically, just getting a cheap thrill. Sigh...
Find out more bout the L'expo here.
Here are some of the many pics i took there (click on the collage for a larger view):-
And since then, i got all excited again and made up me mind to do the double trilogy when i get back! And i will! I will just vegetate in front of me laptop for the whole weekend! I got Episodes - 6 from the library oredi (yeah, KC, my library has it all - even Episode 3!!!!) and i got episode 1 from someone on campus!