Sunday, July 09, 2006
All the things she said - t.A.T.u.
OK. Something light, for a change. Movie review! :-)
The critics din like it. Me mates din watch it based on those reports.
But i did. After all, i wanna watch movies that i'd enjoy, not the movies that critics will. I'm glad i did.
I'm talking about Elizabethtown. Maybe my standards are getting lower but i've been watching brilliant movies one after another this year! I guess it helps that critics panned it cuz me expectations was low.
But it was so so enjoyable. Other than that classic scene in My Best Friend's Wedding (see here), this was the only other movie where i could cry and laugh at the same time (watch it and try guessing which part it was)!
I liked all the sub-plots involved - Drew's relationship wif his father, Drew's mom learning to cope, Mitch's home town, Jessie and his son, etc. - and all the wonderful and interesting characters it had! I liked the way how music is used in the movie.
But most of all, i liked Kirsten Dunst's character, Claire! I've never really been a great fan of her - she was good in Spiderman 2, her small role in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was ok, she was alrite in Wimbledon but she was overshadowed by Maggie Gyllenhaal in Mona Lisa Smile.
But i really liked her Claire in this movie. In some ways, she reminds me so much of... me! But she is so so different. Still, i could relate to (and have prolly said) the things she said in the movie. Here are some of the things she said in the movie:-
I want you to get into the deep beautiful melancholy of everything that's happened.
Hey, now we actually have a shot at being friends for the rest of our lives.
Sadness is easier because its surrender. I say make time to dance alone with one hand waving free.
You're always trying to break up with me, and we're not even together.
To have never taken a solitary road trip across country? I mean everybody's got to take a road trip, at least once in their lives. Just you and some music.*
I think I've been asleep most of my life.
Men see things in a box, and women see them in a round room.
I'm one of a kind.
I'm hard to remember, but I'm impossible to forget.
Oh come on, I don't need an ice cream cone!
(When asked what is an "ice cream cone") You know, "Here's a little something to make you happy, something sweet that melts in 5 minutes".
I'm a "substitute person".
I like being alone too much.
We peaked on the phone.
Trust me. Everyone is less mysterious than they think they are.
Just tell me you love me and get it over with.
(Pic obtained from
I must get me hands on the movie soundtrack!
*This quote merits a post on its own - later, i promise! :-)
The critics din like it. Me mates din watch it based on those reports.
But i did. After all, i wanna watch movies that i'd enjoy, not the movies that critics will. I'm glad i did.
I'm talking about Elizabethtown. Maybe my standards are getting lower but i've been watching brilliant movies one after another this year! I guess it helps that critics panned it cuz me expectations was low.
But it was so so enjoyable. Other than that classic scene in My Best Friend's Wedding (see here), this was the only other movie where i could cry and laugh at the same time (watch it and try guessing which part it was)!
I liked all the sub-plots involved - Drew's relationship wif his father, Drew's mom learning to cope, Mitch's home town, Jessie and his son, etc. - and all the wonderful and interesting characters it had! I liked the way how music is used in the movie.
But most of all, i liked Kirsten Dunst's character, Claire! I've never really been a great fan of her - she was good in Spiderman 2, her small role in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was ok, she was alrite in Wimbledon but she was overshadowed by Maggie Gyllenhaal in Mona Lisa Smile.
But i really liked her Claire in this movie. In some ways, she reminds me so much of... me! But she is so so different. Still, i could relate to (and have prolly said) the things she said in the movie. Here are some of the things she said in the movie:-

Hey, now we actually have a shot at being friends for the rest of our lives.
Sadness is easier because its surrender. I say make time to dance alone with one hand waving free.
You're always trying to break up with me, and we're not even together.
To have never taken a solitary road trip across country? I mean everybody's got to take a road trip, at least once in their lives. Just you and some music.*
I think I've been asleep most of my life.
Men see things in a box, and women see them in a round room.
I'm one of a kind.
I'm hard to remember, but I'm impossible to forget.
Oh come on, I don't need an ice cream cone!
(When asked what is an "ice cream cone") You know, "Here's a little something to make you happy, something sweet that melts in 5 minutes".
I'm a "substitute person".
I like being alone too much.
We peaked on the phone.
Trust me. Everyone is less mysterious than they think they are.
Just tell me you love me and get it over with.
(Pic obtained from
I must get me hands on the movie soundtrack!
*This quote merits a post on its own - later, i promise! :-)
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Never wanted to watch this movie until you mentioned it. Wow. Totally relate to her words too..
Someone said once that if you keep your expectations low then chances are you'll be happier with what you get.
I want too much. Hope too much. Expect too much. Love too much. Am I too much? LOLS.
Someone said once that if you keep your expectations low then chances are you'll be happier with what you get.
I want too much. Hope too much. Expect too much. Love too much. Am I too much? LOLS.
Nope. Nothing wrong wif that (yr last para).
And the wonderful thing is that no matter how high our expectations are, God is still able to do "immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine"!!!! believe that and be blessed!
btw, who art thou? that laugh sounds familiar, tho... and i can think of only one other person who can relate to those quotes.
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And the wonderful thing is that no matter how high our expectations are, God is still able to do "immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine"!!!! believe that and be blessed!
btw, who art thou? that laugh sounds familiar, tho... and i can think of only one other person who can relate to those quotes.
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