Saturday, June 03, 2006
Good day - Jewel
What a brilliant day! Praise God! :-)
It sure din seem that way when i woke up and realised that i had overslept - and still felt tired! And remember how i always seem to miss that last train home? Well, this time round, i missed me train there!
See the pic on the left? Yup, that was me train! I had decided to walk to Wivenhoe to take the train cuz the station closes later than Hythe - and is closer than Colchester.
It was a lovely walk to Wivenhoe - a nice trail with the tracks on one side and the river on the other. The last time round i did that, i was rushing (as usual) and told meself that the next time, i must stop and take pics. That time, spring was just "springing" and the flowers were lovely.
This time round, spring has sprung for a while and i knew i had to take the pics before summer sets in.
So it wasn't wif any regret that i saw the train pass me by. It was a lovely day and i enjoyed meself tremendously, taking pics, drinking in the scenery, greeting the people there who were on walks too, watching the wildlife (mainly birds and squirrels).
Was in a pretty good mood - despite knowing that this time, it will be the latest i'll arrive into London.
Check out me wildflowers pics here.
I was starving by the time i reached London so i headed off to me usual siew yoke ngap farn - that really hit the spot! :-)
After that, me headed to the National Gallery - to be honest, the main reason was to fill up me water bottle!!! Took the opportunity to spend some time again wif the Water Lily Pond, the Irises and the Sunflowers - they never fail to amaze me with their rich colours! :-)
When i got out, i was trying to get some reflection pics from the water fountain ponds on Trafalgar Square when i was greeted wif a most pleasant surprise. There was a function there and guess who came up to perform? Stomp! Yes! (see the pic on the left). It was a short performance (as compared to their normal shows) but it was really good!
After that, i headed of to LSE's library to register meself there - have to use their books for me dissertation. Since it was such a nice day, i decided to walk there. Just wandered aimlessly, heading in the general direction.
I stumbled upon this small road which was lined on both sides wif guitar and music stores! Excellent! The guitar shops sold everything! There was one which specialised in basses only. There was also this narrow alleyway where there hundreds (ok, i exeggerate but a lot lah) of notices searching for musicians.
I even saw - i think it is the first time in me life - a tenor guitar (see pic on the right). We've all heard of a 4-string bass guitar but a 4-string acoustic tenor guitar? 500 quid!!!!
The LSE library was impressive. It was a lil' too stuffy for me, tho. I guess it was partly the warm weather outside and the many people inside due to the current exams. Got quite excited at the books they have there. Will be back next week for some serious research.
Thereafter, i headed off to the Royal Restival Hall for their free Friday Commuter Jazz (they have free lunch time music performances every Wednesday and Thursday as well as Jazz on Friday evenings). Yesterday, it was saxophonist Renato D'Aiello and his band. They blew me away!!!!!
Supported by an excellent guitarist, a bassist who walks on his double bass like a stroll in the park and a drummer wif his 70s drum kit - just the hi-hat, 2 cymbals, snare, floor tom and one tom. They played some really good fusion and mainstream. I was like nodding my head like those wobbly head dolls (except i was in perfect timing, of course :-P).
Oh, the dancing senior citizen couple were there too - dancing, as usual!
Unfortunately, i had to leave early as i was meeting up wif a mate who is over for a holiday. But it was so good to meet up wif him and just sit in the quiet upstairs of a small bar, enjoying a pint and chatting. I was really sad that when i looked at me watch, the hours flew by quickly.
A quick dinner - yes, siew yoke and ngap again - except this time, wif soup noodles. The good thing about noodles is that its cheaper than rice and i get choy sum! When that was all over, it was oredi 10 and i din really have much time to do anything else - so i just hung out at Borders til it was time to go to the train station.
It was really nice, tho. Very different from the wintry days. Because of the long day, people were out til really late. A lot of places remained opened too. Everyone was in a happy mood. I was like talking to strangers at the restaurant, at the park, everywhere! Probably the e-mail i received in the morning played a big part in lifting up me spirits. :-)
Oh, Judy called too - i got the job! Woohoo! Thank God. :-)
It sure din seem that way when i woke up and realised that i had overslept - and still felt tired! And remember how i always seem to miss that last train home? Well, this time round, i missed me train there!

It was a lovely walk to Wivenhoe - a nice trail with the tracks on one side and the river on the other. The last time round i did that, i was rushing (as usual) and told meself that the next time, i must stop and take pics. That time, spring was just "springing" and the flowers were lovely.
This time round, spring has sprung for a while and i knew i had to take the pics before summer sets in.

Was in a pretty good mood - despite knowing that this time, it will be the latest i'll arrive into London.
Check out me wildflowers pics here.
I was starving by the time i reached London so i headed off to me usual siew yoke ngap farn - that really hit the spot! :-)

When i got out, i was trying to get some reflection pics from the water fountain ponds on Trafalgar Square when i was greeted wif a most pleasant surprise. There was a function there and guess who came up to perform? Stomp! Yes! (see the pic on the left). It was a short performance (as compared to their normal shows) but it was really good!

I stumbled upon this small road which was lined on both sides wif guitar and music stores! Excellent! The guitar shops sold everything! There was one which specialised in basses only. There was also this narrow alleyway where there hundreds (ok, i exeggerate but a lot lah) of notices searching for musicians.
I even saw - i think it is the first time in me life - a tenor guitar (see pic on the right). We've all heard of a 4-string bass guitar but a 4-string acoustic tenor guitar? 500 quid!!!!
The LSE library was impressive. It was a lil' too stuffy for me, tho. I guess it was partly the warm weather outside and the many people inside due to the current exams. Got quite excited at the books they have there. Will be back next week for some serious research.

Supported by an excellent guitarist, a bassist who walks on his double bass like a stroll in the park and a drummer wif his 70s drum kit - just the hi-hat, 2 cymbals, snare, floor tom and one tom. They played some really good fusion and mainstream. I was like nodding my head like those wobbly head dolls (except i was in perfect timing, of course :-P).
Oh, the dancing senior citizen couple were there too - dancing, as usual!
Unfortunately, i had to leave early as i was meeting up wif a mate who is over for a holiday. But it was so good to meet up wif him and just sit in the quiet upstairs of a small bar, enjoying a pint and chatting. I was really sad that when i looked at me watch, the hours flew by quickly.
A quick dinner - yes, siew yoke and ngap again - except this time, wif soup noodles. The good thing about noodles is that its cheaper than rice and i get choy sum! When that was all over, it was oredi 10 and i din really have much time to do anything else - so i just hung out at Borders til it was time to go to the train station.
It was really nice, tho. Very different from the wintry days. Because of the long day, people were out til really late. A lot of places remained opened too. Everyone was in a happy mood. I was like talking to strangers at the restaurant, at the park, everywhere! Probably the e-mail i received in the morning played a big part in lifting up me spirits. :-)
Oh, Judy called too - i got the job! Woohoo! Thank God. :-)