Monday, July 31, 2006
Run to you - Whitney Houston
I got tagged (man, this feels so juvenile!!! ;-P). You know, the posts where people lists out stuffs and then they ask their blogmates to do the same.
But as i explained to me mate, i won't do it - i can't! I tried but among other things, i can't limit meself to just 5 songs which i think are awesome. And 5 people whom i'd like to meet. Greedy little fella, aren't i?
Just songs itself - well, there are so many! There's Foolish Games by Jewel, Stay (I missed you) by Lisa Loeb, Linger by Cranberries, Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, Unwell by Matchbox 20, Kau Ilhamku by Manbai, Kaulah Segalanya by Ruth Sahayana, Lauryn Hill's version of Can't take my eyes off you... i can go on and on.
But i just wanna share one song - a Christian song.
It's a really really old song. Most of you prolly have not heard of it - in fact, when i first heard it, it was on a CD entitled "Classic Gold". So u can begin to imagine how old it is. It's Benny Hester's When God Ran.
Do u know when God was pictured in the Bible to run? Well, i'm sure you know - but never really realised it. Look at the lyrics below.
Such a brilliant song, one that seldom fails to move me to tears. A song of love and forgiveness. A wonderful and tender picture of God - how great he is, yet how much he loves you and I.
To those who may not understand or appreciate the lyrics, try reading this for context.
But as i explained to me mate, i won't do it - i can't! I tried but among other things, i can't limit meself to just 5 songs which i think are awesome. And 5 people whom i'd like to meet. Greedy little fella, aren't i?
Just songs itself - well, there are so many! There's Foolish Games by Jewel, Stay (I missed you) by Lisa Loeb, Linger by Cranberries, Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, Unwell by Matchbox 20, Kau Ilhamku by Manbai, Kaulah Segalanya by Ruth Sahayana, Lauryn Hill's version of Can't take my eyes off you... i can go on and on.
But i just wanna share one song - a Christian song.

Do u know when God was pictured in the Bible to run? Well, i'm sure you know - but never really realised it. Look at the lyrics below.
Such a brilliant song, one that seldom fails to move me to tears. A song of love and forgiveness. A wonderful and tender picture of God - how great he is, yet how much he loves you and I.
When God ran
Almighty God, the great I am
Immovable rock, omnipotent, powerful, awesome Lord
Victorious warrior, commanding King of Kings
Mighty conqueror, and the only time
the only time I ever saw Him run
Was when He ran to me, He took me in His arms
Held my head to His chest, said “My son’s come home again”
Lifted my face, wiped the tears from my eyes
With forgiveness in His voice He said,
“Son do you know I still love you?”
He caught me by surprise
When God ran
The day I left home I knew I’d broken His heart
And I wondered then if things could ever be the same
Then one night I remembered His love for me
And down that dusty road ahead I could see
It was the only time – it was the only time I ever saw Him run
And then He ran to me, He took me in His arms
Held my head to His chest, said “My son’s come home again”
Lifted my face, wiped the tears from my eyes
With forgiveness in His voice He said,
“Son do you know I still love you?”
He caught me by surprise
He brought me to my knees
When God ran
I saw Him run to me, and then I ran to him
Holy One, Righteous Judge
Who turned my way
Now I know, He's been waiting
For this day
And then he ran to me, He took me in His arms
Held my head to His chest, said “My son’s come home again”
Lifted my face, wiped the tears from my eyes
With forgiveness in His voice I felt His love for me again
He ran to me, took me in His arms
Held my head to His chest, said “My son’s come home again”
Lifted my face, wiped the tears from my eyes
With forgiveness in His voice He said, “Son”,
He said “Son”
“My son do you know I still love you?”
He ran to me
When God ran
Immovable rock, omnipotent, powerful, awesome Lord
Victorious warrior, commanding King of Kings
Mighty conqueror, and the only time
the only time I ever saw Him run
Was when He ran to me, He took me in His arms
Held my head to His chest, said “My son’s come home again”
Lifted my face, wiped the tears from my eyes
With forgiveness in His voice He said,
“Son do you know I still love you?”
He caught me by surprise
When God ran
The day I left home I knew I’d broken His heart
And I wondered then if things could ever be the same
Then one night I remembered His love for me
And down that dusty road ahead I could see
It was the only time – it was the only time I ever saw Him run
And then He ran to me, He took me in His arms
Held my head to His chest, said “My son’s come home again”
Lifted my face, wiped the tears from my eyes
With forgiveness in His voice He said,
“Son do you know I still love you?”
He caught me by surprise
He brought me to my knees
When God ran
I saw Him run to me, and then I ran to him
Holy One, Righteous Judge
Who turned my way
Now I know, He's been waiting
For this day
And then he ran to me, He took me in His arms
Held my head to His chest, said “My son’s come home again”
Lifted my face, wiped the tears from my eyes
With forgiveness in His voice I felt His love for me again
He ran to me, took me in His arms
Held my head to His chest, said “My son’s come home again”
Lifted my face, wiped the tears from my eyes
With forgiveness in His voice He said, “Son”,
He said “Son”
“My son do you know I still love you?”
He ran to me
When God ran
To those who may not understand or appreciate the lyrics, try reading this for context.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Thank you - Dido

I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window
and I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be grey...
I drank too much last night, got bills to pay,
my head just feels in pain...
I'm late for work again
And even if I'm there
they'll all imply that I might not last the day
And then you call me
And it's not so bad, it's not so bad...
Hey, today was a pretty bad day - in fact, me first bad day at work. But having you around, hearing your voice, seeing your smile, feeling your touch, helps. A lot! Cheers, mate! :-)
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Imagine - John Lennon
I was wandering in the British Museum when i came across this exhibit:-
It was entitled "The Tree of Life". Truth be told, upon closer inspection, my initial reaction was one of disgust!
You see, it was sculpture of a tree made out of metal gun parts (see pic on the right)!!!!
That was so wrong - so i thought! A tree is a symbol of life - a beautiful thing! Guns are symbols of destruction. How can you put those 2 together?
But there it was - instead of beautiful green leaves, rusted metal gun magazines covers were used. Instead of wood and bark, parts of weapons which were used to shed blood were in place.
Then i read the description of it - and me perspective of it changed 180 degrees.
Read for it yerself (sori for shaky pics. Do not adjust your screens!!!):-
Suddenly the sculpture changed into a work of beauty, of hope. What a brilliant idea, trading farming tools for weapons - tools to help growth for tools which cause destruction.
I have no doubt that Bishop Dom Dimis had these verses in mind:-
He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.
In today's world with much violence and war, we can only hope for more "Trees of Life" - that the people will exchange their guns for farming implements. Let us continue to pray for peace - especially in the Middle East.
For more of me pics on the Tree of Life, go here.
Check out more about the Tree of Life here (including much better pics of the tree)!

You see, it was sculpture of a tree made out of metal gun parts (see pic on the right)!!!!
That was so wrong - so i thought! A tree is a symbol of life - a beautiful thing! Guns are symbols of destruction. How can you put those 2 together?
But there it was - instead of beautiful green leaves, rusted metal gun magazines covers were used. Instead of wood and bark, parts of weapons which were used to shed blood were in place.
Then i read the description of it - and me perspective of it changed 180 degrees.
Read for it yerself (sori for shaky pics. Do not adjust your screens!!!):-
Suddenly the sculpture changed into a work of beauty, of hope. What a brilliant idea, trading farming tools for weapons - tools to help growth for tools which cause destruction.
I have no doubt that Bishop Dom Dimis had these verses in mind:-
He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.
Isaiah 2v4
In today's world with much violence and war, we can only hope for more "Trees of Life" - that the people will exchange their guns for farming implements. Let us continue to pray for peace - especially in the Middle East.
For more of me pics on the Tree of Life, go here.
Check out more about the Tree of Life here (including much better pics of the tree)!
Friday, July 28, 2006
Bad - Michael Jackson
One of me church leaders observed years ago that whenever we have a short skit, it'd normally involve gansters and/or bad guys. To him, it was inevitable - he reasoned that we all "grew up" in church and thus we never had the chance to be bad! So we'd jump at the chance to smoke, drink, beat up people - even if it was all acting!!!!
Yes, i love to act as a bad guy. They have all the fun, dun they? ;-P
This post is a tribute to the villians in movies and TV series (and partly inspired by someone who blogged about how much she liked the Terminatrix from T-3).
There are the bad guys whom u just love to hate!
The first - and prolly one of the meanest - to spring to mind is the SS soldier, Amon Goeth plyed brilliantly by Ralph Fiennes in Schindler's List (left pic).
Now, he was evil personified!
Who can forget the scene when he gets up, goes to his balcony and starts shooting at the Jews just for fun?
Another one that stayed wif me was Jason Isaacs' potrayal of Col. William Tavington in The Patriot (pic on the right).
These guys are truly bad to the bone. They steal the scenes they are in and they make you wish the worst for them!
Then there are the villians who are just cool! Sure they are evil and all - but they are cool! You enjoy watching them, you want them to pay for their wickedness - but when they do, u kinda feel a little regret cuz you dun get to see them anymore. But they deserved it!
Darth Maul (left) is a good example. For a character who spoke so few lines, he still managed to leave a lasting impression!
Maybe it was cuz he said so little - that made an aura of mystery surrounding him. He was so cool. He was fearless. He took on 2 Jedi Knights (one a council member) willingly. He had this uber-cool light-sabre which only he knows how to use. And he would have triumph over the 2 Jedis if not for the sheer creativity and resourcefulness of Obi-Wan.
I'm sure i was not the only one who was disappointed not to see him again in Episode 2.
Another one is Arnie as the Terminator (right). I'm talking about the original movie where he was the bad guy. And wat a bad guy was he!!!! He's the kinda villian that makes you really scared. I remembered watching it for the first time - and each time you think that he was stopped, he kept coming back.
I guess he made a really good bad guy cuz he was so single-mindedly evil. Can't blame him cuz he was programmed thus. On top of that, he had some really cool lines. Yes, we all know his line. Come, all together now, "I'll be back"!!!! (must be said with the Austrian accent).
One of me personal favourites is Agent Smith (left)! Now, he's a bad guy. But Hugo Weaving played him so so well. I really looked forward for scenes with him in them. He just outshines the wooden Keanu Reeves.
And most of the time, he keeps his composure. He knows what to do. He knows the extent of his own power. I was glad when he came back in part 2. And 3!!!! He was one of the reasons IMHO why The Matrix was such a brilliant movie! You need a baddie like him.
The way he speaks, the manner how he ennuciates every word properly. I loved his monologue on how humans are in fact a virus, a plague. And he is the cure.
Then there was the scene close to the end when he said:-
This is the sound of inevitability.
On a lighter note, there's Scott Evil (right) from Austin Power!
OK, OK. I'm biased towards Seth Green! He is brilliant! Who can forget his character in "Can't hardly wait" where he was the typical white guy who wanted to be black!!!! Yet, he can be the super cool Oz in the Buffy series.
But he almost steals the show in Austin Powers. Dr. Evil is the typical villian, the kind that talks too much, that enjoys toying with the hero etc. Scott is practical. Here is an example from the first movie:-
Dr. Evil: Scott, I want you to meet daddy's nemesis, Austin Powers
Scott Evil: What? Are you feeding him? Why don't you just kill him?
Dr. Evil: I have an even better idea. I'm going to place him in an easily escapable situation involving an overly elaborate and exotic death.
[to guard] All right guard, begin the unnecessarily slow-moving dipping mechanism.
[guard starts dipping mechanism]
Dr. Evil: Close the tank!
Scott Evil: Wait, aren't you even going to watch them? They could get away!
Dr. Evil: No no no, I'm going to leave them alone and not actually witness them dying, I'm just gonna assume it all went to plan. What?
Scott Evil: I have a gun, in my room, you give me five seconds, I'll get it, I'll come back down here, BOOM, I'll blow their brains out!
Dr. Evil: Scott, you just don't get it, do ya? You don't.
The next bad guy - well, OK, i'm biased again. Some of u guys know i'm a big Hugh Grant fan.
Yup, i'm talking about Daniel Cleaver (right) from Bridget Jones' Diary 1 and 2.
Honestly, i dun know wat women see in Colin Firth's Darcy (sorry, Shelby). Come on, he's so so boring!
Daniel is different! A winning smile, an air of confidence - and he showed us that Hugh Grant was capable at playing a role that did not require him to be a bumbling Englishman!
I was disappointed that Bridget chose Mark Darcy over him.
OK. i can go on and on. There's jus too many to list. Lemme jus end up with me top 3. Mind you, it was pretty difficult! These are the bad guys whom i love to watch - and would actually root for them too - like Daniel Cleaver above!
At NO. 3, none other than Sawyer from the TV series, Lost.
Cool, brave, good looking, mysterious - and well, arguably he has got a heart! of course he will deny it and say he's in it only for himself.
I really really like his character - him and Anna Lucia.
When one of me mates asked me who were my fav characters in Lost and i told him. He said it was typical of me to like the "bad guys"!!!!
Come on, he's not that bad! And he's so interesting to watch! I like it that he has so many "layers" - and he doesn't worry about pleasing others.
Maybe i long to be like him??? ;-P
At NO. 2, Mystique from the X-Men movies!
OK, she's hot! ;-) But it's more than just that! She's brave, confident and powerful! In X-2, it was she who managed to infiltrate Stryker's HQ and got everyone in!
She oso had some pretty cool lines - like this exchange with the Nightcrawler:-
Nightcrawler: Excuse me? They say you can imitate anybody, even their voice.
Mystique: [as Nightcrawler] Even their voice.
Nightcrawler: Then why not stay in disguise all the time? You know, look like everyone else.
Mystique: Because we shouldn't have to.
And NO. 1 - this will be a surprise to most of you!
He's da man! He's everything - he's evil, he's dead, he's immortal, he's cool, he's hot, he's honest, he's smart. His presence is felt in every scene that he's in! And he speaks wif an English accent - the cool kind, not the stuttering bumbling kind!
I loved it how he ended up working together wif Buffy in the season finale for Season 2. And his guest appearance in Season 3 was not only a highlight for me, his character played a very very important role in helping Buffy deal wif her relationship wif Angel!
I think he'll be back in later seasons. I hope so!
Yes, i love to act as a bad guy. They have all the fun, dun they? ;-P
This post is a tribute to the villians in movies and TV series (and partly inspired by someone who blogged about how much she liked the Terminatrix from T-3).
There are the bad guys whom u just love to hate!

Now, he was evil personified!
Who can forget the scene when he gets up, goes to his balcony and starts shooting at the Jews just for fun?

These guys are truly bad to the bone. They steal the scenes they are in and they make you wish the worst for them!
Then there are the villians who are just cool! Sure they are evil and all - but they are cool! You enjoy watching them, you want them to pay for their wickedness - but when they do, u kinda feel a little regret cuz you dun get to see them anymore. But they deserved it!

Maybe it was cuz he said so little - that made an aura of mystery surrounding him. He was so cool. He was fearless. He took on 2 Jedi Knights (one a council member) willingly. He had this uber-cool light-sabre which only he knows how to use. And he would have triumph over the 2 Jedis if not for the sheer creativity and resourcefulness of Obi-Wan.
I'm sure i was not the only one who was disappointed not to see him again in Episode 2.

I guess he made a really good bad guy cuz he was so single-mindedly evil. Can't blame him cuz he was programmed thus. On top of that, he had some really cool lines. Yes, we all know his line. Come, all together now, "I'll be back"!!!! (must be said with the Austrian accent).

And most of the time, he keeps his composure. He knows what to do. He knows the extent of his own power. I was glad when he came back in part 2. And 3!!!! He was one of the reasons IMHO why The Matrix was such a brilliant movie! You need a baddie like him.
The way he speaks, the manner how he ennuciates every word properly. I loved his monologue on how humans are in fact a virus, a plague. And he is the cure.
Then there was the scene close to the end when he said:-
This is the sound of inevitability.

OK, OK. I'm biased towards Seth Green! He is brilliant! Who can forget his character in "Can't hardly wait" where he was the typical white guy who wanted to be black!!!! Yet, he can be the super cool Oz in the Buffy series.
But he almost steals the show in Austin Powers. Dr. Evil is the typical villian, the kind that talks too much, that enjoys toying with the hero etc. Scott is practical. Here is an example from the first movie:-
Dr. Evil: Scott, I want you to meet daddy's nemesis, Austin Powers
Scott Evil: What? Are you feeding him? Why don't you just kill him?
Dr. Evil: I have an even better idea. I'm going to place him in an easily escapable situation involving an overly elaborate and exotic death.
[to guard] All right guard, begin the unnecessarily slow-moving dipping mechanism.
[guard starts dipping mechanism]
Dr. Evil: Close the tank!
Scott Evil: Wait, aren't you even going to watch them? They could get away!
Dr. Evil: No no no, I'm going to leave them alone and not actually witness them dying, I'm just gonna assume it all went to plan. What?
Scott Evil: I have a gun, in my room, you give me five seconds, I'll get it, I'll come back down here, BOOM, I'll blow their brains out!
Dr. Evil: Scott, you just don't get it, do ya? You don't.

Yup, i'm talking about Daniel Cleaver (right) from Bridget Jones' Diary 1 and 2.
Honestly, i dun know wat women see in Colin Firth's Darcy (sorry, Shelby). Come on, he's so so boring!
Daniel is different! A winning smile, an air of confidence - and he showed us that Hugh Grant was capable at playing a role that did not require him to be a bumbling Englishman!
I was disappointed that Bridget chose Mark Darcy over him.
OK. i can go on and on. There's jus too many to list. Lemme jus end up with me top 3. Mind you, it was pretty difficult! These are the bad guys whom i love to watch - and would actually root for them too - like Daniel Cleaver above!

Cool, brave, good looking, mysterious - and well, arguably he has got a heart! of course he will deny it and say he's in it only for himself.
I really really like his character - him and Anna Lucia.
When one of me mates asked me who were my fav characters in Lost and i told him. He said it was typical of me to like the "bad guys"!!!!
Come on, he's not that bad! And he's so interesting to watch! I like it that he has so many "layers" - and he doesn't worry about pleasing others.
Maybe i long to be like him??? ;-P

OK, she's hot! ;-) But it's more than just that! She's brave, confident and powerful! In X-2, it was she who managed to infiltrate Stryker's HQ and got everyone in!
She oso had some pretty cool lines - like this exchange with the Nightcrawler:-
Nightcrawler: Excuse me? They say you can imitate anybody, even their voice.
Mystique: [as Nightcrawler] Even their voice.
Nightcrawler: Then why not stay in disguise all the time? You know, look like everyone else.
Mystique: Because we shouldn't have to.
And NO. 1 - this will be a surprise to most of you!
Spike from the Buffy series!!!!!!!
He's da man! He's everything - he's evil, he's dead, he's immortal, he's cool, he's hot, he's honest, he's smart. His presence is felt in every scene that he's in! And he speaks wif an English accent - the cool kind, not the stuttering bumbling kind!
I loved it how he ended up working together wif Buffy in the season finale for Season 2. And his guest appearance in Season 3 was not only a highlight for me, his character played a very very important role in helping Buffy deal wif her relationship wif Angel!
I think he'll be back in later seasons. I hope so!
pics obtained from various links found on IMDB
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Yesterday once more - The Carpenters
When i got back the other day, i came in thru the back door and straight into me room. From me room, i heard the sound of a familiar laughter coming from the kitchen - a laughter that is missed but unforgettable. I smiled. Aliz is back! :-)
Aliz left to go back to Hungary after she finished her studies here in March this year. She's back for a short visit.
Last nite, it was like travelling back into time. For some reason, after Aliz and Alberto left in March, the kitchen has never been the same. Both of them spent a lot of time in the kitchen and that usually made us hang out there too.
Since they left, most of us have been pretty anti-social and eat in our own rooms. I guess it was partly due to the fact that we were oso pretty busy wif our finals after the 2 left.
What ever the reason was, it was the good old times again last nite. We hung out in the kitchen til late, having our serious intellectual discourses - like why does Donald Duck wrap a towel around his waist after his shower, and why does Yuki's new bear doll have a shirt but no trousers, and was U2's song "With or without you" referring to the word "Mold" which means the same with or without the letter "u" in the middle.
It was brilliant! :-)
If only Alberto was back too. But we can't have it all, can we?
Last nite, it was like travelling back into time. For some reason, after Aliz and Alberto left in March, the kitchen has never been the same. Both of them spent a lot of time in the kitchen and that usually made us hang out there too.
Since they left, most of us have been pretty anti-social and eat in our own rooms. I guess it was partly due to the fact that we were oso pretty busy wif our finals after the 2 left.
What ever the reason was, it was the good old times again last nite. We hung out in the kitchen til late, having our serious intellectual discourses - like why does Donald Duck wrap a towel around his waist after his shower, and why does Yuki's new bear doll have a shirt but no trousers, and was U2's song "With or without you" referring to the word "Mold" which means the same with or without the letter "u" in the middle.
It was brilliant! :-)
If only Alberto was back too. But we can't have it all, can we?
pic - Aliz and me at the top of the Eiffel Tower in April. It was there too when we all said goodbye to Alberto.
Help - The Beatles
Following from the post yesterday, Article 11 would like to issue a press statement voicing their concern to the learned PM and clarifying some issues which have been misconstrued.
For some reasons, Article 11 have been having some difficulties disseminating the said statement and have asked for assistance in letting as many people know about it. I've decided to help them out by reproducing it here.
Kindly note that this is in no way means i am connected to Article 11. I'm just a human rights student who is trying to speak out against what i feel are violations against such rights.
Article 11 is very concerned that the Prime Minister's statement reported in today's press, calling for a halt to Article 11's public forums, is based on the widespread but mistaken belief that the coalition's activities are aimed at reviving the initiative to establish an Inter-Faith Commission (IFC).
Article 11 would like to take this opportunity to clarify that the forums, entitled "Federal Constitution: Protection for All", are in no way related with the IFC initiative. Rather, Article 11's forums focus on the rights that the Federal Constitution, as the supreme law of Malaysia, guarantees to each citizen. The forums are also intended to highlight the concerns of civil society resulting from the plight of various individuals who are unable to obtain legal redress and who therefore suffer as a result of the current jurisdictional uncertainty in the courts. There is no discussion about the IFC in Article 11's public forums or other activities.
Article 11 will seek a meeting with the Prime Minister to request further information about his concerns regarding the coalition's activities and to provide clarification on the misconception that links Article 11 with the IFC.
Article 11 takes note of the concerns of the Prime Minister. The coalition members will meet soon, and will carefully consider his advice in its discussions of its future plans.
Article 11 comprises:
1. All Women's Action Society (AWAM)
2. Bar Council Malaysia
3. Catholic Lawyers Society
4. Interfaith Spiritual Fellowship
5. Malaysian Civil Liberties Society, Protem Committee (MCLS)
6. Malaysian Consultative Development Collective (WDC)
For some reasons, Article 11 have been having some difficulties disseminating the said statement and have asked for assistance in letting as many people know about it. I've decided to help them out by reproducing it here.
Kindly note that this is in no way means i am connected to Article 11. I'm just a human rights student who is trying to speak out against what i feel are violations against such rights.
Press Statement
Article 11 Unrelated to Inter-Faith Commission
A press statement by Article 11, a coalition of Malaysian NGOs committed to upholding the fundamental rights of all Malaysians regardless of religion, race, descent, place of birth or gender.Article 11 Unrelated to Inter-Faith Commission
Article 11 is very concerned that the Prime Minister's statement reported in today's press, calling for a halt to Article 11's public forums, is based on the widespread but mistaken belief that the coalition's activities are aimed at reviving the initiative to establish an Inter-Faith Commission (IFC).
Article 11 would like to take this opportunity to clarify that the forums, entitled "Federal Constitution: Protection for All", are in no way related with the IFC initiative. Rather, Article 11's forums focus on the rights that the Federal Constitution, as the supreme law of Malaysia, guarantees to each citizen. The forums are also intended to highlight the concerns of civil society resulting from the plight of various individuals who are unable to obtain legal redress and who therefore suffer as a result of the current jurisdictional uncertainty in the courts. There is no discussion about the IFC in Article 11's public forums or other activities.
Article 11 will seek a meeting with the Prime Minister to request further information about his concerns regarding the coalition's activities and to provide clarification on the misconception that links Article 11 with the IFC.
Article 11 takes note of the concerns of the Prime Minister. The coalition members will meet soon, and will carefully consider his advice in its discussions of its future plans.
Article 11 comprises:
1. All Women's Action Society (AWAM)
2. Bar Council Malaysia
3. Catholic Lawyers Society
4. Interfaith Spiritual Fellowship
5. Malaysian Civil Liberties Society, Protem Committee (MCLS)
6. Malaysian Consultative Development Collective (WDC)
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Disappointment - Cranberries
To be honest, disappointment does not even begin to describe how i feel about the Prime Minister of Malaysia directing that the Article 11 forums* to stop immediately.
He was reported to say "If the discussions are not kept in check or contained, they are bound to raise tension in our multi-religious society". Read it here.
My question to the learned PM is why should a respectful forum and discussion on the provisions and guarantees of the Supreme law of the land be stopped? Because some people are unhappy? Fearful (out of selfish reasons?)? Which is more important - truth and justice - or the feelings of these insecure people?
And while I know that the PM was making those statements as the head of the Malay political party, let him not forget that as the PM, he is to serve Malaysians, not just the Malays. He speaks of the tension - no doubt referring to the feelings of the Malays. But what about the feelings of those who are not Malays? What about the tension among them when their basic human right to express themselves legally and seek protection from the Constitution (read: Supreme law of the land) is arbitrarily taken away????? Does the learned PM not care about this tension???
Some may say to me - No, no, let's not rock the boat! We have it good. Keep it that way. You are bordering on racism.
But no. I am not. We are in the 21st century. It has been almost half a century after we obtained independance as a country. Why can't we talk about thse matters openly, fearlessly, truthfully? The Rukun Negara itself states that the Constitution must be upheld ("Keluhuran Perlembagaan")! Whether we like it or not, we are of many races - why can't we accept it and talk about it - as long as we do not incite hatred and discrimination?
Instead of stating reasons of why the forums are wrong or illegal or pointless (obviously cuz they are not), our learned PM only gave one reason - it will raise tension. And then conveniently tries to sweep it under the carpet.
If the forums are disrespectful, stop them. If they are illegal, arrest those involved. If it advocates national, racial or religious hatred, condemn them and put them away. If it propogates war, they must not continue. If it is harmful to the health and morals of the people, it must come to an end.
But if it is not any of those reasons, but instead to discuss the provisions of the Constitution and the rights of the peoples, why can't they carry on.
No, Prime Minister. With respect, on the long run, your decision will not benefit the country.
Did i say i am disappointed?
*Article 11 forums basically discusses inter-faith issues based on Article 11 of the Malaysian Constitution.
He was reported to say "If the discussions are not kept in check or contained, they are bound to raise tension in our multi-religious society". Read it here.
My question to the learned PM is why should a respectful forum and discussion on the provisions and guarantees of the Supreme law of the land be stopped? Because some people are unhappy? Fearful (out of selfish reasons?)? Which is more important - truth and justice - or the feelings of these insecure people?
And while I know that the PM was making those statements as the head of the Malay political party, let him not forget that as the PM, he is to serve Malaysians, not just the Malays. He speaks of the tension - no doubt referring to the feelings of the Malays. But what about the feelings of those who are not Malays? What about the tension among them when their basic human right to express themselves legally and seek protection from the Constitution (read: Supreme law of the land) is arbitrarily taken away????? Does the learned PM not care about this tension???
Some may say to me - No, no, let's not rock the boat! We have it good. Keep it that way. You are bordering on racism.
But no. I am not. We are in the 21st century. It has been almost half a century after we obtained independance as a country. Why can't we talk about thse matters openly, fearlessly, truthfully? The Rukun Negara itself states that the Constitution must be upheld ("Keluhuran Perlembagaan")! Whether we like it or not, we are of many races - why can't we accept it and talk about it - as long as we do not incite hatred and discrimination?
Instead of stating reasons of why the forums are wrong or illegal or pointless (obviously cuz they are not), our learned PM only gave one reason - it will raise tension. And then conveniently tries to sweep it under the carpet.
If the forums are disrespectful, stop them. If they are illegal, arrest those involved. If it advocates national, racial or religious hatred, condemn them and put them away. If it propogates war, they must not continue. If it is harmful to the health and morals of the people, it must come to an end.
But if it is not any of those reasons, but instead to discuss the provisions of the Constitution and the rights of the peoples, why can't they carry on.
No, Prime Minister. With respect, on the long run, your decision will not benefit the country.
Did i say i am disappointed?
*Article 11 forums basically discusses inter-faith issues based on Article 11 of the Malaysian Constitution.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
What's new - Silje Nergaard
Finally, after all the waiting - and the anticipation - for the new Liverpool kits, the wait is over!
For the uninitiated, Liverpool FC will normally have 2 kits - one which they'll wear when they play at "home" and another when they play away from home. The "away" kits change every year while the "home" kits changes once in 2 (apparently for the benefit of the fans so they dun have to keep buying new jerseys each year!).
For the seasons where Liverpool plays in the European Cup, they'd sometimes have a special European jersey. For the next season, they will have a European "away" jersey!
On top of all that, the jerseys will no longer be sponsored by Reebok but by Addidas instead.
Today, all 3 kits (home, away and European away) plus the goalie's jersey were revealed officially.
So in a way, i'm glad i'm not too impressed wif the home and away kits. Harn farn! :-)
For the uninitiated, Liverpool FC will normally have 2 kits - one which they'll wear when they play at "home" and another when they play away from home. The "away" kits change every year while the "home" kits changes once in 2 (apparently for the benefit of the fans so they dun have to keep buying new jerseys each year!).
For the seasons where Liverpool plays in the European Cup, they'd sometimes have a special European jersey. For the next season, they will have a European "away" jersey!
On top of all that, the jerseys will no longer be sponsored by Reebok but by Addidas instead.
Today, all 3 kits (home, away and European away) plus the goalie's jersey were revealed officially.
From left to right: European away, goalie, home and away.
Pic obtained from
To be honest, i'm not too impressed. Red and yellow???? Like Selangor only!!!!! The collar for the home kit looks weird too. But the European away kit is something to behold!!!! Now, tt's wat i intend to get - but not so soon. Will wait til the Christmas sale. The home kit is retailing for 40 quid!!!!!! Crazy!Pic obtained from
So in a way, i'm glad i'm not too impressed wif the home and away kits. Harn farn! :-)
It's a sin - Pet Shop Boys
"The Bishop of London has declared it sinful for people to contribute to climate change by flying on holiday..."
No joke. Read the report here!
I was incredulous when i read it! He surely can't be serious, can he? Hello? Wake up and smell the 21st century roses!
Imagine the response it would get from those who are not Christians - as some of you reading this probably are. They (or you) would think that Christianity is outdated, totally irrelevant to today's society! Fanatics! Why, even the pope flies when he visits faraway countries!
But as i thought about it further...
Well, see, they do have a point!!!! Wait! Hear me out. Or rather hear them:-
Sin is not just a restricted list of moral mistakes. It is living a life turned in on itself where people ignore the consequences of their actions.
Sin after all is falling short of God's standards (Rom 3v23) - which we all know are pretty high. That's why God had to provide a way of forgiveness for sins - cuz he knew we could not live free from sin.
Isn't it true that we make a lot of decisions without thinking of the consequences? Like flying. I for one am guilty. We chose to fly to Paris a couple of months ago cuz it was cheaper and faster. Flying is a way of life. I used to fly all over Malaysia for trials and hearings. But i never once stop to think of the consequences.
Would flying actually cause damage to the environment in the long run?
Would God be unhappy wif us if we chose to fly?
How would missionaries travel from faraway countries to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth?
You know wat? i dun have the answers. Not even for meself! But i am starting to understand a little from where the Church of England is coming from. As leaders, they have to make a stand. Sometimes, the stand may be difficult. It usually is unpopular. It has consequences - like which Church of England leader can now take a flight without being branded as a hypocrite or a rebel?
But they have done their study on the matter and they have decided to make a stand. At the end of the day, they will have to give an account to God as leaders. At least their conscience will be clear.
Agree or not with them, you have to respect them for making a stand.
p/s - on a connected note, i'm planning to travel back to Malaysia (when i finally do) over land! Hopefully KC will be wif me. It's been a dream of mine for over 10 years. I did travel over land (and river and mountains and sea) from Kuching to KK last year - but's like the tip of the iceberg when compared to the plan i have now! That would make an interesting blog, wouldn't it? It'd definately produce loads of pics!
No joke. Read the report here!
Should AirAsia change its tagline now to "Now Everyone Can Sin"????
I was incredulous when i read it! He surely can't be serious, can he? Hello? Wake up and smell the 21st century roses!
Imagine the response it would get from those who are not Christians - as some of you reading this probably are. They (or you) would think that Christianity is outdated, totally irrelevant to today's society! Fanatics! Why, even the pope flies when he visits faraway countries!
But as i thought about it further...
Well, see, they do have a point!!!! Wait! Hear me out. Or rather hear them:-
Sin is not just a restricted list of moral mistakes. It is living a life turned in on itself where people ignore the consequences of their actions.
Sin after all is falling short of God's standards (Rom 3v23) - which we all know are pretty high. That's why God had to provide a way of forgiveness for sins - cuz he knew we could not live free from sin.
Isn't it true that we make a lot of decisions without thinking of the consequences? Like flying. I for one am guilty. We chose to fly to Paris a couple of months ago cuz it was cheaper and faster. Flying is a way of life. I used to fly all over Malaysia for trials and hearings. But i never once stop to think of the consequences.
Would flying actually cause damage to the environment in the long run?
Would God be unhappy wif us if we chose to fly?
How would missionaries travel from faraway countries to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth?
You know wat? i dun have the answers. Not even for meself! But i am starting to understand a little from where the Church of England is coming from. As leaders, they have to make a stand. Sometimes, the stand may be difficult. It usually is unpopular. It has consequences - like which Church of England leader can now take a flight without being branded as a hypocrite or a rebel?
But they have done their study on the matter and they have decided to make a stand. At the end of the day, they will have to give an account to God as leaders. At least their conscience will be clear.
Agree or not with them, you have to respect them for making a stand.
p/s - on a connected note, i'm planning to travel back to Malaysia (when i finally do) over land! Hopefully KC will be wif me. It's been a dream of mine for over 10 years. I did travel over land (and river and mountains and sea) from Kuching to KK last year - but's like the tip of the iceberg when compared to the plan i have now! That would make an interesting blog, wouldn't it? It'd definately produce loads of pics!
Monday, July 24, 2006
The birds and the bees - Martin Dean
It took me a long long time to walk to town today. I was distracted along the way. The whole place is so alive!!!! I took the shortcut - been taking that a lot during summer since the ground is dry all the time - and it was a lovely walk on a lovely day!
Took loads of pics of birds (ok, ok, ladybirds!!!!), bees, butterflies, bugs, caterpillars, flowers etc. Check out some of them (click on them to view the bigger and sharper images):-
Check out all the pics here.
The only drawback was that the pics dun reveal the fact that the highway is just a stone's throw away and i could hear the cars whizzing pass all the time! Oh well, can't win 'em all. Not this time, anyways!
Took loads of pics of birds (ok, ok, ladybirds!!!!), bees, butterflies, bugs, caterpillars, flowers etc. Check out some of them (click on them to view the bigger and sharper images):-
Check out all the pics here.
The only drawback was that the pics dun reveal the fact that the highway is just a stone's throw away and i could hear the cars whizzing pass all the time! Oh well, can't win 'em all. Not this time, anyways!
What have I done to deserve this? - Pet Shop Boys
Wonderful grace that gives what I don't deserved, pays me what Christ has earned, then lets me go free.
Upon that cross of Jesus
mine eye at times can see
the very dying form of One
who suffered there for me;
and from my stricken heart with tears
two wonders I confess:
the wonders of redeeming love
and my unworthiness.
I take, O cross, thy shadow
for my abiding place;
I ask no other sunshine than
the sunshine of his face;
content to let the world go by,
to know no gain nor loss,
my sinful self my only shame,
my glory all the cross.
Elizabeth C. Clephane, 1830-1869
John Pantry
Upon that cross of Jesus
mine eye at times can see
the very dying form of One
who suffered there for me;
and from my stricken heart with tears
two wonders I confess:
the wonders of redeeming love
and my unworthiness.
I take, O cross, thy shadow
for my abiding place;
I ask no other sunshine than
the sunshine of his face;
content to let the world go by,
to know no gain nor loss,
my sinful self my only shame,
my glory all the cross.
Elizabeth C. Clephane, 1830-1869
Pic taken at V&A Museum
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Life Uncommon - Jewel
If God asked you to walk around naked in public for 3 years, would you do it???
I remember asking this to me class of 16 year olds a long time ago. Caught unprepared, the smart fellas did a typical lawyer thing and avoided the question. God would not ask us do such a thing, they argue. No way. For such and such reasons.
I smiled. I was impressed. But i then turned them to Isaiah chapter 20v1-5:-
In the year that the supreme commander, sent by Sargon king of Assyria, came to Ashdod and attacked and captured it - at that time the LORD spoke through Isaiah son of Amoz. He said to him, "Take off the sackcloth from your body and the sandals from your feet." And he did so, going around stripped and barefoot.
Then the LORD said, "Just as my servant Isaiah has gone stripped and barefoot for three years, as a sign and portent against Egypt and Cush, so the king of Assyria will lead away stripped and barefoot the Egyptian captives and Cushite exiles, young and old, with buttocks bared—to Egypt's shame. Those who trusted in Cush and boasted in Egypt will be afraid and put to shame.
I enjoyed the shocked silence that followed the reading - yeah, i can be cruel. LOL! But i reassured them that this incident was one of a kind - and in all probabality, God will never ask any of them to do such a thing. What i wanted to draw thier attention was the commitment of Isaiah - who definitely have had years of preparation and training and extra portion of His strength and grace to be one of the great prophets in the OT.
I was recently reading Jeremiah - another of the prophets who did not have it easy. The heading given to Jeremiah 20v7-18 in the NKJV Bible is Jeremiah's Unpopular Ministry. He was the original prophet of doom! His task was not to only convince the people that Jerusalem's doom is sealed but to tell them that they should not fight the enemy! They should instead defect to the enemy (21v9).
I tried to put meself in his sandals and found it really tough!
Today, our calling by God's grace is not as tough as Isaiah's or Jeremiah's. But it is no less important! And no less challenging!
A couple of weeks ago, John spoke on Sunday morning here. I like John. He teaches really well and clear - and gives it as how the Bible does, not holding back, nor candy coating anything (when i fisrt saw him speak, i was like "Whoa, Saruman is taking the pulpit"!!! He has the looks - albeit kinder and a brilliant bass voice).
He spoke specifically on Mark 8v34 - that we as Christians must deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Jesus. His message was partly evangelistic in nature as are all Sunday morning messages in the church i attend here - yet, he gave it as it is. He wasn't afraid of turning away potential Christians by saying that Christians must deny themselves.
Most of the time today, evangelists focus on the positives - God's love, eternal life, peace and joy etc. But they conveniently leave out the hardship and persecutions and the price of commitment - until after the people have signed up for Church!
Not John. He made it clear wat it means to be a Christian - but he oso balanced it up with reasons why we are to deny ourselves, and how that would be to our benefit. For wat good would it be if a man gains the world but loses his soul?
Too often today, the focus is on the self. I want to do it cuz i want to. No one is gonna tell me otherwise. It's my life. I'm gonna do it my way. I like it that way. The greatest love of all is to love yourself.
Sure, i acknowledge the importance of recognising our self worth, of being true to our hearts - but it doesn't stop there.
The words of Jesus are clear - "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me".
Isaiah and Jeremiah - and countless others in the Bible - have set the example for us, for me. Jesus himself prayed "Not my will but yours be done".
I find it hard. I guess tt's why Jesus said to carry our cross daily. It's a new fight, a new challenge everyday. And i know that each time i fail, if i confess my sins, he will forgive me (I John 1v9). And i know that i do not have a high priest "who is unable to sympathise with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin" (Heb 4v15).
It's a paradox - only when we deny ourselves is when we truly learn how to live - and live abundantly!
I remember asking this to me class of 16 year olds a long time ago. Caught unprepared, the smart fellas did a typical lawyer thing and avoided the question. God would not ask us do such a thing, they argue. No way. For such and such reasons.
I smiled. I was impressed. But i then turned them to Isaiah chapter 20v1-5:-
In the year that the supreme commander, sent by Sargon king of Assyria, came to Ashdod and attacked and captured it - at that time the LORD spoke through Isaiah son of Amoz. He said to him, "Take off the sackcloth from your body and the sandals from your feet." And he did so, going around stripped and barefoot.
Then the LORD said, "Just as my servant Isaiah has gone stripped and barefoot for three years, as a sign and portent against Egypt and Cush, so the king of Assyria will lead away stripped and barefoot the Egyptian captives and Cushite exiles, young and old, with buttocks bared—to Egypt's shame. Those who trusted in Cush and boasted in Egypt will be afraid and put to shame.
I enjoyed the shocked silence that followed the reading - yeah, i can be cruel. LOL! But i reassured them that this incident was one of a kind - and in all probabality, God will never ask any of them to do such a thing. What i wanted to draw thier attention was the commitment of Isaiah - who definitely have had years of preparation and training and extra portion of His strength and grace to be one of the great prophets in the OT.
I was recently reading Jeremiah - another of the prophets who did not have it easy. The heading given to Jeremiah 20v7-18 in the NKJV Bible is Jeremiah's Unpopular Ministry. He was the original prophet of doom! His task was not to only convince the people that Jerusalem's doom is sealed but to tell them that they should not fight the enemy! They should instead defect to the enemy (21v9).
I tried to put meself in his sandals and found it really tough!
Today, our calling by God's grace is not as tough as Isaiah's or Jeremiah's. But it is no less important! And no less challenging!
A couple of weeks ago, John spoke on Sunday morning here. I like John. He teaches really well and clear - and gives it as how the Bible does, not holding back, nor candy coating anything (when i fisrt saw him speak, i was like "Whoa, Saruman is taking the pulpit"!!! He has the looks - albeit kinder and a brilliant bass voice).
He spoke specifically on Mark 8v34 - that we as Christians must deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Jesus. His message was partly evangelistic in nature as are all Sunday morning messages in the church i attend here - yet, he gave it as it is. He wasn't afraid of turning away potential Christians by saying that Christians must deny themselves.
Most of the time today, evangelists focus on the positives - God's love, eternal life, peace and joy etc. But they conveniently leave out the hardship and persecutions and the price of commitment - until after the people have signed up for Church!
Not John. He made it clear wat it means to be a Christian - but he oso balanced it up with reasons why we are to deny ourselves, and how that would be to our benefit. For wat good would it be if a man gains the world but loses his soul?
Too often today, the focus is on the self. I want to do it cuz i want to. No one is gonna tell me otherwise. It's my life. I'm gonna do it my way. I like it that way. The greatest love of all is to love yourself.
Sure, i acknowledge the importance of recognising our self worth, of being true to our hearts - but it doesn't stop there.

Isaiah and Jeremiah - and countless others in the Bible - have set the example for us, for me. Jesus himself prayed "Not my will but yours be done".
I find it hard. I guess tt's why Jesus said to carry our cross daily. It's a new fight, a new challenge everyday. And i know that each time i fail, if i confess my sins, he will forgive me (I John 1v9). And i know that i do not have a high priest "who is unable to sympathise with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin" (Heb 4v15).
It's a paradox - only when we deny ourselves is when we truly learn how to live - and live abundantly!
pic taken at the V&A Museum
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Dreams - The Cranberries
I was reading someone's blog and she was saying that she would love to meet her soulmate in a library.
I had to smile - now that would be a nice place (read about my "love affair" with libraries here)! Or perhaps in an art gallery or a museum! Yeah, one of those options for me!
Well, the other day, i finally found the ideal place to meet me soulmate! No, it wasn't a library, nor was it a museum... Well, actually i was! Lemme explain - i was in a Museum Library!!!!! It was super-uber-coolness!
OK - tt's where the story ends. Nope, din meet anyone there...
But it was still like a dream come true for me. Check it out, the Paul Hamlyn Library in the magnificent Reading Room at the Great Court in the British Museum:-
The building was a huge circle - and lined up ALL ALONG its wall are 3 FLOORS OF BOOKS!!!!!!! My jaw fell...
Me mate Jon blogged not too long ago about wat he'll buy for his family and mates if he struck it rich (but he conveniently left me out! *boo-hoo*). Anyways, i'm not as generous as he is. If i strike it rich - and i mean filthy rich - i'll get stuffs for me, myself and I!!! ;-P
And one of the things i'd get for meself is a huge library (in me huge house) - with books stacked-up to the ceiling! Of course there'll be rooms for me action figure collection, a private THX Cinema, a music studio wif musical instruments and recording facilities... but the library is on top of the list!
Ahhh... dreams!
For more pics of the library and the British Museum, go here.
I had to smile - now that would be a nice place (read about my "love affair" with libraries here)! Or perhaps in an art gallery or a museum! Yeah, one of those options for me!
Well, the other day, i finally found the ideal place to meet me soulmate! No, it wasn't a library, nor was it a museum... Well, actually i was! Lemme explain - i was in a Museum Library!!!!! It was super-uber-coolness!
OK - tt's where the story ends. Nope, din meet anyone there...
But it was still like a dream come true for me. Check it out, the Paul Hamlyn Library in the magnificent Reading Room at the Great Court in the British Museum:-
The building was a huge circle - and lined up ALL ALONG its wall are 3 FLOORS OF BOOKS!!!!!!! My jaw fell...
Me mate Jon blogged not too long ago about wat he'll buy for his family and mates if he struck it rich (but he conveniently left me out! *boo-hoo*). Anyways, i'm not as generous as he is. If i strike it rich - and i mean filthy rich - i'll get stuffs for me, myself and I!!! ;-P
And one of the things i'd get for meself is a huge library (in me huge house) - with books stacked-up to the ceiling! Of course there'll be rooms for me action figure collection, a private THX Cinema, a music studio wif musical instruments and recording facilities... but the library is on top of the list!
Ahhh... dreams!
For more pics of the library and the British Museum, go here.
Friday, July 21, 2006
She drives me crazy - Fine Young Cannibals
I watched Superman Returns! Finally! I liked it. It was also super hot cuz the aircon in the cinema was working at a "greatly reduced capacity". I din think it was as good as my all time top 3 comic-based movies - Spiderman 2, X-2 and Batman Begins. But i still enjoyed it a lot. Go here to see the list of reasons why!
Oso, i caught this hilarious trailer befor the movie.
For those who think you have a crazy ex, watch this and be thankful - it could worse!!!!! LOL!
My Super Ex-Girlfriend International Trailer
Oso, i caught this hilarious trailer befor the movie.
For those who think you have a crazy ex, watch this and be thankful - it could worse!!!!! LOL!
My Super Ex-Girlfriend International Trailer
Music makes my day - Olivia Newton-John
Text message received today - I hope u'll have a wonderful day.. :)smile at strangers and dance to Queen's Don't Stop Me Now.. keeps you young!
We were all bent down, engrossed in our work of preparing the finger food. A smiled formed on my lips when i heard the familiar piano intro to a brilliant song come on.
And just like in Ally McBeal, the music stops abruptly just as the beat goes faster. Immediately, i heard myself cry out and straightened up. It was funny cuz almost simultaneously, Keith, the manager at the other end of the room let out a shout and straightened up too!
But not to be alarmed. Someone just decided to bring the CD player closer to where we were working. Soon, the intro started again and most of us were singing and swaying along wif Freddie Mercury as we worked (some out of tune but who cares???).
Martyn suggested that we shud put that song on "repeat" all day long!
Just another day at work. :-)
I'd like to blog more bout me work and the wonderful people i'm working wif another time. Praise God for the fun we have and how everyone gets along. The costumers are all nice and return my smile always. On top of that, there's music! Yup, i dun mind even washing up cuz there's where we can blast the music the loudest!!!
I actually look forward to work! Don't stop me now, cuz i'm having a good time!
We were all bent down, engrossed in our work of preparing the finger food. A smiled formed on my lips when i heard the familiar piano intro to a brilliant song come on.
Tonight I'm gonna have myself a real good time
I feel alive and the world turning inside out yeah!
And floating around in ecstasy
So dont stop me now dont stop me
cause I'm having a good time having a good time...
I feel alive and the world turning inside out yeah!
And floating around in ecstasy
So dont stop me now dont stop me
cause I'm having a good time having a good time...
And just like in Ally McBeal, the music stops abruptly just as the beat goes faster. Immediately, i heard myself cry out and straightened up. It was funny cuz almost simultaneously, Keith, the manager at the other end of the room let out a shout and straightened up too!
But not to be alarmed. Someone just decided to bring the CD player closer to where we were working. Soon, the intro started again and most of us were singing and swaying along wif Freddie Mercury as we worked (some out of tune but who cares???).
Martyn suggested that we shud put that song on "repeat" all day long!
Just another day at work. :-)
I'd like to blog more bout me work and the wonderful people i'm working wif another time. Praise God for the fun we have and how everyone gets along. The costumers are all nice and return my smile always. On top of that, there's music! Yup, i dun mind even washing up cuz there's where we can blast the music the loudest!!!
I actually look forward to work! Don't stop me now, cuz i'm having a good time!
Dangerous - Roxette
I have gotten over these quiz thingys! But these are just the results of some that i did a while ago. Thought i'd post up something light after the last depressing post!
Well, i would really like to have hair like Rogue! Now that's cool!
You Are Lightning |
![]() Beautiful yet dangerous People will stop and watch you when you appear Even though you're capable of random violence You are best known for: your power Your dominant state: performing |
You Are Rogue |
![]() You're reluctantly special. In fact, you long to be normal. You consider your powers to be a curse, and something you can't control. Powers: absorbing other people's memories and abilities, weakening and killing people with your touch |
Well, i would really like to have hair like Rogue! Now that's cool!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Gangsta's Paradise - Coolio
I came across some pretty disturbing reports - supported by an equally nauseous video supporting it.
Basically, it was an incident which took place at Univeristy Putra Malaysia. A group of Chinese students set up a stall for the Students' Progressive Front on campus. The members of the Univeristy Student Council led by the President came over and told them to pack up their stall as they were not a registered group in the Uni.
Fair enough. So far, so good.
Unfortunately, it was the manner that the Student Council leaders and gang (yes, gang is the right word to describe them) behaved that left a bad taste in the mouth and a grave concern over the kind of undergraduates we have in our local Unis and possibly, our future leaders! *shudder*
They basically acted like gangsters and behaved like a mob. They assaulted the SPF students - verbally and physically. As someone commented, they acted like a bunch of animals.
You can read about it at Lim Kit Siang's blog here.
I was so disgusted by the video that i won't put it up on me blog. But you watch the video clip at someone's blog here. Be warned and watch at own discretion.
Basically, it was an incident which took place at Univeristy Putra Malaysia. A group of Chinese students set up a stall for the Students' Progressive Front on campus. The members of the Univeristy Student Council led by the President came over and told them to pack up their stall as they were not a registered group in the Uni.
Fair enough. So far, so good.
Unfortunately, it was the manner that the Student Council leaders and gang (yes, gang is the right word to describe them) behaved that left a bad taste in the mouth and a grave concern over the kind of undergraduates we have in our local Unis and possibly, our future leaders! *shudder*
They basically acted like gangsters and behaved like a mob. They assaulted the SPF students - verbally and physically. As someone commented, they acted like a bunch of animals.
You can read about it at Lim Kit Siang's blog here.
I was so disgusted by the video that i won't put it up on me blog. But you watch the video clip at someone's blog here. Be warned and watch at own discretion.
Follow me - Uncle Kracker
When i got back from London the other day, i din come back alone! ;-)
He followed me back!
I had to take him back wif me. He had this tag on him:-
And he had that look in its eyes which you jus can't say no to!
He was happily enjoying the sun in me room yesterday morning... til it got a bit too hot in his blue rain-coat!
He tried to cool off using the blower Markus wif me.
In the end, he just decided to stay in the shade all day long! Poor fella.
OK, OK - Paddington Bear is not for me. It's a birthday gift for a little girl celebrating her 3rd birthday next month. Ssshhhhhhhhh! Dun tell her!
There was someone else whom i almost brought back wif me - but i decided against it cuz he was too heavy! In any event, i knew i could get him on campus! And i did. Im the proud owner now of this:-
It was a joy to walk along Oxford Street and the Charing Cross Road - there are so many bookshops!!! 2 Borders, a couple of Waterstones, Books Etc., Foyles, WH Smith and many, many more, all having sale! It took so much from me to resist, knowing i'll never have time to read them! :-(
But i had to get this book - especially after i found out it was written by Jung Chang!
Now, to find time to read it!
He followed me back!
I had to take him back wif me. He had this tag on him:-
And he had that look in its eyes which you jus can't say no to!
He was happily enjoying the sun in me room yesterday morning... til it got a bit too hot in his blue rain-coat!
He tried to cool off using the blower Markus wif me.
In the end, he just decided to stay in the shade all day long! Poor fella.
OK, OK - Paddington Bear is not for me. It's a birthday gift for a little girl celebrating her 3rd birthday next month. Ssshhhhhhhhh! Dun tell her!
There was someone else whom i almost brought back wif me - but i decided against it cuz he was too heavy! In any event, i knew i could get him on campus! And i did. Im the proud owner now of this:-
Pic obtained from
It was a joy to walk along Oxford Street and the Charing Cross Road - there are so many bookshops!!! 2 Borders, a couple of Waterstones, Books Etc., Foyles, WH Smith and many, many more, all having sale! It took so much from me to resist, knowing i'll never have time to read them! :-(
But i had to get this book - especially after i found out it was written by Jung Chang!
Now, to find time to read it!
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
For the first time - Kenny Loggins
Today was the first time in history that temperatures reached above 36 degrees in England. A record of 36.3 degrees!
It's hot. Just for those who may need some help to imagine how hot it has been here, take a look at some of these pics that i obtained from BBC News online:-

Roads started melting! Yup, the tar on roads softened!!!! Hot tar! Starting to get the picture?

Hey, lost your frying pan? No worries. Fry your eggs on your car!!!!!
Thankfully, there was a stiff breeze blowing thruout the day here on campus. It was the first day of the graduation ceremonies and i pitied those in their suits and ties and robes. I pitied meself for having to don me all black outift to go to work. But most of us were assigned to the marquees around the campus and the breeze kept us cool. Thank God!
Seeing the graduation brings back memories too - i saw family members coming from all around the globe, beaming parents, happy frens, taking of pics, showing visitors around the campus. Hot but happy!
It's hot. Just for those who may need some help to imagine how hot it has been here, take a look at some of these pics that i obtained from BBC News online:-

Roads started melting! Yup, the tar on roads softened!!!! Hot tar! Starting to get the picture?

Hey, lost your frying pan? No worries. Fry your eggs on your car!!!!!
Thankfully, there was a stiff breeze blowing thruout the day here on campus. It was the first day of the graduation ceremonies and i pitied those in their suits and ties and robes. I pitied meself for having to don me all black outift to go to work. But most of us were assigned to the marquees around the campus and the breeze kept us cool. Thank God!
Seeing the graduation brings back memories too - i saw family members coming from all around the globe, beaming parents, happy frens, taking of pics, showing visitors around the campus. Hot but happy!
I know who holds tomorrow - LeAnn Rimes
If he carried the weight of the world upon his shoulders
I know my brother/sister that he will carry you through
He said "Come unto me, all who are weary, and I will give you rest"
Scott Wesley Brown
I know my brother/sister that he will carry you through
He said "Come unto me, all who are weary, and I will give you rest"
Scott Wesley Brown
Pic taken from Science Museum
Rush Rush - Paula Abdul
They say that "Fools rush in". I believe that. It is worrying when the fools are those who are in charge of a local University in Malaysia!
A teaching guide for the Ethnic Relations module prepared by the University Putra Malaysia was rushed out - and have caused a lot of concern for the apparent wrongful facts and judgmental nature of its contents.
In what i believe to a rare occasion, members of the opposition as well as from the government took turns to criticise the teaching guide (see report here) at the Dewan Rakyat.
It is sad that the Higher Education Ministry refuse to withdraw the said teaching guide. (Read with disgust here).
Well, all is not lost - hear the voice of reason from Prof Datuk Dr. Khoo of University Malaysia
here. He rightly pointed out inter alia that the focus should be on understanding the cultures of the different races and not politcal issues!
Dr. Khoo is only one person - but every long journey begins with but a single step, doesn't it?
A teaching guide for the Ethnic Relations module prepared by the University Putra Malaysia was rushed out - and have caused a lot of concern for the apparent wrongful facts and judgmental nature of its contents.
In what i believe to a rare occasion, members of the opposition as well as from the government took turns to criticise the teaching guide (see report here) at the Dewan Rakyat.
It is sad that the Higher Education Ministry refuse to withdraw the said teaching guide. (Read with disgust here).
Well, all is not lost - hear the voice of reason from Prof Datuk Dr. Khoo of University Malaysia
here. He rightly pointed out inter alia that the focus should be on understanding the cultures of the different races and not politcal issues!
Dr. Khoo is only one person - but every long journey begins with but a single step, doesn't it?
Hot in here - Nelly
Dun be surprised if you take the tube today and see this:-
It was 31 degrees in London yesterday. Some of the tubes were reported to be 47 degrees on Monday!!!!! Read about it here. I heard it was close to 40 in the buses while it was 47 again on the tube yesterday. With the lines travelling underground and the millions of people going on it, it's no suprise to me. I walked - it was hot but much better than being stuck in the tube.
The problem is that today, London is forecasted to be 37 degrees. I shudder (irony intended) to think about how hot it'll be in the tube!
It was 31 degrees in London yesterday. Some of the tubes were reported to be 47 degrees on Monday!!!!! Read about it here. I heard it was close to 40 in the buses while it was 47 again on the tube yesterday. With the lines travelling underground and the millions of people going on it, it's no suprise to me. I walked - it was hot but much better than being stuck in the tube.
The problem is that today, London is forecasted to be 37 degrees. I shudder (irony intended) to think about how hot it'll be in the tube!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Outside - George Michael
I blogged bout me dilemma some time ago (read here) – Four-play or Jamie Cullum? I can’t afford going for both.
Well, I settled the problem – I went for both! For free! :-)
I went earlier to check out the place – and I found out that if I stood along the road outside the perimeter of the Tower of London, I’d get a good view of the stage – and the sound was pretty good too!
It wasn’t great – the sound of the cars behind me can be quite noisy at times. It got quite cold during Jamie’s concert too. And these 2 girls decided to stand next to me and have a long and loud conversation. But hey, it’s free! And I was closer to the stage than I was during Sam Hui’s concert at Bukit Jalil last year!!!!!!
Initially, I planned only to catch Four-play which was on Wednesday since Jamie’s concert was on Thursday and I was working for 7 hours that day.
I was late for Four-play’s concert (read why here) – and to my disbelief, they were only the opening act for Al Jarreau!!!!!! I thought they were performing wif him! So I only managed to catch the end of their performance – which was brilliant! Al Jarreau was disappointing, tho and I wondered if it was cuz of the sound system.
For some reason, me working hours on Thursday were cut short and I decided to go again to watch Jamie. It was worth it!
Jamie Cullum is so so good. And he sound exactly like he does on the CD – so it was not the sound system that was bad. I strongly believe that the best gauge of one’s singing ability is during a live performance – and Jamie passed wif flying colours!
His concert was exactly like how it always is – energetic and fun! At the start, he even took a jibe at the audience saying that if he were them, he’d join the people along the road outside and watch for free – and he pointed to us out at the back!
Jamie, did u see me wave at you when u pointed at us? I guess the chances of that are as low as the chances of you reading this-eh? Brilliant show, anyways! ;-)
There were 3 big screens oso and we could see his expressions! It was good. I stayed on til the end even if it meant that I missed me train and had to walk over an hour to get home. No regrets! :-)
p/s - a funny thing happened along the way home. As i walked thru the High Street near the disco, some guy came over and offered to swap his 3/4 pants wif me jeans and even throw in a fiver and a lighter!!!! It seems that he wasn't allowed into the disco without long pants. I politely refursed him, tho. Hey, this is me Tesco 3 quid jeans, ok?! :-P
Well, I settled the problem – I went for both! For free! :-)
I went earlier to check out the place – and I found out that if I stood along the road outside the perimeter of the Tower of London, I’d get a good view of the stage – and the sound was pretty good too!
It wasn’t great – the sound of the cars behind me can be quite noisy at times. It got quite cold during Jamie’s concert too. And these 2 girls decided to stand next to me and have a long and loud conversation. But hey, it’s free! And I was closer to the stage than I was during Sam Hui’s concert at Bukit Jalil last year!!!!!!
Initially, I planned only to catch Four-play which was on Wednesday since Jamie’s concert was on Thursday and I was working for 7 hours that day.
I was late for Four-play’s concert (read why here) – and to my disbelief, they were only the opening act for Al Jarreau!!!!!! I thought they were performing wif him! So I only managed to catch the end of their performance – which was brilliant! Al Jarreau was disappointing, tho and I wondered if it was cuz of the sound system.
For some reason, me working hours on Thursday were cut short and I decided to go again to watch Jamie. It was worth it!

His concert was exactly like how it always is – energetic and fun! At the start, he even took a jibe at the audience saying that if he were them, he’d join the people along the road outside and watch for free – and he pointed to us out at the back!
Jamie, did u see me wave at you when u pointed at us? I guess the chances of that are as low as the chances of you reading this-eh? Brilliant show, anyways! ;-)
There were 3 big screens oso and we could see his expressions! It was good. I stayed on til the end even if it meant that I missed me train and had to walk over an hour to get home. No regrets! :-)
p/s - a funny thing happened along the way home. As i walked thru the High Street near the disco, some guy came over and offered to swap his 3/4 pants wif me jeans and even throw in a fiver and a lighter!!!! It seems that he wasn't allowed into the disco without long pants. I politely refursed him, tho. Hey, this is me Tesco 3 quid jeans, ok?! :-P
Monday, July 17, 2006
Holiday - Madonna
Man, am i wasted. Was up at 6 this morning and worked for 7 hours plus!!! Last weekend, i worked 14 hours! I need a holiday!
This would be nice:-

With a choice of taking a nice bath indoors or under the blue skies!
This would be nice:-

With a choice of taking a nice bath indoors or under the blue skies!
But i guess me not so fortunate - not like me flatmates!!!!
Michael just got back from Berlin. Isabella and Chiaki got back from Switzerland a couple of weeks ago. Michelle visited a fren in Denmark last month. Carrie and Tom went to their respective homes for their hols and are back now. Sachin went to Cambridge to visit his relative there. Wei just left 2 days ago to go to Paris & Barcelona wif his girlfren. Ghisseh will be travelling up to Scotland in 2 weeks’ time wif some girlfrens.
Michael just got back from Berlin. Isabella and Chiaki got back from Switzerland a couple of weeks ago. Michelle visited a fren in Denmark last month. Carrie and Tom went to their respective homes for their hols and are back now. Sachin went to Cambridge to visit his relative there. Wei just left 2 days ago to go to Paris & Barcelona wif his girlfren. Ghisseh will be travelling up to Scotland in 2 weeks’ time wif some girlfrens.
Me? Well… I’ve been to London more times in these couple of weeks than I did from October to May! :-)
Decided against travelling during the Summer hols. Too hot, too expensive. In any event, wif a summer job and dissertation, I’m glad I’m not travelling much. Looking forward to backpacking in October wif me mates.
On top of that, am really glad to spend so much time in London. Really love that place! Thought I’ve seen it all – or most of it, anyways. But there is still so much more to see and do. Been to places that I’ve never been to, revisited some old favourites, caught up wif mates, eating loads of duck rice ;-P And i dun have to visit any place special! Being in London itself is special. Sometimes, just walking along the Thames or lying on the grass at South Kensington Park leaves me contented.
Check out here for pics of me visits to the various museums and galleries (V&A museum, British Museum, Natural History Museum, Science Museum, Tate Gallery) and other places like Portobello Road.
It’s funny how I feel so at home in London – more than here in Colchester. I guess it’s cuz London has always embraced me as one of its own!
Here in Colchester, due to the ridiculously high number of students from China, when people see me, the normal reaction is “Oh, another one of them China-students/chinks”. As they are so big in number, most of them jus hang out wif each other, live in their own small communities and speak in Mandarin all the time. It’s quite sad that after living here for years, most still can’t converse in English. I was chatting wif a girl from China the other day and she apologised for her not-so-good English, saying that it has been months since she actually had a conversation in English wif anyone!
But in London, due to the high number of immigrants and the metropolitan nature of London, coupled wif the fact that the Chinese (mainly from Hong Kong) had long been in London, I guess I blend in well. I dun dress like a tourist, nor do I walk around wif maps and Tube guides (some of me mates say that I have this arrogance in the way I walk!)! It’s funny how many times people have stopped me to ask for directions!
Yeah, it sure feels like home – without me family and mates, tho.
OK. Gotta rest. Day off tomorrow - yup, will be in London again! :-)
OK. Gotta rest. Day off tomorrow - yup, will be in London again! :-)
Pics obtained from the Four Seasons website
Sunday, July 16, 2006
My happy ending - Avril Lavigne
This is the new updated version of how Star Wars Episodes 4 and 6 ends!
Well, what can i say? Use your head, Luke! ;-P
OK. OK. A bit too lame? Watch this instead - how Episode 3 really ended. It's brilliant! (Shelby, it's worth the wait for it load!!! Patience, my young Padawan!)
It's Jimmy Fallon doing a parody of it in the MTV Movie Awards. Had me in stitches!
Well, what can i say? Use your head, Luke! ;-P
OK. OK. A bit too lame? Watch this instead - how Episode 3 really ended. It's brilliant! (Shelby, it's worth the wait for it load!!! Patience, my young Padawan!)
It's Jimmy Fallon doing a parody of it in the MTV Movie Awards. Had me in stitches!
For your eyes only - Sheena Easton

In the ad, these words appear in between scenes of Masidi talking and making a football out of maize, plastic bags and string:-
"England's football team is sponsored for 49 million pounds"
"Masidi is sponsored for 60p a day"
"Sometimes it doesn't take millions to make a real difference"*
"Masidi is sponsored for 60p a day"
"Sometimes it doesn't take millions to make a real difference"*
Unfortunately, the Broadcast Advertising Clearance Centre, the body responsible for approving television adverts, was of the view that this message of the tv ad is deemed "an unfair attack on football". The ad has been banned.
You however, can view it by going to this link here and watching the "60 Seconds Advert".
*if i was making the advert, i would have added "And in the case of the England's football team, spending millions still won't make a difference as was proven in World Cup 2006!"