Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Girls & boys - Blur
A series of text messages exchanged during the England v Ecuador match not too long ago. No prizes for guessing which were sent by a female...
"U must b watching e england match.. ;) by e way, I am closet arsenal fan.. :p sorry! N i hope ecu wins tonight! ;)"
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Not arsenal! Ok. Looks like 'we' wont work out. Sori n thnks for the memories."
"Hehe! Anyways england jus scored. R v gonna be divided by a sport, babe? ;)"
A sport??????? How can anyone say football is a mere sport?????
OK. Those text messages were sent in jest (hope the senders dun mind me putting them here!!!) but i thought it was a good illustration of how different women are from men! Are the former really from Venus and the latter from this following place?

Surface of Mars taken a couple of years ago
"U must b watching e england match.. ;) by e way, I am closet arsenal fan.. :p sorry! N i hope ecu wins tonight! ;)"
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Not arsenal! Ok. Looks like 'we' wont work out. Sori n thnks for the memories."
"Hehe! Anyways england jus scored. R v gonna be divided by a sport, babe? ;)"
A sport??????? How can anyone say football is a mere sport?????
OK. Those text messages were sent in jest (hope the senders dun mind me putting them here!!!) but i thought it was a good illustration of how different women are from men! Are the former really from Venus and the latter from this following place?

Surface of Mars taken a couple of years ago
Anyways, i was reading some random blogs again and i came across this pretty amusing article - 100 Things A Man Should Learn (about Women, of course).
It's apparently taken from Maxim and it's too long. But i'll reproduce my fav 20 here which left me cracking up real good:-
96. Jewelry. Now you always know what to get her for a last-minute gift.
94. Never trust a girl who has no girlfriends. She doesn’t get along with other women because she’s either bat-shit crazy or just plain mean.
93. Girls who say, “I love sports!” are lying. Girls who ask you what time the game is on, without specifying which game they’re talking about, are not.
89. A girl would prefer to get a $100 gift from Tiffany & Co. than a $500 gift from Fortunoff. Why? Because her friends will ask where she got it.
88. “If I give you my number on Friday, Tuesday and Wednesday are your best bets to score a date. Monday is too desperate, Thursday is too late.”—Claire, 27
79. Never trust the woman who gives you the best blow job you’ve ever had.
72. During emergencies, women are likely to remain calmer than men. Though it should be noted that inventing minor crises on a weekly basis gives them more practice.
70. Unless they’re lesbians, she won’t approve of your hanging out with other girls. Even if they’re ugly. And, really, even if they’re lesbians.
66. They can't live without tension. Every once in a while she's gonna pick a fight with you for no reason. Accept this as a running, inevitable theme and your relationship will make a lot more sense.
65. The most painless way to end an argument: Let her win.
57. Most women think they’re better drivers than they are. Don’t point this out while she’s at the wheel or she’ll freak and crash.
51. Don’t call her “cute.” In her mind it’s the same as “not vomit-inducing.” “Sexy,” OK. “Hot,” yes. “F**king awesome,” only if she’s at least slightly buzzed.
50. Women often buy shoes a size or two small because they’re in denial about the size of their feet—which they can’t stand.
49. They dream of one day peeing in a urinal.
38. Let her beat you at something once in a while—poker, chess, Ping-Pong—and she’ll be more likely to give you what you want, like some peace and quiet.
37. Women’s public bathrooms are about three times more disgusting than men’s.
36. “At one point or another, I’ve gone through your things looking for any evidence from past relationships. I’m talking photographs, postcards, mementos, address books, diaries. If you don’t like it, get rid of this stuff before letting me in your apartment. It’s not about trust; it’s about curiosity, and it drives us crazy till it’s been satiated.”—Caroline, 28
33. The average woman owns eight bras and wears each one five times before washing.
21. More than half of surveyed females between 18 and 25 would prefer to be run over by a truck than be fat.
5. Female serial killers tend to use poison rather than guns or knives.
For the rest, go here. But be warned - quite a number are regarding sex. It was after all taken from Maxim!!!!
It's apparently taken from Maxim and it's too long. But i'll reproduce my fav 20 here which left me cracking up real good:-
96. Jewelry. Now you always know what to get her for a last-minute gift.
94. Never trust a girl who has no girlfriends. She doesn’t get along with other women because she’s either bat-shit crazy or just plain mean.
93. Girls who say, “I love sports!” are lying. Girls who ask you what time the game is on, without specifying which game they’re talking about, are not.
89. A girl would prefer to get a $100 gift from Tiffany & Co. than a $500 gift from Fortunoff. Why? Because her friends will ask where she got it.
88. “If I give you my number on Friday, Tuesday and Wednesday are your best bets to score a date. Monday is too desperate, Thursday is too late.”—Claire, 27
79. Never trust the woman who gives you the best blow job you’ve ever had.
72. During emergencies, women are likely to remain calmer than men. Though it should be noted that inventing minor crises on a weekly basis gives them more practice.
70. Unless they’re lesbians, she won’t approve of your hanging out with other girls. Even if they’re ugly. And, really, even if they’re lesbians.
66. They can't live without tension. Every once in a while she's gonna pick a fight with you for no reason. Accept this as a running, inevitable theme and your relationship will make a lot more sense.
65. The most painless way to end an argument: Let her win.
57. Most women think they’re better drivers than they are. Don’t point this out while she’s at the wheel or she’ll freak and crash.
51. Don’t call her “cute.” In her mind it’s the same as “not vomit-inducing.” “Sexy,” OK. “Hot,” yes. “F**king awesome,” only if she’s at least slightly buzzed.
50. Women often buy shoes a size or two small because they’re in denial about the size of their feet—which they can’t stand.
49. They dream of one day peeing in a urinal.
38. Let her beat you at something once in a while—poker, chess, Ping-Pong—and she’ll be more likely to give you what you want, like some peace and quiet.
37. Women’s public bathrooms are about three times more disgusting than men’s.
36. “At one point or another, I’ve gone through your things looking for any evidence from past relationships. I’m talking photographs, postcards, mementos, address books, diaries. If you don’t like it, get rid of this stuff before letting me in your apartment. It’s not about trust; it’s about curiosity, and it drives us crazy till it’s been satiated.”—Caroline, 28
33. The average woman owns eight bras and wears each one five times before washing.
21. More than half of surveyed females between 18 and 25 would prefer to be run over by a truck than be fat.
5. Female serial killers tend to use poison rather than guns or knives.
For the rest, go here. But be warned - quite a number are regarding sex. It was after all taken from Maxim!!!!
p/s - i can't remember where i got the Mars surface photo from. :-(