Saturday, October 15, 2005

Sunshine of your love - Eric Clapton

I woke up this morning to find the sunshine pouring into me room! Literally!!!

I can see clearly now... Posted by Picasa

And it stayed that way the whole day! Wat an excellent day. Absolutely brilliant!!!! Am I in the UK? Is it really autumn? Well, I'm in UoE and the leaves are changing colours - so yes on both counts! But sunny days?

I guess most of you back home might be thinking - wat's the big deal? Well, it is a big deal here. When I was in London years ago, it rained all the time and by October, you can't see the sun anymore til the next spring. As it is now, it is flooding up north and me mate in Birmingham told me she hasn't seen the sun for ages oredi! Just recall back a few months ago when M'sia was engulfed in think haze. Wasn't the sight of the sun a welcoming one? It's the same here!

So I am truly thankful! Altho I must say that it feels weird to have sunny days during autumn - isn't autumn supposed to be dark, moody, gloomy?

But me not complaining! :-)

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