Friday, April 07, 2006
Star Wars - The Saga Begins - Weird Al Yankovic

I found out about it even as we waited to be checked in on the first day - and made up me mind to go for it.
It cost me 8,50 Euros but i din mind at all. Hey, it's Star Wars, ok? I've been a fan since forever! And i have to thank me father for that. Pa was the one who got me all excited about it when it was first released in Malaysia. He bought me wonderful posters and exclusive Star Wars cards - which would cost a fortune now if me mom hadn't thrown it all away!!! Yeah, all gone along wif the hundreds of pictures i cut out from newspapers, magazines, and watever else.
Unlike this generation which only had to wait for one year for each subsequent instalment of the LOTR trilogy, or even shorter (The Matrix trilogy), we had to endure years of waiting!!! The worst was after the Empire Strikes Back - which was basically left hanging!
To understand how fanatical us Star Wars fans are, picture this - after more than 20 years, we are still crazy about it. Yes, i would still have tears in me eyes when i watch it, laugh out loud at Han Solo's snide remarks and shudder at the appearance of the Emperor.
Of course the prequel trilogy was crap. Yeah, really bad. George lost the plot in my view. Bu it was still Star Wars!
Anyways, the L'expo was alright. Not great, tho. I guess i din really learn many new things and naturally, we weren't allowed to handle the exhibits. On top of that, there were this buch of teenage girls who obviously weren't fans. But there was one section which really made their day - the "blue screen" section. We could stand in front of the blue screen and see ourselves projected on the other side of the wall - in Star Wars scenes, of course. But these girls got so excited at seeing themselves on screen that they remained there forever, dancing, posing, and basically, just getting a cheap thrill. Sigh...
Find out more bout the L'expo here.
Here are some of the many pics i took there (click on the collage for a larger view):-
And since then, i got all excited again and made up me mind to do the double trilogy when i get back! And i will! I will just vegetate in front of me laptop for the whole weekend! I got Episodes - 6 from the library oredi (yeah, KC, my library has it all - even Episode 3!!!!) and i got episode 1 from someone on campus!