Thursday, August 24, 2006
Words get in the way - Jewel
So there i was, in Computer Lab "A", happily typing away on me dissertation, when i looked at the screen and realised that i typed this:-
cy wao yday yd.p. wao br kcrnaycrb ru Apycjn. 7 brp ru Apycjun. 10z
I was like "What the...??????"
It reminded me of when i was in the cyber cafe in Paris and was using the French keyboard for the first time (it's not the Qwerty keyboard!).
But i was using a proper English keyboard this time. So what gives? No idea. The keyboard just went haywire on me! All the alphabets were scrambled!!!!! So i did wat i knew best - exited Word and went back on again. That did the trick - but it came back again a couple of times!!!!
Still, it was nice being in Lab A again. Lab A was the first cumputer lab i hung out in - nice fast machines wif cool 17 inch flat screens. And just like the first time i was there, i had the whole lab to meself. It was scary tho, cuz it was really late and i was listening to music on me headphones so i din realise i was all alone in the lab til i left. And Lab A is located at the lowest basement level - yeah, the kind wif long dark corridors that you find in horror movies!
Speaking of horror... well, i've made it a point not to b*tch about me flatmates. But this guy is... unbelievable!!!!
Some of you might still remember a couple of months ago i blogged regarding a sign i posted up in the toilets asking guys in general to lift up the toilet seat when pee-ing?
Well, that sign worked. But now, we have a new problem - yeah, look at the new sign put up (not by me, tho).
Our fren has learnt to lift up the toilet seat - but unfortunately, he needs to work on his aim - badly!!!!!! Trust me - i've seen the...nvm.
I'm just thankful that he doesnt do it in toilet close to me room!!!!
Anyways, i've been wanting some physical action for a while now. Tried to get the guys to play basketball but everyone seems to be too busy dissertation-ing. Surely they can spare an hour to sweat it out???
Last evening, i suddenly had this urge to go jogging again. I can't explain it - i wanted to just do it. ;-P
It has been a very very long time! But i took out me Nikes and went out - it started to drizzle but nothing short of a snowstorm would have stopped me.
It was pretty good, actually - i ran around the campus and din find it too difficult. Altho the next time round, i'll run in the opposite direction which will mean mostly downhill!!!! Me heart did scream out at some of the steep areas but other than that, it felt really good, with the light drizzle and all!
It reminded me of why i used to love running so much.
Me thighs feel like jelly now, tho...
Hopefully, i'll get a good sleep now.
cy wao yday yd.p. wao br kcrnaycrb ru Apycjn. 7 brp ru Apycjun. 10z
I was like "What the...??????"

But i was using a proper English keyboard this time. So what gives? No idea. The keyboard just went haywire on me! All the alphabets were scrambled!!!!! So i did wat i knew best - exited Word and went back on again. That did the trick - but it came back again a couple of times!!!!
Still, it was nice being in Lab A again. Lab A was the first cumputer lab i hung out in - nice fast machines wif cool 17 inch flat screens. And just like the first time i was there, i had the whole lab to meself. It was scary tho, cuz it was really late and i was listening to music on me headphones so i din realise i was all alone in the lab til i left. And Lab A is located at the lowest basement level - yeah, the kind wif long dark corridors that you find in horror movies!

Some of you might still remember a couple of months ago i blogged regarding a sign i posted up in the toilets asking guys in general to lift up the toilet seat when pee-ing?
Well, that sign worked. But now, we have a new problem - yeah, look at the new sign put up (not by me, tho).
Our fren has learnt to lift up the toilet seat - but unfortunately, he needs to work on his aim - badly!!!!!! Trust me - i've seen the...nvm.
I'm just thankful that he doesnt do it in toilet close to me room!!!!

Last evening, i suddenly had this urge to go jogging again. I can't explain it - i wanted to just do it. ;-P
It has been a very very long time! But i took out me Nikes and went out - it started to drizzle but nothing short of a snowstorm would have stopped me.
It was pretty good, actually - i ran around the campus and din find it too difficult. Altho the next time round, i'll run in the opposite direction which will mean mostly downhill!!!! Me heart did scream out at some of the steep areas but other than that, it felt really good, with the light drizzle and all!
It reminded me of why i used to love running so much.
Me thighs feel like jelly now, tho...
Hopefully, i'll get a good sleep now.