Saturday, September 30, 2006
All by myself - Celine Dion
I really din want to.
O well...
The holiday was brilliant - and me took loads of pics - so be warned!
But more than just having an excellent time and not wanting it to end, i just din wanna come back to this place. It's like an empty shell now.
I'm the only person from Flat 11 (2005-2006) left in Rayleigh at this point of time. The rest have either moved off or gone away.
On Sunday nite, the few of us who were still around said our goodbyes to Lin Lin. She left for home on Monday. I was going away on Monday too. Michael was saying that after that nite, Flat 11 (2005-2006) officially has come to an end.
I guess in a way, it was fitting - Lin Lin was the very first person i met from Flat 11. So it is only right that the last person i bid farewell to was her.
I just got back a couple of hours ago - and i was surprised at how bad it hit me. Got emotional all over again - different places on campus brought back the memories, memories of a wonderful time which seem like a lifetime away. Not just me flatmates - me other mates, me lil sister, me coursemates...
Well, we did have the time of our lives during the summer - and i guess that while things will never be the same again, i can always look back and say "At least we had that summer together".
Labels: friends, Life, memories
Monday, September 25, 2006
Into the West - Annie Lennox
I'll be heading west, to Bristol, then to Wales! Yeah, going to Wales was one of the must-do things - it's cuz the last time I was here, i din go there. After more than 12 years, looks like i finally will!
The best thing bout this trip is that everything is so uncertain! Cool! We just got our bus tickets to Bristol. From then on, it's all playing by ear. And i dun even know when i'll be back! When i feel like it. When i feel ready!
So not many posts to be expected in these coming days.
Just to end off wif a clip i stumbled upon accidentally - brilliant female vocalist, acoustic guitars! I'm a fan now! Enjoy.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Hero - Enrique Iglesias
It's a small little quiet place - used to be the hang-out for postmen. The main attraction now is the special wall set up to remember acts of heroism. describes it as "[t]he brainchild of painter and philanthropist G F Watts, the park’s centrepiece is a sheltered wall, embossed with hand-lettered Royal Doulton tiles, each one commemorating amazing acts of bravery. Time taken reading each plaque (many of which have stunning Art Nouveau borders), following each tragic yet inspiring tale, is time well spent".
Everyone loves a hero. Many still wait for their hero to come and save them.
I've had had the privillege of knowing so many heroes in me life - and sometimes, they are just ordinary people, people who just come up when the day is bad and gives a me a smile - and then i feel like i can face the world, like i can do anything!
Be a hero to someone today!
*While i enjoyed watching the movie, i was pretty disgusted at how "love" was potrayed - that's not love. That's lust! The only person who exhibited true love was the stripper!!!!
Labels: Inspiration, Movie, Travel
Another suitcase in another hall - Madonna
Moved out twice in the space of 1 week. Am now officially out of Flat 11 of Rayleigh Tower.
The first time was difficult - the second was surprisingly easy. It helped when i woke up that day in an almost empty flat.
I know it's so cliched but truly, a house is not a home. I dun miss the Flat itself - cuz the people are no longer there. I miss the people tho.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
I could have danced all night - Jamie Cullum
See me like you've never seen me before (and most prolly never ever will again!).
Be warned - not for the faint-hearted nor for closed-minded brethrens... ;-P
p/s - Shelby, trust me - this video is worth your time and effort to wait for it to load!
Friday, September 22, 2006
Save the best for last - Vanessa Williams

Last nite was one of those times.
The food was excellent. Almost everyone chipped in - there were so much food that no one hardly touched the rice. My fusion dishes were a hit! A Malaysian Thai chicken curry and and modified "kung poe" chicken. :-)
We were entertained by my huge playlist - which satisfied everyone - first we had the Chinese selection when the Chinese girls went crazy over Jackie Cheung. Later we had of my favs - Queen, Beatles, Matchbox 20, Oasis, Britney Spears(!), and finally, some real "party" music to groove and dance wif!
We just went crazy - screaming, shouting, talking at the top of our voices, breaking out into songs. Then i started dancing on the bench and everyone soon joined me - we did some synchronised dancing up there. Sachin and Chiaki did a brilliant duet robot dance. We would have gone on the table if the ceiling wasn't so low!
I could have danced all nite...
It would be our final party in the flat - and everyone agreed it was the best. I guessed we just saved the best for last.
The highlight was when we surprised Song Ke with a birthday cake. We had to use our creativity, making a candle out of a disposable chopstick, distract her with crazy antics. She din suspect a thing cuz we had been so crazy all nite anyway. When we finally got the cake out and sang to her, she was so touched that she actually broke down and cried!!!!
But after that, the festivities continued! :-)
Good food, excellent music, great company, wonderful fun! I shud consider changing line and going into event management! ;-P
All in all, a fitting finale. I'll be moving out of Flat 11 today for good. I'll miss the place.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Why do fools fall in love? - Diana Ross
Story #1
Fletch liked Jenny a lot. He pursued her relentlessly. No doubt she was flattered. She finally gave in to his charms - and his... erm... demands.
No sooner than that happenned, Fletch turned cold towards her. He soon set his sights on another girl. Jenny was devastated. More than that, actually - she had a mental breakdown. She couldn't continue her stuides and had to return to her home country.
Story #2
David was smitten over Suzie. If anyone had ever fallen for a girl, it was not as close as how David fell. Heads over heels doesn't even begin to describe his feelings for her.
His flatmates all know about it. Everyone knew about it. Everyone but Suzie...
But David was too scared to "make a move". He kept getting mixed signals from her. He procrastinated.
Now it's too late. Suzie has left - and David will just have to get on life knowing he'll never see her again - and wonder "What if...".
Story #3
Cassie broke up wif her boyfren of many years. Apparently, since being here, the guy started seeing someone else.
Cassie thought to herself - if he can do that why can't i?
Now, Kevin is in her life - he's like a sweet little puppy dog! He follows her wherever she goes, he jumps when she tells him to.
"Kevin's just a fren".
Riiiiiight..... frens sleep together...
Story #4
Shelly has been going out with Ritchie like for so long. And just like Cassie, she claims that he's just a fren. She recently met Jude and they hit off really well. Until Jude found out bout Ritchie.
Shelly insists that Ritchie is just a fren - but she cant stop seeing him, nor tell him about Jude.
I can go on...
Really depressing stories, aren't they? But each time i am confronted with such stories, i think of Wei and Linda (real names!!!!). To some of us, they are the perfect couple! :-)
It's such a joy to see them together - two wonderful people, in love wif each other.
Wei is the nicest guy in me flat. Altho he doesnt say much, he doesn't have to. The look on his face, his dimpled smile, his easy-going manner, his responsilbility won us all over and over again! In fact, there was only one incident when Wei actually got angry - and we still laugh over it! Mind you, Wei's anger is really really mild!!! It was more of a shrug, a shake of his head and a sigh!
Linda on the other hand makes up for Wei's quiet ways. No, she is not not noisy - but she is certainly chatty. There is never a moment's silence wif her around - and i mean that in a nice way. She is so frenly and open - and always ready with a nice hearty laugh. She is just so full of life.
Put them together and you get a couple that dreams are made of!
I've been blessed just being their fren and seeing them together - and no matter how many horror stories i hear of relationships which caused so much heartache, Wei and Linda reminds me always that there is still hope for real love!
Let me end wif one story Linda told us the other day - i'm always a sucker for love stories and i was pressing her for some juicy details! She told us of one incident when she was returning to her hometown via train. The train makes a short stop at Wei's town - just a couple of minutes or so. But Wei was there, waiting for her. It may have been 2 or 3 minutes, and she prolly couldn't get off the train but it must have been special - and she still remembers that incident.
Come on, altogether now - "Aww.... so sweet".
Miss you guys! Take care.
Let me let go - Faith Hill
But Clark, what if one does not want to let go????
Beautiful - Christina Aguilera
Alonso's goal
One night in Bangkok - Phil Collins
I followed the news (belatedly, now that i dun have internet connection in me room... heck, i dun even have a room to call me own!!!) with some concern.
Sure, many Thais are glad that Thaksin is out. Even the King of the land has given his blessings to Sonthi.
But - correct me if i'm wrong - weren't the elections scheduled to be held in October or November this year?
As a lawyer and a student of human rights (hopefully an activist, soon), i am concern over the hijacking of democracy in that one fateful night in Bangkok.
Ideally, if the people were not happy with the government - and/or the PM -, they should voice it thru the next election. Ousting him by force does not reflect democracy.
What is causing greater concern is that while Thaksin was allegedly ousted for his corrupt practices, Sonthi has announced that the next elections will only be held next year and that the new constitution will be ready also by that time. So in the meantime, there will not be a democratically elected government running the country? Worst of all, there is no constitution????? What is wrong with the previous one? (the last question is asked out of ignorance. Can anybody enlighten me?)
It worries me - but then again, i am a worrier.
At least that fateful nite in Bangkok was also a bloodless nite. Let's hope and pray that it remains that way.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
No need to argue - The Cranberries
These were the words quoted by the Pope last week which caused anger among people of a certain faith. So are the quoted words true?
Let's look at the response. It has been varied but this caught me eye today:-
Militants vow war, Vatican tries to calm Pope row
By Stephen Brown and Philip Pullella
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Al Qaeda militants in Iraq vowed war on "worshippers of the cross" and protesters burned a papal effigy on Monday over Pope Benedict's comments on Islam, ...
In Somalia, an Italian nun was killed on Sunday in an attack one Islamist source said could be linked to the dispute.
Res ipsa loquitor.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Goodbye Alice in Wonderland - Jewel
What a journey it has been! :-)
p/s - I've officially moved out from me room. Will have to now blog from the PC labs so that means very few photos from now on. However, I'll be "squatting" in Rayleigh for a bit more before moving to London next month - unless i get employment here.
Wishing you were somehow here again - Sarah Brightman
wishing you were somehow near
Sometimes it seemed if I just dreamed,
somehow you would be here
Wishing I could hear your voice again
knowing that I never would...
Sunday, September 17, 2006
The gift - Jim Brickman

But me not the only one! Everyone else is packing now.
Anyways, back to the Christmas-sy feeling. I guess it must be a Chinese culture thingy cuz the flat mates from China have been giving everyone farewell gifts! In fact, just as i was doing this post, Di came over and passed me something!
So i've been busy - not buying stuffs, but me decided to do rely on me creative side. Hehehe. Me have been folding little green origami piggies!!!! Yeah, just like back home in M'sia when i'd be busy making bookmarks on X'mas eve!
Some of the gifts are really nice - like the one on the right. Me mate actually got someone to buy it from Shanghai especially for me!!!! 8 little doggies - go here to see close-ups of them!
So this is it! Our life here is drawing to a close. This morning, after sending off Linda, i noticed that some leaves have oredi changed colour! Autumn is coming fast! Liverpool lost to Chelsea today - and i remembered that on the day when i first got here last year, Chelsea thrashed Liverpool 4-1!
The circle is complete. The end is here. A new beginning beckons. It has been really hard and painful to say goodbye. But in a weird way, i should be thankful that it's like that instead of a feeling of joy and relief. It's only painful because i've had had some amazing experiences! After all, saying goodbye to someone who is not special never hurts.
Thank you, Lord!
I will survive - Cake
So this will be a photo-less post* - altho i wished i could post some up!
It's over - Saturday the 16th is over. I had anticipated it to be the hardest day - and as usual, when it comes to bad things, i'm seldom wrong! But the fact that i'm here blogging about it in the wee hours of Sunday morning is proof that i had survived it!
But it sure din seem that way early in the morning. It was just exactly like how i feared - and even worse!
But somehow, as the day progressed, things got better. In fact, at some points, it had been a pretty brilliant day! Thank God for activities to keep me busy. We finally played with the (green - naturally) frisbee - outside (we played it along the corridors of the halls the other day). I bought the frisbee in early summer but somehow, we never got to play it - til yesterday. There were only the 3 of us, tho - and while i impressed wif me one handed catch technic, i suck at throwing the frisbee long distance! But still, we had an absolutely brilliant time. :-)
Then later in the nite, Linda - Wei's girlfren - cooked dinner for us. The food was really good (prawns! *drools*) - and we had wine and whiskey too. But the best was just having a sit down dinner together, talking and laughing away.
So while it was a difficult time - actually the most difficult time so far - the hours passed by quickly.
And the good thing is that i know if i managed to go thru yesterday, i will survive the coming 17 days or so. Then, there is one day which could rival yesterday. But til then, i will survive! Thank God!
*I'm back in me room and discovered the internet is back on - which explains the photos added in! :-)
Saturday, September 16, 2006
When I see you smile - Bad English
Wow, so brilliant! I really like the idea behind it. It's so cool. A look at Clark Kent when he's a teenager, how he comes to terms with who he is. To me, so far at least, it just doesn't have the humour and wittiness of Buffy. But in the other areas, it is excellent! Again, the baddies in each episodes are not the main attraction - but rather, the relationships! Clark wif his parents, wif Lex, and wif Lana.
Lana.... *swoons*
So sad cuz we all know Clark never ends up wif Lana...
I found this video of one of me all time fav songs (altho the original version by Bad English is nicer) which shows clips from Smallville. Enjoy!
When I see you smile
Friday, September 15, 2006
You've got a friend - Carole King
I chatted wif me "mamak-kaki" mate again - the second time in this week. The thing about it was that the last time i spoke to him was some time last year! Yet, when i called him again this week, we just picked up where we left off - the months just melted away and altho he was in his house while i sat in the sun next to the lake, it was no different than when we sat in the mamak stall behind his house like we always did in the months before i came over here.
It just feels so liberating to talk so freely about anything and everything! And he'd laugh at me, scold me, mock me - and we'd laugh over it! I'd do the same to him too. And i know i can count on him to give me his honest opinion - even if it's not wat i want to hear. And i really appreciate that!
The second incident was when i discovered another mate being absolutely hypocritical! I was so disgusted over the whole thing. She criticised people about things that she herself did!
I was thinking about how i should tell her about it... and you know wat? I can't! I'm usually a non-confrontational person. It would be difficult for me to tell her about it. So i've decided to just let it slip...
I guess this speaks of the depth of frenship between us - and wat kind of fren i am to her. :-(
Always on my mind - Willie Nelson
Damien Rice - The blower's daughter
OK, OK, OK - i confess, it's not for you - just using u as an excuse.... :-P
Fallen - Lauren Wood
Blackberries are growing wild all over the place. Yet, only few actually take the trouble to pluck them.
But i got a feeling that if the blackberries were placed in a nice huge bowl and left on the table in the common room with a sign that says "Don't take", the berries will be gone in no time. Agree?
Is a forbidden fruit more tantalising than those which are free?
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Life - Des'ree
What a feeling - Irene Cara
Taxi fare (one way) - £7.50
Choc chip muffin - £0.99
The look of joy on me mate's face when she fed the giraffe - Priceless!
Check out pics of the animals at the Colchester Zoo here, here, here and here.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
I'll be okay - Amanda Marshall
I'm actually losing sleep over it. Having really bad dreams. Like earlier, i dreamt that i was leaving saying goodbye to everyone. It was so real... Couldn't get back to sleep after that.
But one thing i'm sure of - when the time comes to actually go, i'll be strong and i'll be alrite.
It was the same last year - yeah, exactly one year ago, when i was preparing to leave home. The thought of leaving really killed me back then. I wondered how i'll pull it thru. Somehow, when the day came, it was easier than expected. I guess i've had too many dress rehearsals in me life...
I'm like that - it's like the stress i go thru before an exam, or in preparation of a Court case. But the moment i sit down and start writing out the answer, the moment i stand up and address the Court, adrenalin takes over - and i actually enjoy it!
Well, i dun think i'll be enjoying saying the goodbyes - but i'm sure i'll be O.K. when the time comes - it's the times before and after it that will kill me...
Nothing is so good it lasts eternally
Perfect situations must go wrong
But this has never yet prevented me
Wanting far too much for far too long
B Andersson/T Rice/B Ulvaeus
Never had a dream come true - S Club 7
Like yesterday. :-)
Thank you, Lord. I dun deserve it. Thank you.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
With a little help from my friends - The Beatles
Just thought i'd take a moment to say cheers to me mates who have helped out. For those back home, me ex-Uni mates, Stephan and Ling, and a big shout out to Lee Saan who was a massive huge help!!!! And to Jee Lee for the NUS referrals!
To me mates here - they are truly a fine example of positive peer pressure. They worked hard, hardly procrastinate and put me to shame with their dilligence.
And to all of you there who gave encouragement and said prayers for me!
It's over!
p/s - had a wonderful time yesterday chatting wif me "Mamak-kaki" mate back home. I was lying on the grass in the sun next to the lake and we - one high-flying litigator, one ex-high flying litigator - chatted like 2 teenage guys!!!! It was fun, wif all the accents, the cantonese, breaking out into song, the jokes. Somehow, when i talk to him, i feel pretty uninhibited - he's one that knows the worst of me! Cheers, mate! And thanks for the advice + the kick in the butt!
Monday, September 11, 2006
You'll never walk alone - Gerry and the Pacemakers
Still you're there right beside me
And nothing will I fear, as long as you are near
Please be near me to the end
Michael W. Smith & Amy Grant

Thy word is a lamp unto feet, and a light unto my path
Ps 119v105
Saturday, September 09, 2006
朋友 - Alan Tam
I have fans!!!!! ;-P
No surprise that me flatmates from China have not heard of the song before but they all liked it. They asked for more *beams wif pride* but i sent them away to finsih their dissertation so that we can have more free time next week.
Ah... friends! Truly, thank God for them.
Here's a tribute to some of them - i finally got this photo after more than 4 months! Yup, it was Paris in Spring this year.
Stay for a while - Amy Grant
I was going to the laundary with a bag load of clothes when i met Natsuki at the door. We stood there for an hour or so and chatted away.
I went over to the South Courts to get something from Hong - and we stood under her flat and - yes, chatted away for an hour or so.
I was going to Tesco and saw me flatmate, Michael coming back. Yes, under the nice bright sun, we chatted away by road side - i even sat down on the pavement at one point, until Michael realised that his milk was under the sun all the while!

But now, everyone is actually taking the time to stop, to really look at each other, and to actually listen to wat we are saying.
I kinda wished that it has been like this from the start - but i know tt's not possible. The year has been crazy - really busy with studies. No one could afford an hour just standing around chatting. There were classes to attend, books to borrow, research to do, discussions to have, seminars to prepare for.
Still, that's not to say that we are so much freer now. There's much work to do for our dissertations and projects (even tho some have finshed early - woohoo!). Sure, we have been freed from lectures and seminars but i believe we are realising that the end is drawing near. And sure, our studies are important, but people are too - perhaps even more.
The realisation may have come too little too late - but better late than never, dun u think?
I'll have to always remind meself that no matter how busy i am, it is always important to take time to stop, to look and to listen.
Friday, September 08, 2006
It's over - Lisa Loeb
No staying up the night before the dateline, being stressed, working thru the nite, rushing to get it printed and bound in the early hours of the morning and sprinting to the office to hand it in with just seconds to spare.
Nosiree! In fact, for the first time in my life, i'm actualy gonna spend some time to re-read me essay before handing it up - and not serve it fresh from the oven like all the previous times.
I'm really thankful cuz this being prolly the last ever essay i'll do in me life for personal studies, at least i've proven to meself that i can actually finish me work well before time and not leave it til the last minute, literally. By God's grace, of course.
Still... it's weird how empty i feel... :-( After completing me work in the Labs last nite, i wandered aimlessly around the campus, enjoying the solitude that one gets at 4 am, the cool air, the brilliant full moon, clear skies with stars... and i felt sad.
It's over isn't it?
I should be happy. I can now find time to smell the flowers, enjoy the sunsets, live life... but haven't i been doing that all this while?
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Hero - Mariah Carey
Somehow, doing a post on heroes is so much straightforward. No surprises to most of you that this little lady here wins it hands down:-
I just completed the final 7th season last weekend (which explains why me dissertation is still not completed yet....). I guess i'll leave it to another post on why i think Buffy the Vampire Slayer is prolly the best TV series ever - for me, anyways!
But as for heroes - and here, i'm talking about real heroes! To me, Buffy is the epitome of TV and movie heroes! She is strong, clever, resourceful, witty, pretty... what more can u ask for???
What really impresses me is the self-sacrificing nature that she possesses.
Trust me, in 7 seasons, there were so many times when i couldn't stand her. But then i had to remember that she was just a teenager, wanting so hard to just be a normal girl, join the cheerleaders, be the homecoming queen, be loved by her parents, be accepted by her peers. For those of you who still remember, the burden one carries during the teenage years is heavy - so you can imagine how much more heavier it gets when you add to it the burden of saving the world!!!!!
I liked the way how they showed her fragility in the later seasons, how she gets beaten up by the vamps, how she gets cheated in love, how she messes up things in her life, makes mistakes, how she struggles wif her home responsibilities - and yet, she never loses her focus. She is, after all, the Chosen One.
She doesn't seek for glory, she doesn't want recognition. Yet she gives and gives without asking much in return. She gave up her teenage life, she gave up her studies, she gave up her lover, she gave up her life - and when she was finally in peace, she gave that up because her friends needed her back.
One of the many hero defining moments to me must be at the end of season 2 - when she was faced with the prospect of having to kill Angel in order to save the world. The other of course is at the end of season 5 when she finally understands what is meant when the first slayer told her that her gift is death.
Yup, that's wat a hero is - not there for the glory, not there for any self-gain, but always giving, and giving and giving, never asking for anything in return.

Jack's defining moment? End of season 4 when they faked his death and he walked away from his life - the just rewards for the guy who saved the world over and over and over again.
On a amusing/ironic note, i couldn't help but laugh when another name came up in the running for the coveted spot - Spike!!!!! Ironic cuz he was the no. 1 villian in me Villians' post! When i did the Villians' post, i was only at season 3 of Buffy where he was the bad guy. But things changed so much in the subsequent seasons - it would be pretty cool to have him to be the best Villian and the the best Hero, won't it?

Let me end wif one of Spike's defining moment - of course at the end of season 7, when he becomes the Champion! He became the conduit where the sun rays were channeled to kill off all the ubervamps, killing him at the same time. Buffy comes up to him, holds his hand and after all the denying and shadow playing, she looks him in the eye and tells him that she loves him.
In typical Spike fashion, he replied, "No, you don't. But thanks for saying it." And then as the cave starts to collapse, he tells Buffy, "Now go".
After she leaves, he grins and says, "I want to see how it ends!"
Cool. I must get a leather jacket...
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Lost in your eyes - Debbie Gibson
I'm so gonna miss that...
Gone - N'Sync

I miss not seeing you the first thing every morning.
I miss the feeling that i know u'll be with me every where i go.
I miss the way you caress the back of me neck.
I miss the way how you lightly stroke my cheeks to remind me that u're there.
I miss how you keep me warm in those cold nites.
I miss you...
But all good things have to come to an end - and i had to leave me hair on the floor of a hair salon in Chinatown on Monday. Yes, in case some of you are wondering, me hair knew i was going for a haircut - and after the weekend of nightmare bad hair, i was having a super good hair day again!!!!! But i stood firm this time.
So here's the result:-
It was quite a nostalgic experience as the lady cutting me hair was a Malaysian and recognised me accent immediately! We were chatting away - the usual small talk they make wif you when u get a haircut. I was also surprised at how calm i was thruout the whole episode - altho i realised later that i was gripping rather tightly on the seat's arm.
I kinda like it, tho. Nice change. It was like an Ally McBeal experience as i walked out of the salon, everything turned slo-mo, the gentle breeze lightly caressing me short locks, people walking by all turned to look at me - girls in admiration and guys in envy, of course... hehehe. Of course that din happen but if i did have an Ally experience, a car would prolly speed by and splash water all over me and i stood posing there!
Some of you may also have been thinking that i've become a narcissist lately, wif all the pics of me posted. No... well, yes... i mean, i always liked having long hair and i know that i'll prolly never have hair like this anymore. So i've been chronicle-ling (is there such a word?) it's growth! But be thankful cuz now wif me hair looking like every other chinese guy around, you'll be spared from pics of me!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday - Boyz II Men
To me, there's never any "goodbye"s - just "see ya"s. "Goodbye"s are too final. "See ya" has a temporal feel about it, and sorta like making an informal contract that we will meet up again. Parting with the sense of knowing that it is only for a short time has helped me deal with the countless of partings i had to go thru in me short life here.
So why can't i do that again? After all, we are in the 21st century. Travel around the world has never been easier (and expensive too!!!!!). Communication has improved by leaps and bounds in the past 10 years. As Natsuki said, we are Human Rights activists and therefore, we will up again in the future somewhere in the world.
The answer struck me yesterday - of why i'm reacting like this.
It's September.
September is the month when we celebrate Shona and Hollie's birthdays.
I loved them. When i had to leave Barking years ago, it was hardest to say goodbye to them - but it was made so much easier cuz i was positive that i'd be back there again, soon, to see them again.
As some of you know, i never saw them again*. The "see ya" said to them on one cold October Sunday morning in 1994 was never fulfilled. The "see ya" was in fact the final goodbye. I can still remember the sad look in Hollie's eyes as she walked out of the door while i waved at her, with a stupid smug smile on me face which was a result of a dumb over-confidence that i'll be seeing her again.
I guess that's wat makes goodbyes and farewells and see yas so much harder these days. I can't help but have this horrible thought inside me that that would be the last time i hear their voice, see their smile, enjoy their laugh, feel their touch.
p/s - many said goodbye to Steve "Croc Hunter" Irwin yesterday and today, we remember the brilliant Freddie Mercury who passed away today in 1991. Life is fragile....
Take a bow - Madonna
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances
William Shakespeare (From "As you like it")
We had our farewell dinner for Flat 11, Rayleigh Tower 2006 last weekend. Aptly, we had it at this place called "The Playhouse". It used to be a real Playhouse but is now converted into a bar cum restaurant.
Our table was set up right in the middle of wat used to be the stage. The dress circle of the old Playhouse was retained and was decorated with mannequins, watching us on the stage. I was telling the rest that we should all take a bow before we took our seats.
It was a wonderful night. It was the night to remember our "entrances" into each other's lives, and to sombrely look towards the impending "exits" that we'll make. Each person seated around that table had played a significant part in the story of my life here in Rayleigh Tower.
Cheers, guys. You all deserve a standing ovation.
The Great Pretender - The Platters
A pic of the National Gallery taken from Trafalgar Square. Now what so special about it?
Well.... nothing! The pic was taken as part of a "cover-up" scheme! ;-P
I was at the National Gallery when i noticed the sun coming out. Knowing that it would mean good photo opportunities, i went down to the square and hung around. Man, there were loads of kids around - and i decided to do a "series" on kids at the Trafalgar Square!
It was quite fun, actually. The kids really knew how to have a good time, chasing pigeons, clambering on the lions in the square, feeding the birds etc. And then i noticed this little fella fast asleep on his/her dad's shoulders - so i sneaked up behind the dad and took a pic:-
I think humans have this 6th sense that tells them when people take photos of them surreptitiously! He turned around almost immediately - and saw me, wif the camera still aiming in their direction!
Cool as cucumber, i made a great show of trying to focus me camera at the National Gallery behind them. He quickly moved away - prolly afraid of this possible paedophile trying to snap pics of his kids. Just to assure him i was harmless, i snapped the pic of the Gallery...
Needless to say, that was the last kids pic i took!
Anyways, check them out here.
Monday, September 04, 2006
You've got a friend - Carole King
My Savior’s love to me;
Love to the loveless shown,
That they might lovely be.
O who am I, that for my sake
My Lord should take, frail flesh and die?
He came from His blest throne
Salvation to bestow;
But men made strange, and none
The longed for Christ would know:
But O! my Friend, my Friend indeed,
Who at my need His life did spend.
Here might I stay and sing,
No story so divine;
Never was love, dear King!
Never was grief like Thine.
This is my Friend, in Whose sweet praise
I all my days could gladly spend.
Samuel Crossman
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Negative energy - Debbie Gibson
So is the bottle half empty or half full?

The irony about the whole thing is that she has been around all his life - but it is only in recent months when they began to get to know each other better!
It was interesting to see the response - me, the pessimist was moaning on how they have missed each other for the greater part of their lives. Me mate, on the hand, the optimist was of the view that it's wonderful that they could at least spend their twilight years together.
So wat about u? Half full or half-empty?
p/s - On the happier note, i noticed that i'm beginning to have a more optimistic outlook on things. It's 2 weeks before we leave - and time spent wif mates are becoming more precious. So the short 3 mins burst of conversation before rushing off is appreciated even tho i could moan about how we could have been spending an hour or so if we din have the dissertation looming over us.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
All by myself - Celine Dion
When Judy called me last week to work some hours this week, i found it really hard not to think of the 6.34 quid an hour. After agreeing to work 8 hours shifts on both Thursday and Friday, she informed me that it'll be dishwashing at the Blues Cafe. I regretted immediately and thankfully decided against working during the weekend too!
Man, it was really bad. I truly regretted it. For one, i had to "reset" me biological clock to wake up for the 8 am shift - which i failed to do.
Secondly, it was super boring!!!!!!! You know the saying "Watching paint dry"? Well, that's a pretty apt description of wat i was doing. No joke.
There were moments when i just leaned by the counter (there wasn't even a chair in the dishwashing area to sit on!) and watch the plates dry off before stacking them and sending them back out again!!!!! No, wasn't being lazy. There wasn't much work to do in the mornings. So i just stood around the dishwashing area and stared into space!
At least at Food-on-3, there are always loads of people around to chat and joke wif, there is always work to do - and time passes so much faster that way.
Being the Blues Cafe instead, there was very minimal staff around - at times, it was just me in the dishwashing and Kylie at the front counter. So no chatting around too!
Thank God that while staring into space, i finally found the radio which was hidden out of sight. So i had SGR Colchester to keep me company - and made the whole thing more bearable! Yeah, i was like singing crazily at the top of me voice, falsetto and all, dancing and whirling around...
I can't remember being so bored before for such a long time! It din help that i had so few hours of sleep.
It was pretty sad, really. None of me "casual staff" mates were around. There i was, in the dishwashing area alone when familiar songs are played over the air and the wonderful memories of the fun we had in that very area came back.
On top of it all, i could have spent the time doing me dissertation or hanging out wif me mates. Instead, i sat on Square 4 all alone staring into the sky during me breaks and had lunches on me own. By the time i finished, i was too exhausted (yes, from watching plates dry - no seriously, it gets crazy from 1:30 pm onwards when ALL the stufss come in, including from Sizzlers, another restaurant on campus. When it rains, it pours!) and spend the rest of the evening watching Buffy.
Last nite, the internet connection went off in the halls... and i felt really so crippled without it. Couldn't check mail, couldn't blog, couldn't suft, couldn't read news.... I'm in the Labs now. The bad news is that since its the weekend, the problem may not be solved til next week. *sigh*
On the bright note, we are having our farewell dinner tonite! :-) Gonna be loads of fun - and pics too! Something to look forward to.