Sunday, April 09, 2006
One, two, three - Len Barry
I tried me best - but i could not complete the sexilogy (see previous post)!!!! I only managed a trilogy - the prequel trilogy. The main reason is cuz i din wanna have any interuptions and i finally only started after 9 pm! It all ended at bout 5 am.

Here are some random thoughts:-

Here are some random thoughts:-
- It was much more enjoyable than i expected. Prolly cuz i expected it to be really bad from my memory.
- The plot is just too confusing - the original Star Wars was simple and fun. George tried now to put in twists and consipracies - and it all just fell flat. After all, he is not known for deep, thoughtful stories.
- I still can't get over how lame the way Obi-Wan defeated Anakin in Episode 3. After a tediously long fight, Obi-Wan goes "I've got the higher ground...". *hum* *Slash* and 2 feet and a hand gets sliced off.
- Watching it from Episode 1 to 3, i could see how the CG effects became better and better. It was truly brilliant in Episode 3.
- Each time the score starts and the words Star Wars comes on screen, followed by the "scroll", it sends shivers down my spine!
- A lot of Padme's scenes were deleted from Episodes 2 and 3 - which was a shame cuz Natalie Portman was pretty good in those scenes.
- Shaak Ti was killed by Grevious in one of the deleted scenes of Episode 3. Apparently, when Grevious kidnapped Palpatine, Shaak Ti was also taken. But this is not consistent with the Clone Wars series where Shaak Ti fought bravely and was not taken by Grevious.
- I still can't make sense of the "prophecy". Anakin was the chosen one? If not for him, the jedi - dumb and blind as they were in Episodes 1 and 2 - would have still overcome Sidious. Kinda a stupid prophecy, dun u think? He will bring balance to the force - when he is the one who caused all the problems. All Qui Gon Jinn's fault...
- The light-sabre duel in Episode 1 is the best of all!
- Only George Lucas can direct a truly accomplished cast of talented and multiple award nominees or winners (Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Samuel Jackson, Keisha Castle Hughes, Keira Knightly, Christopher Lee) and make them look like a bunch of amatuer actors! Great job, George!
- Yoda looked awful in Episode 1 but really good in Episode 3.
- Why can't R2 fly anymore in Episodes 4 - 6???